Ad-Awa­re Review — Does Ad-Awa­re Real­ly Job?


Deve­lo­ped by cyber­se­cu­ri­ty ser­vice pro­vi­der Lava­soft (form­er­ly cal­led Ad-Awa­re), the anti­vi­rus soft­ware is a popu­lar instru­ment to cures rogue appli­ca­ti­ons and pri­va­ten­ess inva­si­ons. Among the most com­mon examp­les include pro­grams that method your brow­sing habits and pre­sent bother­so­me adver­ti­sin­gs at incon­ve­ni­ent moments. Adware dan­gers are­n’t just a nui­sance but could be harmful to the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty in the event the deve­lo­pers pro­mo­te your data or use it with regards to mali­cious needs.

The pro­duct comes with a wealth of addi­tio­nal tools and is available as no cost and paid ver­si­ons. It is com­pa­ti­ble with Win­dows Per­so­nal com­pu­ters (start­ing coming from Win 7), offers day-to-day cus­to­mer sup­port to pre­mi­um users and works along­side various other anti­vi­rus appli­ca­ti­ons.

In our lab tests, ada­wa­re demons­tra­ted able to find and remo­ve a good num­ber of tro­jans thre­ats. Nevert­hel­ess , the over­all top qua­li­ty still lags behind the lea­ding anti­vi­rus appli­ca­ti­on. In AV-Test’s latest test out, the soft­ware were able to block 96. 4% of known spy­wa­re and and 97% of review eset nod32 zero-day pro­blems, which is a decent result nevert­hel­ess far from the very best in our opi­ni­on.

Ad-Awa­re is straight­for­ward to use and over­whelm poten­ti­al users with a wide varie­ty of opti­ons and set­tings. The user user inter­face is clean and well orga­ni­zed, while using most important fea­tures cle­ar­ly on the main dash­board and all fur­ther tools beau­tiful­ly arran­ged within a list down the left side of your screen. It is also pos­si­ble to run a simp­le, full or per­haps cus­tom dia­gno­stic, exe­cu­te mer­chan­di­se updates and add a FLAG to the pro­gram so others can­not make set­tings or access any sys­tem infor­ma­ti­on.

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