Monthly Archives: Oktober 2021

Break Even Chart Examp­les How to Crea­te Break Even Ana­ly­sis Chart?

Con­ver­se­ly, a lower con­tri­bu­ti­on mar­gin increa­ses the brea­k­e­ven point, requi­ring more units to be sold to cover fixed cos­ts. On the ver­ti­cal axis, the brea­k­e­ven chart plots the reve­nue, varia­ble cost, and the fixed cos­ts of the com­pa­ny, and on the hori­zon­tal axis, the volu­me is being plot­ted. The chart helps in por­tray­ing the company’s […]

Imple­men­ting Test Pro­cess Impro­ve­ment

Your finan­cial situa­ti­on is uni­que and the pro­ducts and ser­vices we review may not be right for your cir­cum­s­tances. We do not offer finan­cial advice, advi­so­ry or bro­kera­ge ser­vices, nor do we recom­mend or advi­se indi­vi­du­als or to buy or sell par­ti­cu­lar stocks or secu­ri­ties. Per­for­mance infor­ma­ti­on may have chan­ged sin­ce the time of publi­ca­ti­on. […]

A Clo­ser Look at Indi­as Out­sour­cing Indus­try

The­se big cor­po­ra­ti­ons usual­ly have more than 200 seats for their com­pa­ny. It will be dif­fi­cult for Indi­an BPO com­pa­nies if they pull out their invest­ments. The tele­mar­ke­ting busi­nesses enti­re­ly stop­ped becau­se of the clo­sure of all trades. Howe­ver, main­ten­an­ce of office spaces is still essen­ti­al, or the­re will be con­se­quen­ces once the busi­nesses reopen. […]