Category Archives: Artificial intelligence (AI)

Build an AI Chat­bot in Python using Cohe­re API

The AI Chat­bot Hand­book How to Build an AI Chat­bot with Redis, Python, and GPT We now have smart AI-powered Chat­bots employ­ing natu­ral lan­guage pro­ces­sing (NLP) to under­stand and absorb human com­mands (text and voice). Chat­bots have quick­ly beco­me a stan­dard cus­­to­­mer-inter­ac­­ti­on tool for busi­nesses that have a strong online atten­dance (SNS and web­sites). In […]

How To Crea­te an Intel­li­gent Chat­bot in Python Using the spa­Cy NLP Libra­ry

How To Crea­te A Chat­bot with Python & Deep Lear­ning In Less Than An Hour by Jere Xu The suc­cess depends main­ly on the talent and skills of the deve­lo­p­ment team. Curr­ent­ly, a talent shorta­ge is the main thing ham­pe­ring the adop­ti­on of AI-based chat­bots world­wi­de. Con­sider enrol­ling in our AI and ML Black­belt Plus […]