Author Archives: Ninifee

AWS Cloud Engi­neer Resu­me Exam­p­le for 2023

Con­tent AWS Cloud Engi­neer Skills Dif­fe­rent Cloud Engi­neer Roles Cloud Admi­nis­tra­ti­on What is an AWS Engi­neer? What is the role of an AWS Devops Engi­neer? Requi­red skills and qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons Being skil­led in the use of auto­ma­ti­on soft­ware such as Ops­Works, Pup­pet, or Chef would be a bonus. In terms of pro­gramming lan­guages, you’ll need a […]

Intro­duc­tion to book­kee­ping and accoun­ting: 3 6 The accoun­ting equa­ti­on and the dou­ble-ent­ry rules for inco­me and expen­ses Open Uni­ver­si­ty

Con­tent Asset Tur­no­ver Ratio: Defi­ni­ti­on and For­mu­la Finan­cial state­ments Accoun­ting equa­ti­on: a com­ple­te gui­de What Is a Lia­bi­li­ty in the Accoun­ting Equa­ti­on? Gross Pro­fit Mar­gin If you under­stand all of the abo­ve, then you are well on your way to under­stan­ding the three-sta­te­­ment model frame­work. In a future post we will explo­re the balan­ce sheet […]