How to Use a LEGO Cheat Code in Legend Wars: The full Saga


With seven films, various side tasks and coll­ec­ti­bles, and ple­nty of addi­tio­nal chal­lenges in play, loo­king to do all the things in PRO­FA­NO Star Batt­les: The Com­ple­te Exer­gue can be a pro­lon­ged and some­ti­mes tire­so­me affair. That’s why TT Online games, the maker of your series, pro­vi­des always included the opti­on to unlock be unfaithful codes that grant almost instant access to cha­rac­ters, vehic­les, and abili­ties.

The pro­cess of using a lego cheat code is simp­le enough; just pau­se the game and open the Holo­pro­jec­tor to reve­al an ‘Enter Code’ switch, which you can click. Sim­ply enter in one of the uni­que codes from beneath and, pre­sen­ted you’­ve moved into it appro­pria­te­ly, you should be paid with a noti­ce con­fir­ming the fact that the item or cha­rac­te­ristic has been unlo­cked. You should also see the item or cha­rac­ter appear in the cha­rac­ter main grid and will then choo­se it the moment ente­ring Total­ly free Play.

As with pre­vious TT Games post titles, you can only take advan­ta­ge of the cheats lis­ted below once, which in turn means they won’t be acti­ve when you reboot the game. You can also buy extra cheats in the ‘Extras’ menu meant for studs, though the­se are likely to expi­re after get­ting used them once or twice.

To make use of a lego defraud code, easi­ly pau­se the game and visit the ‘Enter Code’ menu (you can gain access to this with the Holo­pro­jec­tor in Mos Eis­ley Can­ti­na or by start­ing the ‘Extras’ tab). The­r­e­fo­re just enter into one of the lan­guage from under and wait for your rewards.

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