An adult Black Fema­les


Matu­re Dark Fema­les

In the 1930s, the well-known radio pre­sent Amos ’n Andy made a nega­ti­ve cari­ca­tu­re of black fema­les cal­led the “mam­my. ” The mam­my was dark-skin­ned in a the com­mu­ni­ty that view­ed her skin area as ugly or tain­ted. She was often descri­bed as out­da­ted or midd­le-aged, in order to desexua­li­ze her and help to make it less likely that white males would sel­ect her for sexu­al fer­mage.

This cari­ca­tu­re coin­ci­ded with ano­ther des­truc­ti­ve ste­reo­ty­pe of black fema­les: the Jeze­bel arche­ty­pe, which will depic­ted cap­ti­ve women as deter­mi­ned by men, pro­mis­cuous, aggres­si­ve and major. The­se adver­se cari­ca­tures hel­ped to jus­ti­fy dark women’s explo­ita­ti­on.

Nowa­days, nega­ti­ve ste­reo­ty­pes of black women and young ladies con­ti­nue to main­tain the con­cept of adul­ti­fi­ca­ti­on bias — the belief that black women are elder­ly and more matu­re than their white peers, lea­ding adults to deal with them as if they were adults. A new artic­le and car­toon video unvei­led by the George­town Law Midd­le, Lis­tening to Black Girls: Been around Expe­ri­en­ces of Adul­ti­fi­ca­ti­on Error, high­lights the effect of this pre­ju­di­ce. It is con­nec­ted to hig­her objec­ti­ves for dark-colo­red girls in school and more repea­ted disci­pli­na­ry action, and also more evi­dent dis­pa­ri­ties in the juve­ni­le pro­per rights sys­tem. The report and video also explo­re the health con­se­quen­ces of this bias, tog­e­ther with a grea­ter pro­ba­bi­li­ty that black girls can expe­ri­ence pree­clamp­sia, a dan­ge­rous pregnan­cy con­di­ti­on lin­ked to high blood pres­su­re.

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