Monthly Archives: August 2020

26 CFR § 1 174–4 Tre­at­ment as defer­red expen­ses. Elec­tro­nic Code of Fede­ral Regu­la­ti­ons e‑CFR LII Legal Infor­ma­ti­on Insti­tu­te

Howe­ver, the inher­ent assump­ti­on within US GAAP is that the repor­ted amounts of assets and lia­bi­li­ties will be reco­ver­ed and sett­led, respec­tively. Thus, the only ques­ti­on is when, not whe­ther, the defer­red tax lia­bi­li­ty will rever­se. Once the com­pa­ny con­su­mes or recei­ves the pro­duct or ser­vices from the sup­pli­er, it can remo­ve the defer­red expen­se […]