Category Archives: Bookkeeping

Cloud Based Pro­per­ty Manage­ment Soft­ware

Allow homeow­ners to view balan­ces, pay fees and request main­ten­an­ce in a secu­re por­tal or mobi­le app. Your pro­per­ty manage­ment soft­ware should meet five requi­re­ments befo­re you deci­de to stick with it for the long haul. Save time and money with all-in-one mar­ke­ting, lea­sing, manage­ment and accoun­ting soft­ware that makes work a bree­ze. Start by […]

Fac­to­ry Over­heads Defi­ni­ti­on, Examp­les, & Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons

They can accom­plish this by purcha­sing new machi­nery or retro­fit­ting old machi­nes with the latest tech­no­lo­gy. It’s also pos­si­ble to redu­ce the num­ber of labor hours used in pro­duc­tion by trai­ning workers to do more than one task at a time. The most signi­fi­cant advan­ta­ge of inclu­ding manu­fac­tu­ring over­head in your bud­get is that it […]

Dou­ble Ent­ry Demys­ti­fied: Your Path to Finan­cial Pro­fi­ci­en­cy

Inves­tors will want access to a com­ple­te set of finan­cial state­ments built off pro­fes­sio­nal book­kee­ping, and you’ll need to build your pitch deck off of solid finan­cial pro­jec­tions. In the inte­rim, the busi­ness could have been mista­ken­ly spen­ding money it didn’t have. Basi­cal­ly, dou­­b­le-ent­ry pro­vi­des a 360 degree view of a business’s finan­cial tran­sac­tions, making […]

A Rela­tively Pain­less Gui­de to Dou­ble-Ent­ry Accoun­ting

The accoun­ting equa­ti­on forms the foun­da­ti­on of the balan­ce sheet and is an essen­ti­al prin­ci­ple for accu­ra­te accoun­ting. As a result of the­se limi­ta­ti­ons, sin­g­le-ent­ry book­kee­ping is only a via­ble opti­on for very small busi­nesses that deal with a handful of tran­sac­tions. As you can see, sin­gle and dou­­b­le-ent­ry book­kee­ping both have their uses, but […]

Sin­gle-Ent­ry vs Dou­ble-Ent­ry Book­kee­ping: Which Fits Your Busi­ness?

Think about finan­cial record kee­ping as you would about get­ting the mea­su­re­ments right in a reci­pe. A mistake—like miss­ing an ingre­di­ent or mes­sing up the quantities—can ruin the enti­re dish. Simi­lar­ly, both sin­g­le-ent­ry and dou­­b­le-ent­ry book­kee­ping pro­ces­ses aim for finan­cial accu­ra­cy, but their approa­ches dif­fer. It is a per­­so­nal- and cash-ori­en­­ted method that invol­ves kee­ping […]

Key Dif­fe­ren­ces: Sin­gle-Ent­ry Vs Dou­ble-Ent­ry

Ins­tead, it only tracks per­so­nal accounts such as deb­tors, cre­di­tors, and cash. Dou­­b­le-ent­ry accoun­ting can help impro­ve accu­ra­cy in a business’s finan­cial record kee­ping. In this gui­de, dis­co­ver the basics of dou­­b­le-ent­ry book­kee­ping and see examp­les of dou­­b­le-ent­ry accoun­ting. Sin­gle vs Dou­­b­le-Ent­ry Accoun­ting Howe­ver, it’s important to note that as a small busi­ness grows or […]

Employee vs Inde­pen­dent Con­trac­tor Dif­fe­rence and Com­pa­ri­son

Con­tent Inde­pen­dent con­trac­tors get no bene­fits. Inde­pen­dent Con­trac­tor vs. Employee Chart What Is the Dif­fe­rence Bet­ween an Employee and an Inde­pen­dent Con­trac­tor? Form SS‑8 Inde­pen­dent con­trac­tors vs. employees: The risks Updating your employ­ment law hand­book If you want the IRS to deter­mi­ne if a spe­ci­fic indi­vi­du­al is an inde­pen­dent con­trac­tor or an employee, file Form […]

What is Health Care Accoun­ting? Metho­dist Uni­ver­si­ty

Con­tent Plea­se Sign in to set this con­tent as a favo­ri­te. What to Expect: The 2022 Cen­sus Pover­ty, Inco­me, and Health Insu­rance Reports Con­sul­tants Cor­ner: Dr. Chris Sen­kow­ski on rural health­ca­re, phy­si­ci­an lea­der­ship and chal­lenges in coding and reim­bur­se­ment 5. Cost data and sup­port of local cli­ni­cal and mana­ge­ri­al decis­­i­on-making steps to adop­ting a more modern […]

8 Best Online Book­kee­ping Ser­vices of 2024

Sin­ce the IRS accepts digi­tal records, it’s smart to use a cloud-based sys­tem like Drop­box, Ever­no­te, or Goog­le Dri­ve so you never have to deal with smud­ged receipts. You can also use apps like Shoe­bo­xed, which are spe­ci­fi­cal­ly made for receipt track­ing. Super pum­ped up about book­kee­ping now and loo­king for some­thing to get star­ted […]

Tra­vel Agen­cy Accoun­ting

Tra­ve­lo­pro is a trus­ted tra­vel accoun­ting soft­ware com­pa­ny that offers an online approach to enti­re finan­ces in the busi­ness while you are tra­ve­ling any­whe­re and any­ti­me. Our tra­vel accoun­ting soft­ware builds a simp­le way of finan­ce and accoun­ting manage­ment for all tra­vel agen­ci­es. We focus on pro­vi­ding 100% accu­ra­te accoun­ting, GST & VAT accoun­ting, inte­gra­ti­on […]