How to Use Lego Cheat Code


Lego games con­ti­nue to keep the spi­rit ali­ve of cheat codes that come with hid­den bonu­ses that play­ers can use. The­se bonu­ses can be used to gain an advan­ta­ge or add a humo­rous twist. From stun mul­ti­pli­ers to free-of-cost cha­rac­ters and ships, this artic­le will explain how to use the Lego cheat codes as well as a com­ple­te list of available codes.

Like pre­vious Lego video games deve­lo­ped by Traveller’s Tales, Lego Star Wars Sky­wal­ker Saga has a ran­ge of codes that can be rede­e­med to unlock cha­rac­ters or ships. The­se codes can only be acti­va­ted by navi­ga­ting to a spe­cial menu on the gala­xy map or extras menu. The codes don’t appear to expi­re, and they have been tes­ted in updated ver­si­ons of the game.

The codes included in this gui­de unlock cha­rac­ters or ships. Howe­ver other codes can be used to acti­va­te stud mul­ti­ply­ers which boost the amount of money ear­ned through every action during the game. The­se stud mul­ti­pli­ers are available to boost your pro­gress quick­ly during the game or to save up and use later for lar­ger chal­lenges. In order to use the­se codes, play­ers need to pau­se the game and sel­ect the ‘Enter Code’ opti­on from the extras menu, which can be bought for a cost of studs and Data­cards in the extras menu.

lego bricks for busi­ness

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