How to Use a PRO­FA­NO Cheat Code in PRO­FA­NO Star Wars: The Sky­wal­ker Saga


With seven films to com­ple­te and a wild amount of side quests, coll­ec­ti­bles, and chal­lenges, try­ing to do ever­y­thing in SEGLAR Star Wars: The Sky­wal­ker Saga can be time inten­si­ve. That’s why various play­ers have alre­a­dy been loo­king into cheat codes to assist speed up the pro­cess.

TT Games’ LEGO games have a long histo­ry and are known for giving cheat codes, which in turn gene­ral­ly requi­re ente­ring a code on the spe­ci­fic menu acces­si­ble through the pau­se screen or in-game. The­se cheats can open extra cha­rac­ters, wea­pon­ry, dual wiel­ding, score mul­ti­pli­ers, and other useful game­play tweaks. In LEGO Star Wars: The Sky­wal­ker Saga, the cor­po­ra­ti­on has deci­ded to chan­ge some mis­con­cep­ti­on and pro­du­ce the­se unlocks more offe­red through the Extra sup­pli­es menu, whe­re­ver play­ers can buy them to get a small quan­ti­ty of in-game studs.

The way play­ers type in the­se codes has also chan­ged via pre­vious post titles. In LEGO Star Wars: The Sky­wal­ker fable, you can pick the ‘Enter Code’ opti­on as you pau­se the game or open up your Holo­pro­rec­tor, that can bring up a key­board whe­re you can input the seven-digit codes nee­ded to unco­ver cha­rac­ters and ships.

This gui­de will sum­ma­ri­ze all the com­pu­ter codes you can use to unlock per­so­na­li­ties like Admi­ral Hol­do and ships just like the Razor Crest, as well as a list of all the cheats that are curr­ent­ly working in the game. It will also show­ca­se what’s at pre­sent in the Extra sup­pli­es menu, whe­re you can get cha­rac­ter and ship opens for a litt­le bit of in-game ui cur­ren­cy.

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