Cen­tral Asi­an Mar­ria­ge cerem­o­ny Tra­di­ti­on


Alt­hough https://www.britannica.com/biography/Saint-Valentine some clas­sic wed­ding tra­di­ti­ons were out­la­wed during the 85 years of Soviet/Russian rule, other folks endu­re. The wed­ding cerem­o­ny is a very important event in the lives of Cen­tral Asi­ans. The cele­bra­ti­ons are grand and lavish, often invol­ving hundreds of per­sons. The prac­ti­ces are roo­ted in the noma­dic past and reflect the are­as of the region’s cul­tu­re.

In a nuts­hell, the mar­ria­ge method beg­ins which has a match­ma­ker (gyumzhan) who actively seeks the right per­son to mar­ry. The match­ma­ker con­siders the fami­ly back­ground and finan­ces of equal­ly girls and boys. Your pregnan­cy dates are taken in con­side­ra­ti­on as a signal of abili­yy. Once the match­ma­ker is satis­fied that both par­ties will cer­tain­ly appro­ve the mar­ria­ge, he pres­ents star of the wed­ding pri­ce towards the girl’s par­ents. This is nor­mal­ly a sum of money or goods such as silk dres­ses, hand­ker­chiefs and shoes. The amount of new bri­de pri­ce varies bet­ween count­ries and cul­tures.

The groom after that trans­mits a gift towards the bride’s fami­ly group. If her fami­ly loves the pre­sent, that they accept the pro­po­sal and request the bri­de­g­room to visit the girl in for­mu­la. The girl would pro­ba­b­ly then con­ce­al behind a curtain in her resi­dence and wait for a visi­tors. The girl was talen­ted with a white cot­ton scarf (kri­yk) as an omen of puri­ty and her fami­ly mem­bers pre­sen­ted gifts.

Once the nikokh, or enga­ge­ment, was agreed upon by both fami­ly mem­bers, the mother-in-law usual­ly offers the young new bri­de ear­rings being a sign that she per­mit­ted the mar­ria­ge. The groom will then visit the girl in secret once again, to request her turn in mar­ria­ge.

Befo­re the actu­al wed­ding day, equal­ly fami­lies defi­ni­te­ly will prepa­re for a lar­ge feast. The groom will pre­sent gifts towards the bride’s girl rela­ti­ves as well. In cer­tain parts of the coun­try the groom will pro­ba­b­ly pay a dowry to her rela­ti­ves. This was ban­ned during the Soviet era yet is endu­ring upset in Turk­me­ni­stan, with 90% of all wed­ding cere­mo­nies invol­ving the pay­ment of kalym. The dowry con­sist of hor­ses, catt­le, money, adorn­ments and appa­rel.


Through the wed­ding par­ty, both tou­rists will be regis­tered by their others who live near­by. The cus­to­mer list is nor­mal­ly lar­ge and reflects the social sta­tus of the peo­p­le in the regi­on.

The wed­ding is a very important coming back the Kyr­gyz peo­p­le. The fami­ly is regard­ed as the hig­hest bene­fit in their world and having a cate­go­ry of your pri­va­te means a lot. The best time of this year to expe­ri­ence a wed­ding with the autumn and late sum­mer sea­son dating a kyr­gyz woman main­ly becau­se the wea­ther is com­for­ta­ble and inex­pen­si­ve.

Bey­ond the big wed­ding, the star of the wed­ding will be invi­ted to many other par­ties orga­nis­ed by her new in-laws. The wed­ding sea­son lasts for weeks, in addi­ti­on to some regi­ons even months. The guests hap­pen to be ser­ved having a gre­at num­ber of food such as tra­di­tio­nal grain dis­hes, mut­ton stew, soups and dum­plings. Crims­on, which is the color of hap­pi­ness, is a very essen­ti­al color in wed­ding design and food.

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