Video gam­ing and Social Net­wor­king May Help Stop HIV in At-Risk Gay Guys


Pho­to: Jona­than Kitchen/Getty Images

Even after the peak for the Ame­ri­can




is still an issue among homo­se­xu­al males, who hap­pen to be dia­gno­sed with the con­di­ti­on for a pri­ce “more than 40 ins­tances that fema­les and more than 44 times com­pared to dif­fe­rent guys,” as a
pre­vious paper
for the

Dia­ry of Health Web Rese­arch

explains. The report, a stu­dy of seve­ral tech-dri­ven stra­te­gies to lower the rate of


in this at-risk popu­lace, fac­tors toward the next gene­ra­ti­on of (ide­al­ly) effi­ci­ent


The­re are some inte­res­t­ing choices in the off­ing, sin­ce research’s
press release explains

One enter­tai­ning web­site, Sex­pul­se, crea­ted by medi­cal rese­ar­chers and com­pu­ter boff­ins to tar­get guys whom find sexu­al lovers on the inter­net, effec­tively redu­ced ris­ky sexu­al beha­vi­ors. Ano­ther web­site, Keep It Up! (


), used games in lowe­ring cos­ts of unpro­tec­ted rec­tal inter­cour­se. A third initia­ti­ve, a down­loa­da­ble video game, aided miti­ga­te embar­rass­ment thought by some men who pos­sess gen­der with males, though the reduc­tion in ris­ky sexu­al beha­vi­or was not mathe­ma­ti­cal­ly


The chall­enge the fol­lo­wing is signi­fi­cant­ly less about

exact­ly what

mes­sa­ge to deli­ver, sin­ce the basics of how




work have-been rather well-publi­ci­zed at this stage, than simp­le tips to deli­ver it, sin­ce sim­ply dis­cus­sing that a beha­vi­or is actual­ly hazar­dous might be per­haps not ade­qua­te to chan­ge


You need to explain that this does not just app­ly at gay guys; peo­p­le par­ti­ci­pa­te in all sorts of ris­ky habits, from sub­s­tance abu­se to overea­ting to smo­king to using seden­ta­ry life­styl­es, despi­te having been advi­sed they tru­ly are unsafe. That’s why the ques­ti­on of ways to get peo­p­le to gene­ra­te bet­ter choices is a mas­si­ve area of con­cern for public-health rese­ar­chers — making a fruitful beha­vi­or input may be an extre­me­ly chal­len­ging action to take. (we’­re going to end up being pos­ting a leng­thi­er, more detail­ed artic­le about this sub­ject


Pro­ba­b­ly the most bene­fi­ci­al stra­te­gies logi­cal­ly tar­get social sup­port sys­tems â€” peer force can influence united sta­tes in man­ners addi­tio­nal is attrac­ti­ve usual­ly don’t. It was bor­ne in the


On social net­works such fb and Twit­ter, popu­lar indi­vi­du­als can dis­tri­bu­te


‑pre­ven­ti­on mes­sa­ges their bud­dies and fans. The sha­ring of info about


scree­ning via respec­ted sources on a social net­wor­king appeared to increase demands for


test­ing sys­tems, one stu­dy dis­co­ver­ed. Ano­ther learn unear­thed that making use of opi­ni­on lea­ders to share


‑pre­ven­ti­on details via social net­wor­king sites may increase scree­ning pri­ces and bols­ter con­dom uti­li­ze during anal sex with lovers loca­ted

using the inter­net.

It real­ly is a very odd quirk of real human reaso­ning that pre­sen­ta­ti­on the same old infor­ma­ti­on in a slight­ly various means can cau­se far bet­ter out­co­mes. Lucki­ly, spe­cia­lists are start­ing to capi­ta­li­ze on

