Is defi­ni­te­ly 360 Secu­reness Legit?


As one of China’s top cyber­se­cu­ri­ty com­pa­nies, 360 secu­ri­ty is known as a trus­ted term. The orga­niza­ti­on has been around sin­ce 2005 and has built a good repu­ta­ti­on just for offe­ring a gre­at mix of anti­vi­rus secu­ri­ty soft­ware fea­tures inclu­ding a sand­box, fire­wall, on-line pro­tec­tion in real time, and more. In addi­ti­on, it offers a free of char­ge plan using its key secu­ri­ty com­pon­ents and a wide array of useful equip­ment to keep your pro­gram safe.

The app’s main fea­tures include a cloud-based engi­ne that picks up thre­ats instant­ly and a com­pre­hen­si­ve list of equip­ment like a sand­box, back­up, scam defen­se, and even more. In addi­ti­on, it does a ama­zing job of blo­cking inco­ming risks from web­sites and avo­ids your data via being sto­len. Sad to say, it lacks a pass­word mana­ger and some other stuff that lea­ding com­pe­ti­tors pre­sent.

Its spy­wa­re detec­tion pri­ces are sub­stan­dard, and its real-time secu­ri­ty could use seve­ral impro­ve­ment. Nevert­hel­ess, it do do an excel­lent job insi­de our tests against phis­hing scrat­ches and were able to block each of the dan­ge­rous sites we tes­ted against.

The program’s Docu­ment Guar­di­an is a won­derful fea­ture that lets you safe­guard deli­ca­te docu­ments in real-time and make recur­rent back­ups of important data files to avo­id ran­som­wa­re. It also includes a decryp­ti­on tool which could unlock docu­ments after they’ve been atta­cked by ran­som­wa­re. Howe­ver , it may be worth obser­ving that the cha­rac­te­ristic only works against a small num­ber of ran­som­wa­re vari­ants.

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