6 Asi­an Wed­ding par­ty Ritu­als to fea­ture


If you’­re arran­ging a wed­ding and are con­side­ring Asi­an tra­di­ti­ons, https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/women-and-mental-health you’ll be wan­ting to check out our artic­le on 6 Hard anodi­zed cook­wa­re Wed­ding Cerem­o­ny Tra­di­ti­ons to incor­po­ra­te. Here you will find a varie­ty of exqui­si­te tra­di­ti­ons that are sure to make your wed­ding cerem­o­ny an unfor­gettable encoun­ter for all included!


The Chi­ne­se tra­di­ti­on of guo da li (; pinyin:, “to coll­ect the bri­de”) is nor­mal­ly one of the most fun and exci­ting pre-wed­ding cere­mo­nies. This is when the groom and his father and mother pay a visit to the bride’s home, bring gift ide­as, and ask for her hand in marital life. Typi­cal­ly the cou­ple is led into her house by sim­ply an enthu­si­a­stic retrai­te with fire­cra­ckers and gongs.

This is fol­lo­wed by a tea wed­ding cerem­o­ny whe­re the new­ly­weds bow to the father and mother and ser­ve them every sin­gle a cup of tea. They also give their par­ents red enve­lo­pes with money in them. Usual­ly, the­se gift items are a type of a dowry and are usual­ly given by the groom’s par­ents. They are usual­ly in mul­ti­ples of 8 see­ing that the num­ber almost eight is a lucky sym­bol. The older fami­ly mem­bers of this bri­de will usual­ly give important brace­lets and neck­laces for the cou­ple as well.

Some Hok­ki­en indi­vi­du­als per­form a rela­ted betro­thal reward exch­an­ge cerem­o­ny refer­red to as Hui Guys. In this feast day, the bride’s fami­ly bestows a set of betro­thal gifts at the groom’s fami­ly and return (hui li) a coll­ec­tion of gifts in return from the groom’s side. The­se are gene­ral­ly usual­ly in the form of funds and are suc­cum­bed mul­ti­ples of 8. The groom’s part will also give the bri­de some matching sexy chi­ne­se Long Feng Ngaak (luhng fuhng ngaak) which are mons­ter and phoe­nix brace­lets that sym­bo­li­ze the uni­on of two tou­rists.

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