Flir­ting With Dyna­mic Lis­tening Skills


Flir­ting with acti­ve lis­tening skills is a powerful stra­tegy that can enhan­ce your abili­ty to figu­re out others’ view­points and react with empa­thy. This skill like­wi­se enables you to con­nect with your co-workers much more meaningful methods, and can les­sen the ten­si­on and dis­cord that can take place at work (Nel­son-Jones, 2014). It is important to note, howe­ver , that tho­se lis­tening tac­tics is going to take time and prac­ti­ce befo­re they turn to be second natu­re.

Acti­ve tuning in requi­res pla­cing asi­de your own view in order to lis­ten to the speaker’s point of view. It may include emo­tio­nal­ly scree­ning away dis­trac­tions, pre­ven­ting inter­nal dia­lo­gue, and see­king open-ended con­cerns or para­phra­sing what they have said to be sure you’ve reco­gni­zed their posi­ti­on. Addi­tio­nal­ly , ener­ge­tic lis­tening includes non­ver­bal cues just like main­tai­ning eye cont­act, grin­ning while lis­tening, nod­ding in key junc­tures, and ben­ding in in regards towards the spea­k­er.

As much as 65% of your body ges­tu­res swe­dish mail order bri­des com­mu­ni­ca­tes when you­re actively tuning in. Be sure to stay away from fid­ge­ting, sear­ching in a watch or clock, or per­haps che­cking social web­sites. Ins­tead, use signals such as nod­ding and lea­ning in to dis­play you’re enga­ged, and simp­le ver­bal ack­now­ledgments just like “I check out, ” “Oh wow, ” and encou­ra­ging tho­se to con­ti­nue.

If you’re not clear about what the spea­k­er says, gent­ly inter­rupt at a natu­ral stop and ask just for cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on. Do not inter­rupt too soon, though, or may­be the spea­k­er could pos­si­bly feel like you hap­pen to be not inte­res­ted in what they say. You can also encou­ra­ge them to con­ti­nue by sim­ply sta­ting, “It sounds like you­re upset about this inci­dent. I’m won­de­ring in case you could explain why that is. ”

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