Astro­lo­gy and Online dating sites


Astro­lo­gy has chan­ged into a major fac­tor in the online dating world, with uru­gu­ay ladies zodiac signs and sym­ptoms being one of the first things sin­gle­tons men­ti­on on the pro­files and quite often the ear­liest topic in order to the ice when ever mee­ting a new per­son. But while a lot of signs could pos­si­bly be good com­ple­ments for others, is con­side­red important to cer­tain­ly not wri­te away a per­son based exclu­si­ve­ly on their super­star signal and ins­tead con­sider how they are all the other fac­tors with their birth chart—including their incre­asing and moon sign and the pla­ce­ment of aste­ro­ids like Pal­las, Ves­ta and Chiron—to tru­ly under­stand whe­ther a poten­ti­al match cer­tain­ly is the one available for you.

Lo’s app, Hit, which laun­ched this past sum­mer, is an astro­lo­gy-based dating plat­form which allows users to fil­te­ring for astro­lo­gi­cal­ly com­pa­ti­ble fits. The algorithm—which con­sists of over two hundred lines of code and ori­gi­na­ted with the help of astro­lo­ger Nadi­ne Jane—goes out­side just rese­ar­ching sun signs, ana­ly­zing the posi­ti­ons of the parish lan­tern, north and south nodes as well as the aste­ro­id Chi­ron.

Struck is curr­ent­ly available in Los Ange­les, San Fran­cis­co and New York and recent­ly made their way to Chi­ca­go. And alt­hough the thought is to con­nect users with part­ners depen­ding on their star sign, Lan­ya­doo worries that they can uti­li­ze Struck to find clo­se fri­ends. She says the most important pro­blem peo­p­le run into in dating is curr­ent­ly being “over­ly jud­ge­men­tal, ” none­thel­ess she hopes Struck will allow for a a redu­ced amount of judgmen­tal metho­do­lo­gy and help per­sons “be more accep­ting of who they are, how various other indi­vi­du­als are and what they’re loo­king for. ”

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