Category Archives: Sober living

Metha­done With­dra­wal Sym­ptoms & Time­line

This slow tape­ring also helps ease the dis­com­fort you may feel as you stop taking opio­ids. During this time, you can prac­ti­ce new skills to mana­ge pain and other long-term sym­ptoms too. Your health­ca­re pro­fes­sio­nal may pre­scri­be opio­ids to help you get through a few days of seve­re pain after sur­gery or a serious inju­ry. […]

Why do I cra­ve sugar and carbs when Im sick?

Con­tent How Can an Alco­ho­lic Redu­ce Their Cra­vings for Sugar? Songs About Addic­tion & Reco­very How to over­co­me sugar cra­vings, wit­hout tur­ning back to alco­hol. Mana­ging Sugar Cra­vings Sugar is a Quick Fix for Low Blood Sugar Levels Why you cra­ve sugar when you quit alco­hol during Dry Janu­ary, and how to curb your sweet […]

How To Break Your Sugar Addic­tion Cleve­land Cli­nic

Con­tent Why do peo­p­le cra­ve sugar and carbs when they’­re sick? Alco­hol Detox Stages: How Long Does Alco­hol Detox Take? Don’t skip meals Is Alco­hol A Inflamm­a­to­ry? Reasons You Cra­ve Sweet or Sal­ty Foods Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Effects We spo­ke to regis­tered die­ti­ti­an Beth Czer­w­o­ny, RD, LD, about what sugar addic­tion is — and what to do […]

Does alco­hol thin your blood? Does alco­hol rai­se blood pres­su­re? » Ask Our Doc­tors

The­se side effects can include organ dama­ge, high blood pres­su­re, wea­k­e­ning of the heart mus­cle, and an increased heart rate. Usual­ly, this after three or more drinks are yel­low eyes alco­hol con­su­med in a sin­gle sit­ting. For healt­hy indi­vi­du­als, this rise in blood pres­su­re is tem­po­ra­ry. If you have high blood pres­su­re, drin­king many days […]

First Come, First Ser­ved! Afforda­ble Homeow­ner­ship Oppor­tu­ni­ties in Mat­ta­pan! Bos­ton gov

Pomo­na Val­ley Hos­pi­tal Medi­cal Cen­ter has agreed to pay near­ly $2.1 mil­li­on to resol­ve alle­ga­ti­ons that it over­bil­led Medi-Cal for pre­scrip­ti­on medi­ca­ti­on purcha­sed and reim­bur­sed under a fede­ral drug pri­cing… Leah McSweeney’s sober dating app, Club Pil­lar, hos­ted its first in-per­­son event with artis­tes of abs­ti­nence inclu­ding Cat Mar­nell, Tik­Tok star Kel­sey Soles and McS­weeney […]

The Best Ways to Cele­bra­te Sobrie­ty Mile­sto­nes

It also helps to keep you moti­va­ted and inspi­red to con­ti­nue on your path of sobrie­ty. By taking time to cele­bra­te your accom­plish­ments, you are rein­for­cing the posi­ti­ve chan­ges you have made in your life and encou­ra­ging yours­elf to keep going. Con­sider asking peo­p­le invol­ved in your loved one’s reco­very jour­ney to wri­te a let­ter, […]

How to Cele­bra­te Sobrie­ty Mile­sto­nes

More important­ly, you rea­li­ze your merits, ack­now­led­ging your strengths and the help you recei­ved. If your loved one goes to Alco­ho­lics Anony­mous or Nar­co­tics Anony­mous mee­tings, a sobrie­ty anni­ver­sa­ry typi­cal­ly how to cele­bra­te 1 year sober invol­ves get­ting a chip. You could offer to attend the mee­ting so you’re the­re to wit­ness when they earn […]

Cele­bra­ting Sobrie­ty: Tips and Ide­as for Hono­ring Your Reco­very Mile­sto­nes

Heart­felt mes­sa­ges can beco­me las­ting mement­os of encou­ra­ge­ment, remin­ding your loved one of the posi­ti­ve impact their jour­ney has had on others. When plan­ning such an event, it’s essen­ti­al to prio­ri­ti­ze non-alco­ho­­lic bevera­ge opti­ons and crea­te an atmo­sphe­re that pro­mo­tes posi­ti­vi­ty and con­nec­tion. Reco­ver­ed is not a medi­cal, health­ca­re or the­ra­peu­tic ser­vices pro­vi­der and no […]

How to Detox From Drugs or Alco­hol

Alt­hough addic­tion tends to cut peo­p­le off from long­time fri­ends, social sup­port is a signi­fi­cant pre­dic­tor of reco­very. They may know some­thing about the person’s deepest aspi­ra­ti­ons and voice them as a remin­der that can help the per­son remain on the road to reco­very. And they can help plan healt­hy joint acti­vi­ties to ensu­re […]