Plan­ning and Pro­grams Deve­lo­p­ment


Plan­ning and pro­gram deve­lo­p­ment are a key com­po­nent of any busi­ness. They help defi­ne objec­ti­ves and deter­mi­ne the best cour­se of action, as well as allo­ca­te resour­ces effi­ci­ent­ly. It’s not an easy task to defi­ne and exe­cu­te pro­gram deve­lo­p­ment. It is important to think about the needs and goals of each stake­hol­der. The best approach can result in an effec­ti­ve plan for deve­lo­p­ment which maxi­mi­zes the impact of the pro­gram and ensu­res ever­yo­ne is satis­fied with the result.

A com­mon tool to gui­de the pro­cess is a logic model. It is a visu­al repre­sen­ta­ti­on of how dai­ly pro­gram acti­vi­ties rela­te to the out­co­mes you want to achie­ve. It can help you think careful­ly about how your pro­gram should ope­ra­te, inclu­ding how and when it will effect chan­ges. The model is built from left to right, and can include arrows to show the tem­po­ral order of the steps.

The first step is to iden­ti­fy all the inputs nee­ded. The next step is to deter­mi­ne the pri­ma­ry acti­vi­ties that will requi­re the inputs. Then, you can sketch the expec­ted out­puts and, even­tual­ly the desi­red out­co­mes (both short-term and long-term). Addi­tio­nal­ly the model should detail the impact the­se out­co­mes will impact the tar­get audi­ence.

Ano­ther aspect of this pro­cess is to dis­co­ver any poten­ti­al risks or obs­ta­cles that your pro­gram may encoun­ter. Instru­ments such as envi­ron­men­tal scan­ning will help you iden­ti­fy exter­nal as well as inter­nal fac­tors that could impact on the suc­cess of your pro­gram. Final­ly, this stage is an excel­lent time to assess the strengths and weak­ne­s­ses of your com­pa­ny. Using the­se insights will help you crea­te stra­te­gies that will bet­ter make your team more effec­ti­ve for the future.

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