Nor­ton Safe Search Review


Nor­ton safe search is a free of char­ge web secu­ri­ty tool that prio­ri­ti­zes safe­ty and secu­ri­ty when sear­ching the inter­net. It will help indi­vi­du­als avo­id sites that might grab over­sen­si­ti­ve infor­ma­ti­on web based, like char­ge card details and log­in cre­den­ti­als, and pro­tects against phis­hing scams and other high-risk mal­wa­re attacks. It works as a brow­ser exten­si­on with respect to Goog­le chro­me, Ms Edge, and Mozil­la Fire­fox.

By using a repu­ta­ti­on ser­vice to exami­ne how a inter­net site will impact you and your lap­top or com­pu­ter and then tells you the results. This can be a gre­at idea, and it should help to keep you from being by acci­dent redi­rec­ted into a mali­cious site. This fea­ture is also con­tai­ned in some of the other Nor­ton goods, like the full infor­ma­ti­on theft safe­guard soft­ware, LifeL­ock.

The soft­ware offers dark world wide web moni­to­ring, which may look for your details on the dar­ker web, and also paren­tal hand­les through Nor­ton Fami­ly. It isn’t real­ly as com­ple­te as the very best iden­ti­ty rob­be­ry pre­ven­ti­on tools we have seen, yet it’s a respec­ta­ble choice. A few of the other fea­tures in this suite include extra cloud back­up space, smart­phone secu­ri­ty and a pass­word super­vi­sor.

The REGARD­ED is clean and simp­le, with clear access to set­tings and opti­ons for stan­dard scans and cloud back-up. Howe­ver , fin­ding a few of the more unknown opti­ons may be dif­fi­cult, the com­mon pro­blem with Norton’s pro­ducts. It’s a shame, becau­se the over­all amount of pro­tec­tion is grea­ter than some of the com­pe­ti­ti­on.

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