Cur­vy App Assess­ment — A Modern and Slee­ker stra­tegy to find BBWs — Online Hook­up web­sites


We recent­ly con­duc­ted a tho­rough test on the Cur­vy soft­ware. We had been able to deve­lop a detail­ed pic­tu­re of pre­cis­e­ly what the user expe­ri­ence is much like on Cur­vy plus just what a per­son should expect in terms of out­co­mes. Into fin­ding out ever­y­thing we found about Cur­vy? If that’s the case, it is recom­men­ded that pro­vi­de the Cur­vy soft­ware over­view a tho­rough brow­se. Has actual­ly Cur­vy genui­ne­ly trans­for­med the BBW online dating app?

Cur­vy App Eva­lua­ti­on Out­co­mes

  • Reco­gni­ti­on -


  • Value -


  • Cha­rac­te­ristics -


  • Qua­li­ty of Users -


  • Secu­ri­ty -


  • Cus­to­mer Hap­pi­ness -


Final Term on Cur­vy

We lear­ned that Cur­vy pro­vi­des a satis­fy­ing and posi­ti­ve user expe­ri­ence for women and men. Town of mem­bers is authen­tic and it is may­be not affec­ted by arti­fi­ci­al users or bots. It makes an envi­ron­ment that will be reassu­ring to both its male and fema­le audi­ence.

We might rate Cur­vy as



— advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges —


  • Rea­di­ly available for both Android and iOS
  • User-fri­end­ly user inter­face
  • Free varia­ti­on enables peo­p­le to rep­ly to com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons


  • Com­ple­te effi­ci­en­cy needs a paid mem­ber­ship
  • Auto-rene­wal is set auto­ma­gi­cal­ly
  • Dimi­nis­hed a “night func­tion” can result in atten­ti­on strain after con­ti­nuous use

— In-Depth Cur­vy Soft­ware Eva­lua­ti­on —

The­re are lots of inter­net dating sites and appli­ca­ti­ons curr­ent­ly in flow cen­te­red on assis­ting men exact­ly who look for the orga­niza­ti­on of BBWs and plus-sized ladies. Are per­fect­ly honest, the BBW mar­ket is one of the qui­ckest expan­ding around the inter­net dating sec­tor. Invest the a moment in time to think about a gre­at deal of the­se BBW dating sites you will obser­ve one thing — they seem to be deve­lo­ped main­ly from the man’s point of view.

Cur­vy is actual­ly a fair­ly brand-new inter­net dating app that’s dedi­ca­ted to assis­ting plus-sized ladies tog­e­ther with males who ado­re all of them find both. The thing that makes cur­vy uni­que, at the least rela­ting to a uni­que mar­ke­ting and adver­ti­sing pro­duct, is that it draws near this task such that was desi­gned to offer the best user expe­ri­ence pos­si­ble for both men and women.

Women, if you’­ve ever noti­ced that a BBW dating site belie­ved a lot more like a mar­ket­place to you beco­ming an important com­mo­di­ty, after that Cur­vy might crea­te you much more com­for­ta­ble with its a lot more prac­ti­cal style and method. Guys, if you wish to deri­ve the bene­fits which come from ful­fil­ling plus-sized fema­les on a plat­form that crea­tes an enga­ging and posi­ti­ve con­su­mer expe­ri­ence, then you defi­ni­te­ly also must be inte­res­ted in Cur­vy.

Natu­ral­ly, gua­ran­tees tend to be a fac­tor, just what an online dating appli­ca­ti­on may actual­ly deli­ver is ano­ther.

— Avai­la­bi­li­ty —

Cur­vy is actual­ly a mobi­le-only rela­ti­onship appli­ca­ti­on which can be found for iOS & Android units. It could be enti­re­ly on both the soft­ware shop and Bing Play.

As it was first laun­ched in 2016, the appli­ca­ti­on has recei­ved con­stant chan­ges more or less every two to three seve­ral months. Tru­ly back­ward sui­ta­ble as a result of Android os varia­ti­on 4.1. That means that tho­se of you with ear­lier smart pho­nes should nevert­hel­ess be able to uti­li­ze Cur­vy.

During our test­ing, the Cur­vy appli­ca­ti­on per­for­med flaw­less­ly from a tech­ni­cal view­point.

— Tar­get vs genui­ne Audi­ence —

In rela­ti­on to niche dating pro­grams, the view­ers that they tar­get is as essen­ti­al sin­ce the fea­tures that they sup­p­ly. With Cur­vy, the pro­s­pec­ti­ve audi­ence is made of plus-sized ladies and males who would like to satis­fy them for casu­al inclu­ding long-term con­nec­tions.

The exact mar­ket for Cur­vy is made of more or less 30 % fema­le using the most of all of them beco­ming within ages of 24 and 40. The litt­lest fema­le age demo­gra­phic sym­bo­li­zed in its account base would be that of fema­les in peri­od of 24. By our com­pu­ta­ti­on, women under­neath the age of 24 just form one out of every ten fema­les regar­ding the sys­tem.

Male users on Cur­vy form 70 % for the con­su­mers. Their age sel­ec­tion is actual­ly wider than that the femi­ni­ne peo­p­le. You can easi­ly get a hold of guys on Cur­vy as young as their uni­que very ear­ly 20s to as old as their later part of the six­ties.

— Cur­vy Gra­phi­cal User Inter­face —

The tes­ters found an indi­vi­du­al soft­ware for Cur­vy to get smart­ly desi­gned, clean, and recep­ti­ve. It reli­es on a design that uses a white back ground with a roy­al azu­re for its trim­ming and ban­ners. This lay­out is straight­for­ward about eyes but all of our tes­ters per­for­med review that a “night mode” might have was inde­ed valued when using the app for lon­ger amounts of time in cand­light envi­ron­ments.

Navi­ga­ti­on employs a gene­ral style and it is intui­ti­ve also for peo­p­le who have not made use of an inter­net dating appli­ca­ti­on in ear­lier times. Also on smart­phones with more com­pact dis­plays — 4.5‑inches and smal­ler — navi­ga­ting around Cur­vy is actual­ly easy and trou­ble-free.

— Fea­tures —

The advan­ta­ges on Cur­vy tend to be stan­dard by modern expec­ta­ti­ons for match­ma­king appli­ca­ti­ons. This has a search func­tion makes it pos­si­ble for cus­to­mers to find dif­fe­rent Cur­vy mem­bers based on spe­ci­fic qua­li­ties and look varia­bles.

This is very hel­pful when­ever you are loo­king for a part­ner of a par­ti­cu­lar age-group, body­weight, eth­ni­ci­ty or area.

Cur­vy has a “dis­co­very” func­tion that uti­li­zes the swi­pe-based screen that has been popu­la­ri­zed by appli­ca­ti­ons like Tin­der to search for an appro­pria­te lover.

Swi­pe remai­ning to pass, swi­pe right to “like” and hop­eful­ly have the per­son to as if you back into open up a rou­te of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on.

Spea­king of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, Cur­vy makes use of a tra­di­tio­nal texting and live text talk modu­le for inter­ac­tion bet­ween peo­p­le.

It is not­hing extra­va­gant, it gets the task com­ple­ted suc­cessful­ly.

— get­ting tog­e­ther with peo­p­le —

One of many points that we enjoy about Cur­vy is that it per­mits mem­bers to rep­ly to mes­sa­ges obtai­ned from other peo­p­le at no cost. That means that you can aqui­re an impro­ved feel for Cur­vy while using the the no-cost ver­si­on. That said, howe­ver, it should be noted that free of char­ge cus­to­mers can­not initia­te com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons throug­hout the Cur­vy sys­tem.

With regards to the top-notch the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons that our tes­ters skil­led while on Cur­vy, the­se were pre­do­mi­nant­ly good. Throug­hout 3 days of scree­ning, the three tes­ters dis­tri­bu­ted near to 200 invi­ta­ti­ons to speak with femi­ni­ne mem­bers. Of tho­se, 67 respon­ses were recei­ved crea­ting 52 actively inte­res­ted dis­cus­sions. If you are ques­tio­ning, tho­se can be con­side­red as remar­kab­le effects by online dating expec­ta­ti­ons.

— Cost —

Even though the com­pli­men­ta­ry ver­si­on of Cur­vy sup­pli­es much more func­tion­a­li­ty com­pared to free form of various other inter­net dating appli­ca­ti­ons, it is still rest­ric­ted. Being bene­fit from the com­ple­te func­tion­a­li­ty of Cur­vy you need to pay money for a month­ly mem­ber­ship.

A month can cost you $11.99. Any time you pay money for 90 days in advan­ce the who­le cost is $27.99 In the event that you purcha­se six months ahead of time the who­le cost is $48.99.

Cur­vy fea­tures auto­ma­tic res­to­ra­ti­on rea­dy auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. Which means that the account will auto­ma­ti­cal­ly res­to­re within 24 hours of the con­clu­si­on if you don’t can­cel it ahead of time.

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