Bit­de­fen­der Vs Kas­pers­ky Win­dows fif­ty-one


Bit­de­fen­der and Kas­pers­ky are a pair of the most popu­lar anti-mal­wa­re pro­grams in the mar­ket­place. Both pre­sent excel­lent tro­jans pro­tec­tion and a wide ran­ge of addi­tio­nal fea­tures, but which is the best? On this page, we’ll take a look at the key distinc­tions bet­ween the two ser­vices that will help you deci­de which is right for you.

Both Bit­de­fen­der and Kas­pers­ky hap­pen to be renow­ned for his or her easy-to-use cad­re and light­weight com­pu­ter soft­ware that keeps your com­pu­ter run­ning quick­ly. Both cour­ses are high­ly cus­to­mizable as well. Howe­ver , Kas­pers­ky is a litt­le hea­vy on the sys­tem resour­ces than Bit­de­fen­der, so it might not be sui­ta­ble for more matu­re or lower-spec machi­nes.

Within our tests, the two ser­vices per­for­med very simi­lar­ly in terms of mal­wa­res detec­tion. Yet , Bit­de­fen­der a new slight­ly bet­ter fal­se-posi­ti­ve amount, which indi­ca­tes that it’s more sen­si­ti­ve to spy ware types that will hide from tra­di­tio­nal anti­vi­rus scan­ners.

Bit­de­fen­der also offers a varie­ty of extra fea­tures, tog­e­ther with a pass­word direc­tor, an hands-off fea­ture that ana­ly­zes your pro­tec­tion, and a small VPN. Kas­pers­ky, howe­ver, reser­ves the­se kinds of fea­tures for its more expen­si­ve ide­as.

Both pro­ducts and ser­vices also offer good cus­to­mer sup­port. Kas­pers­ky sup­pli­es email, cell­pho­ne, and via the inter­net chat sup­port, while Bitdefender’s sup­port hub includes a big know­ledge base of artic­les that cover a wide various topics. They like­wi­se have an expert online com­mu­ni­ty that’s open to pre­mi­um users.

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