The Role of a Board of Direc­tors


A board of direc­tors is a group cho­sen to repre­sent share­hol­ders and owners of a com­pa­ny and acts as a fidu­cia­ry in order to pro­tect their invest­ment. They over­see manage­ment and set the over­all stra­tegy of the busi­ness by mee­ting regu­lar­ly with seni­or exe­cu­ti­ves, inclu­ding the CEO and pro­vi­ding sup­port. They also crea­te gover­nan­ce sys­tems by elec­ting offi­cers to spe­ci­fic posts such as chair or pre­si­dent of the board.

Most boards are com­pri­sed of mem­bers from out­side and insi­de who are know­led­geable about the inner workings of the orga­niza­ti­on as well as high­ly qua­li­fied indi­vi­du­als who are not employ­ed by the busi­ness but who have exper­ti­se in a par­ti­cu­lar field. Cer­tain count­ries have laws that govern the struc­tu­re of the board of direc­tors of a com­pa­ny. The­se laws spe­ci­fy requi­re­ments for how many peo­p­le are elec­ted and for how long their terms last.

In gene­ral, the board’s pri­ma­ry respon­si­bi­li­ties are to estab­lish cor­po­ra­te over­sight and manage­ment poli­ci­es in deci­ding whe­ther to issue a divi­dend or stock opti­ons, or any other pro­grams to repurcha­se shares and appoin­ting or firing top manage­ment as well as hiring or firing new board mem­bers. They also make major decis­i­ons, such as mer­gers and acqui­si­ti­ons, as well as appoin­ting com­mit­tees that focus on spe­ci­fic duties, like audit or com­pen­sa­ti­on.

Ano­ther key respon­si­bi­li­ty is pro­tec­ting share­hol­ders’ inte­rests by pro­mo­ting trans­pa­ren­cy and pro­vi­ding share­hol­ders with time­ly and pre­cise infor­ma­ti­on, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in rela­ti­on to finan­cial report­ing and dis­clo­sure. It is the­r­e­fo­re cru­cial that a com­pa­ny has a strong Board of Direc­tors to ensu­re its lon­ge­vi­ty and suc­cess. For inves­tors, it’s also important to know the func­tion of a company’s boards of direc­tors and how they’­re being elec­ted sin­ce their decis­i­ons have a signi­fi­cant impact on a company’s pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty.

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