Monthly Archives: März 2021

Is the­re a good accoun­ting firm for start­ups?

And remem­ber, you’re not just out­sour­cing tasks—you’re part­ne­ring with someone who’s going to help dri­ve your busi­ness for­ward. We work with thou­sands of start­ups and small busi­nesses, ran­ging from two foun­ders in a gara­ge to hundred-per­­son teams. We are a team of CFOs, Accoun­tants, Inves­tors & Entre­pre­neurs with a vast under­stan­ding of start­up finan­ce, accoun­ting […]

Accoun­ting Restau­rant Back Office Soft­ware

With CSto­re­Of­fice® report­ing, you are bet­ter able to track lot­tery shrink, while also moni­to­ring sales, cash, inven­to­ry and sett­le­ment reports. Shrink is moni­to­red through seri­al num­ber track­ing from a full pack down to the last ticket sold. Seattle’s restau­rant indus­try is poi­sed for a seis­mic shift in 2025 as small busi­nesses brace for a signi­fi­cant […]

10 Signs Your Loved One May Be an Alco­ho­lic

Con­tent Men­tal Health Ser­vices Drugs & Sup­ple­ments Ser­vices MAST Alco­hol Assess­ment Quiz Health unit per­son­nel may be able to offer a medi­cal judgment that, in their opi­ni­on, the employee is into­xi­ca­ted. They may also be able to con­duct a vol­un­t­a­ry alco­hol test, most likely an EBT. Unless the employee is in a job with spe­ci­fic […]

Sobrie­ty Tat­toos Sobrie­ty Pod­cast & Inspi­ring Reco­very Sto­ries

Reco­very sym­bols, such as the sobrie­ty date or meaningful images, are often incor­po­ra­ted into the­se tat­toos, making them deep­ly per­so­nal and signi­fi­cant to a reco­ve­ring alco­ho­lic or addict. They can repre­sent mile­sto­nes achie­ved, a sober anni­ver­sa­ry date, moments of cla­ri­ty, or even ser­ve as a source Sobrie­ty of inspi­ra­ti­on during chal­len­ging times. This sobrie­ty tat­too, […]