A site For a Dic­tion­a­ry


Having a web­site for a book can be very hel­pful to stu­dents as soon as they need to learn fresh words, dou­ble-check a word’s trans­li­te­ra­ti­on, or find a syn­onym. The­re are many dif­fe­rent online dic­tio­n­a­ries, and they pret­ty much all vary in func­tion and style. Some dic­tio­n­a­ries are very in depth, while others pro­vi­de you with only fun­da­men­tal infor­ma­ti­on. Some dic­tio­n­a­ries let you search for phra­ses in their slang and idi­oms, while others can give you the pro­nun­cia­ti­on of a expres­si­on or demons­tra­te how it has the used in cir­cum­s­tance.

One of www.danieljweb.net/the-importance-of-dictionarying/ the most popu­lar over the inter­net dic­tio­n­a­ries is defi­ni­te­ly Google’s, with a quick and easy way to look up words and defi­ni­ti­ons. Addi­tio­nal­ly, it includes a avail­ab­li­li­ty of other useful fea­tures such as grammar recom­men­da­ti­ons, pro­nun­cia­ti­on, syn­onyms and ant­onyms, plus more.

Ano­ther very popu­lar online dic­tion­a­ry is Envés, which can be based on the Coll­ins dic­tion­a­ry as well as addi­ti­ons from users. It offers a varie­ty of inte­res­t­ing fea­tures, which include an acti­ve time­line with lan­guage sta­tis­tics (a good way to see just how cer­tain sayings have evol­ved over time), and the capa­bi­li­ty to lis­ten to a pro­nun­cia­ti­on of an word. It can be a bit vast to wade through the who­le site to look for what you’­re loo­king for, though.

Other dic­tio­n­a­ries worth loo­king for­ward to are Macmillan’s, Merriam-Webster’s, Visu­words, and Abili­ty The­sau­rus. Macmillan’s has a ele­ment that allows you to save your sear­ches sin­ce favo­ri­tes, and it also invi­tes users to deve­lop their Open Book. It also pro­vi­des a free appli­ca­ti­on available for the two iOS and Android units.

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