2022 Foot­ball Sche­du­le App Sta­te Ath­le­tics


Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te beat AP No. 5 Michi­gan 34–32 and beca­me the first FCS foot­ball team to defeat an FBS team ran­ked in the AP poll.[96] This vic­to­ry was seen by some ana­lysts to be one of the grea­test upsets in NCAA foot­ball history.[97][98][99][100] Fol­lo­wing the win, they were fea­tured on the cover of the fol­lo­wing week’s issue of Sports Illus­tra­ted. Appa­la­chi­an ente­red the game as a 3‑point under­dog against UNC and their retur­ning coach Mack Brown.[102] UNC ope­ned the game with a long kick off return fol­lo­wed by a one play touch­down to take the lead 7–0. App Sta­te respon­ded with 20 unans­we­red points inclu­ding a Deme­tri­us Tay­lor fum­ble reco­very for a touch­down and Dar­ryn­ton Evans rus­hing touch­down set up by Dem­tri­us Taylor’s inter­cep­ti­on. UNC came back to cut the halft­i­me score to 27–17 in favor of Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te. The Moun­tai­neers respon­ded with a four-play touch­down dri­ve cap­ped with Dar­ryn­ton Evans’ 3rd rus­hing touch­down of the game.

  • Arkan­sas assistant coach Jer­ry Moo­re was hired as the Mountaineer’s 19th coach in 1989.[30] Moo­re is the win­nin­gest coach in con­fe­rence history,[31] and under his lea­der­ship the Moun­tai­neers won seven con­fe­rence cham­pi­on­ships.
  • A sell­out crowd of over 109,000 fans packed Michi­gan Sta­di­um, beco­ming the lar­gest crowd to ever wit­ness an ASU foot­ball game.
  • The Moun­tai­neers hold the tro­phy, having won each of the last nine games (2005–2013) and 26 of the last 28.[85] No fur­ther games in the rival­ry are sche­du­led fol­lo­wing Appalachian’s move to the Sun Belt Con­fe­rence.
  • On Decem­ber 7, 2019, Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te also play­ed in and won the second ever Sun Belt Cham­pi­on­ship Game, again hos­ting the Ragin’ Cajuns of Uni­ver­si­ty of Loui­sia­na at Lafay­et­te at Kidd Bre­wer Sta­di­um.

Howe­ver, per NCAA rules, the Moun­tai­neers would not be eli­gi­ble for the FBS post-sea­son until 2015. Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te has won 22 con­fe­rence titles, 16 out­right how to check tem­pe­ra­tu­re wit­hout ther­mo­me­ter app and six shared. Befo­re lea­ving the Sou­thern Con­fe­rence in 2014, the Moun­tai­neers had won 10 con­fe­rence titles, pla­cing them second in the league’s histo­ry.

Foot­ball Sche­du­le

He led the Moun­tai­neers to a 31–17 vic­to­ry over UAB Bla­zers in the New Orleans Bowl.[67] Clark’s first full sea­son as head coach of the Moun­tai­neers was met with com­pli­ca­ti­ons from the COVID-19 Pan­de­mic, which cau­sed many chan­ges to sche­du­les and foot­ball ope­ra­ti­ons around the coun­try. The team per­se­ver­ed and Clark finis­hed 9–3 and lead the team in the inau­gu­ral Myrt­le Beach Bowl to defeat the North Texas Mean Green with a domi­na­ting per­for­mance by the offen­se, 56–28.[68][69] Clark had thus led the Moun­tai­neers to their 5th and 6th con­se­cu­ti­ve bowl wins sin­ce Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te joi­n­ed the FBS tier of Divi­si­on I. Arkan­sas assistant coach Jer­ry Moo­re was hired as the Mountaineer’s 19th coach in 1989.[30] Moo­re is the win­nin­gest coach in con­fe­rence history,[31] and under his lea­der­ship the Moun­tai­neers won seven con­fe­rence cham­pi­on­ships. On Decem­ber 14, 2012, Scott Sat­ter­field was named head coach of the Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te foot­ball program.[47] Sat­ter­field had spent 15 sea­sons as an assistant in the Moun­tai­neers pro­gram.

On Decem­ber 7, 2019, Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te also play­ed in and won the second ever Sun Belt Cham­pi­on­ship Game, again hos­ting the Ragin’ Cajuns of Uni­ver­si­ty of Loui­sia­na at Lafay­et­te at Kidd Bre­wer Sta­di­um. The Moun­tai­neers won an offen­se-laden game, 45–38.[103] Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te went on to win the 2019 New Orleans Bowl over UAB, 31–17. Col­lege Field was the home of Appa­la­chi­an foot­ball from 1928 to 1961. Loca­ted at the future site of Ran­kin Hall and Edwin Dun­can Hall, the sta­di­um was repla­ced by Kidd Bre­wer Sta­di­um in 1962. The use of soft­ware that blocks ads hin­ders our abili­ty to ser­ve you the con­tent you came here to enjoy. On Decem­ber 1, 2018, Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te play­ed in and won the first ever Sun Belt Cham­pi­on­ship Game, hos­ting the Ragin’ Cajuns of Uni­ver­si­ty of Loui­sia­na at Lafay­et­te at Kidd Bre­wer Sta­di­um.


Brewer’s 1937 squad is best remem­be­red for going unbea­ten and uns­cored upon during the regu­lar sea­son, out­scoring oppon­ents 206–0 befo­re losing a post­se­a­son game to Sou­thern Miss, 7–0.[4][12] Appa­la­chi­an found con­tin­ued suc­cess under coach E. During Dug­gins’ eight years as coach, the Moun­tai­neers clai­med three more North Sta­te Con­fe­rence cham­pi­on­ships and play­ed in seven bowl games.[12] The Moun­tai­neers again com­pe­ted as an inde­pen­dent from 1968 to 1971 befo­re joi­ning the Sou­thern Con­fe­rence. Shawn Clark was hired as the 22nd head coach in pro­gram histo­ry on Decem­ber 13, 2019. Clark, a 1998 gra­dua­te of the uni­ver­si­ty, play­ed under Moo­re and coa­ched under Sat­ter­field as well as Drink­witz.

This momen­tous game, broad­cast on ESPN, saw the Moun­tai­neers come out on top 30–19.[101] This gave the Moun­tai­neers –more–> a berth to the 2018 New Orleans Bowl, which Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te won 45–13 over Midd­le Ten­nes­see Sta­te.

Mack Brown ( Edit

UNC scored again in the 4th quar­ter and kept Appalachian’s offen­se in check, brin­ging the score to 34–31 Moun­tai­neers in the final minu­tes. With 40 seconds left UNC dro­ve down the field and lined up to attempt a 56-yard field with 5 seconds left. App Sta­te line­back­er Akeem Davis-Gai­ther burst through the line and tip­ped the ball to soli­di­fy the Moun­tai­neer vic­to­ry. Nick­na­med The Old Moun­tain Feud, Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te com­pe­tes in a rival­ry with fel­low Appa­la­chi­an moun­tain-based public uni­ver­si­ty Mar­shall.

  • Appa­la­chi­an State’s first year of FBS play would come in 2014 as a mem­ber of the Sun Belt Con­fe­rence.
  • Shawn Clark was hired as the 22nd head coach in pro­gram histo­ry on Decem­ber 13, 2019.
  • App Sta­te respon­ded with 20 unans­we­red points inclu­ding a Deme­tri­us Tay­lor fum­ble reco­very for a touch­down and Dar­ryn­ton Evans rus­hing touch­down set up by Dem­tri­us Taylor’s inter­cep­ti­on.
  • Brewer’s 1937 squad is best remem­be­red for going unbea­ten and uns­cored upon during the regu­lar sea­son, out­scoring oppon­ents 206–0 befo­re losing a post­se­a­son game to Sou­thern Miss, 7–0.[4][12] Appa­la­chi­an found con­tin­ued suc­cess under coach E.

From 1986 to 1996 the Sou­thern Con­fe­rence foes won at least a share of the con­fe­rence title a com­bi­ned eight times. The rival­ry resu­med annu­al play in the 2020 sea­son and is set to con­ti­nue as Mar­shall joins Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te in the Sun Belt Con­fe­rence East Divi­si­on in 2022. The first game of App meat ther­mo­me­ter with blue­tooth and app State’s inau­gu­ral FBS sea­son was a rematch of the 2007 Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te vs. Michi­gan foot­ball game. The Moun­tai­neers had their first home game of the sea­son the fol­lo­wing week in a win against Camp­bell. After a 1–5 start, the Moun­tai­neers ral­lied and won the final six games of their 2014 sea­son.


In 1976, a tra­ve­ling tro­phy known as the Old Moun­tain Jug was crea­ted from an old moons­hi­ne jug.[84] Appalachian’s record in games play­ed is 59–18–1, and 31–7 in the Jug era. The Moun­tai­neers hold the tro­phy, having won each of the last nine games (2005–2013) and 26 of the last 28.[85] No fur­ther games in the rival­ry are sche­du­led fol­lo­wing Appalachian’s move to the Sun Belt Con­fe­rence. On Sep­tem­ber 10, 2022, Clark lead the Moun­tai­neers to a 17–14 vic­to­ry over 6th ran­ked Texas A&M, the pro­grams second win against a top 10 ran­ked oppo­nent, and first sin­ce Michi­gan in 2007.[70] This vic­to­ry hel­ped App Sta­te secu­re the school’s first visit from Col­lege GameDay.[71] Howe­ver, the sea­son ulti­m­ate­ly tur­ned out to be a dis­ap­point­ment for the pro­gram, as they missed bowl eli­gi­bi­li­ty for the first time sin­ce their move to the FBS.

  • On Decem­ber 1, 2018, Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te play­ed in and won the first ever Sun Belt Cham­pi­on­ship Game, hos­ting the Ragin’ Cajuns of Uni­ver­si­ty of Loui­sia­na at Lafay­et­te at Kidd Bre­wer Sta­di­um.
  • Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te has won 22 con­fe­rence titles, 16 out­right and six shared.
  • The first game of App State’s inau­gu­ral FBS sea­son was a rematch of the 2007 Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te vs. Michi­gan foot­ball game.
  • On Sep­tem­ber 10, 2022, Clark lead the Moun­tai­neers to a 17–14 vic­to­ry over 6th ran­ked Texas A&M, the pro­grams second win against a top 10 ran­ked oppo­nent, and first sin­ce Michi­gan in 2007.[70] This vic­to­ry hel­ped App Sta­te secu­re the school’s first visit from Col­lege GameDay.[71] Howe­ver, the sea­son ulti­m­ate­ly tur­ned out to be a dis­ap­point­ment for the pro­gram, as they missed bowl eli­gi­bi­li­ty for the first time sin­ce their move to the FBS.

On Novem­ber 24, 2015 Miami con­firm­ed rumors they have sche­du­led a home-and-home series with Appa­la­chi­an State.[52] The first game was play­ed in Kidd Bre­wer Sta­di­um on Sep­tem­ber 17, 2016, and mark­ed the Moun­tai­neers’ first home game against a power five oppo­nent in modern history.[53] The second game was play­ed in Sun Life Sta­di­um on Sep­tem­ber 11, 2021.,[54] with Miami nar­row­ly win­ning 25–23. In 2013, the Moun­tai­neers began a two-year tran­si­ti­on from the FCS to col­lege football’s pre­mier FBS level.[48] Becau­se of this, the pro­gram was declared ine­li­gi­ble for FCS post­se­a­son play. Appa­la­chi­an State’s first year of FBS play would come in 2014 as a mem­ber of the Sun Belt Con­fe­rence.

Jer­ry Moo­re era (1989– Edit

In 2018, Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te was ran­ked in the FBS for the first time in its histo­ry after start­ing out 5–1 in the 2018 sea­son; its only recor­ded loss was to Penn Sta­te in an over­ti­me game. They would prompt­ly lose their next game and their ranking.[56] The Moun­tai­neers would end the 2018 sea­son as Sun Belt Con­fe­rence Champions.[57] Sat­ter­field would be named Sun Belt Con­fe­rence Coach of the Year.[58] It was the Moun­tai­neers’ 3rd Con­fe­rence cham­pi­on­ship in a row and their first out­right cham­pi­on­ship in the inau­gu­ral Sun Belt Cham­pi­on­ship game hos­ted in Boo­ne on Decem­ber 1, 2018. On Decem­ber 4, 2018, Scott Sat­ter­field was con­firm­ed to be the next head coach[59] of the Louis­ville Car­di­nals foot­ball pro­gram. Assistant Head Coach Mark Ivey would be named inte­rim Head Coach[60] and would go on to coach the Moun­tai­neers for the 2018 R+L Car­ri­ers New Orleans Bowl win over Midd­le Ten­nes­see Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty Blue Rai­ders, 43–13. Ivey would not be retai­ned as head coach of the Mountaineers.[61] The Moun­tai­neers ended their sea­son 11–2,[62] win­ning a fourth con­se­cu­ti­ve bowl game and finis­hing as 3‑peat Sun Belt cham­pi­ons. The coach that first year was Gray­don Eggers.[12] The Moun­tai­neers com­pe­ted as an inde­pen­dent befo­re joi­ning the Natio­nal Asso­cia­ti­on of Inter­col­le­gia­te Ath­le­tics (NAIA) North Sta­te Con­fe­rence as a char­ter mem­ber in 1931.[13] Kidd Bre­wer was the head coach of the Moun­tai­neers from 1935 to 1938, lea­ding the team to two post­se­a­son bowl games.

As the offen­si­ve coor­di­na­tor, he was respon­si­ble for much of the program’s suc­cess. On Sep­tem­ber 1, 2007, the Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te foot­ball team tra­ve­led to Ann Arbor to play their sea­son ope­ner at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan. A sell­out crowd of over 109,000 fans packed Michi­gan Sta­di­um, beco­ming the lar­gest crowd to ever wit­ness an ASU foot­ball game.

Next Game

The team finis­hed 7–5 over­all (6–2 Sun) with a third place con­fe­rence finish in their first sea­son as a mem­ber of the Sun Belt Con­fe­rence. Known as the Batt­le for the Old Moun­tain Jug, Appa­la­chi­an Sta­te play­ed Wes­tern Caro­li­na in a regio­nal rival­ry game from 1932 to 2013. The only years in that peri­od in which the game was not play­ed were 1942 to 1945, during U.S. invol­vement in World War II.

  • The only years in that peri­od in which the game was not play­ed were 1942 to 1945, during U.S. invol­vement in World War II.
  • Ivey would not be retai­ned as head coach of the Mountaineers.[61] The Moun­tai­neers ended their sea­son 11–2,[62] win­ning a fourth con­se­cu­ti­ve bowl game and finis­hing as 3‑peat Sun Belt cham­pi­ons.
  • Col­lege Field was the home of Appa­la­chi­an foot­ball from 1928 to 1961.
  • Loca­ted at the future site of Ran­kin Hall and Edwin Dun­can Hall, the sta­di­um was repla­ced by Kidd Bre­wer Sta­di­um in 1962.
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