Mar­ria­ge Tra­di­ti­ons That Bring Luck to Your Word­wi­de Mar­ria­ge


Wed­dings are usual­ly about like, but they’­re also a big orga­niza­ti­on deal. Actual­ly in the old days of arran­ged part­ner­ships, bri­des had been quite prac­ti­cal­ly han­ded over for their new hus­bands, often in exch­an­ge for a hef­ty dowry! The­se days, many cou­ples choo­se not to see each other on their wed­ding day — but some per­form, and the­re is cer­tain­ly ple­nty of expl­ana­ti­ons why!

One of the very most fun wed­ding par­ty tra­di­ti­ons is nor­mal­ly jum­ping over the broom. This habit is a throw­back towards the era of slavery, and it repres­ents the couple’s com­mit­ment to start a new life coll­ec­tively.

An alter­na­ti­ve cus­tom that’s rather sexy is a kis­sing feast day, in which the cou­ple locks lip area and con­ta­ins hands for 3 minu­tes. That is desi­gned to bring all the best to the couple’s mar­ria­ge, and this usual­ly takes place at the end on the night, just befo­re ever­yo­ne brain home.

The hoop bea­rer is usual­ly tas­ked with deli­ve­ring the rings to the new­ly­weds, and they’­re pre­dic­ted to beco­me extra very careful becau­se in the event the ring drops for the flo­or it could bad luck! If you want to add a litt­le extra pro­tec­tion, con­sider taping cash or maga­zi­ne char­ges to the hoop bearer’s dres­ses.

Cou­ples fol­low the Vic­to­ri­an cus­tom of wea­ring or car­ry­ing a thing with “some­thing old, some­thing total­ly new, some­thing lent, the other blue” during their wed­ding cerem­o­ny. But once you’­re not a fan of the idea, feel free to vary your work­out — you will dis­co­ver all sorts of dif­fe­rent crea­ti­ve methods to bring luck on your big day.

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