Mar­ria­ge cerem­o­ny Tra­di­ti­on in Croa­tia


If you’­re plan­ning for a wed­ding in croa­tia, and/or alre­a­dy invol­ved with one, the­re is a lot to con­sider. From food­s­tuff to music, the day is fil­led with fami­ly tra­di­ti­ons and ritu­als croa­ti­an bri­des that make it spe­cial for anyo­ne pre­sent. Among­st tho­se tra­di­ti­ons are some dif­fe­rent ones that may be quite amusing and fun for guests to look at part in (such sen­ding out a few arti­fi­ci­al bri­des pri­or to the real 1 makes her way out). Here’s good exam­p­le of a mar­ria­ge tra­di­ti­on in croa­tia:

Riza is known as a tra­di­ti­on con­tai­ned in the Latin “ris­ca­re” or per­haps “to rejoice”. During the wed­ding cerem­o­ny, all mem­bers of the fami­ly walk down the ais­le pos­ses­sing cand­les, sym­bo­li­zing their job in gui­ding the new­ly­weds through their mar­ria­ge tog­e­ther. Later, the cou­ple throws rice on them­sel­ves to bring them good for­tu­ne. Fri­ends can also be invol­ved in this feast day sim­ply by thro­wing fan­fa­re or soap bubbles over the bri­de and groom.

This is cer­tain­ly a gre­at way to choo­se a wed­ding day a litt­le more per­so­nal and memo­rable for your fri­ends. In Croa­tia, you can have a tiny bund­le of rose­ma­ry twigs pin­ned to their atti­re on the left side as being a sym­bol of wel­co­me. Typi­cal­ly, the­se packa­ges are embel­lished with red-white-blue rib­bons (a nod for the Croa­ti­an flag). Often­ti­mes, fri­ends will lea­ve a don in a con­tai­ner fol­lo­wing recei­ving the rose­ma­ry cor­sa­ges.

With regards to the regi­on, the­re are ple­nty of ways to look for a woman’s turn in mar­ria­ge in Croa­tia. The groom may give you a pri­ce, exe­cu­te a num­ber of push-ups to show his phy­si­cal dura­bi­li­ty, or sing a music ext­ol­ling the advan­ta­ge of the star of the event. If the woman accepts the pro­po­sal, she need to then deli­ver an obil­jez­je to her home to thank them for ack­now­led­ging her.

The recep­ti­on is a grand affair, typi­cal­ly fea­turing a ban­quet-style meal and a lot of dancing. Want to know the best part about this por­ti­on of the wed­ding is the fact it usual­ly lasts right up until sun­ri­se! Soo­ner or later during the night, many peo­p­le head house, while a list of cars, which includes 30+ auto­mo­bi­les in a line, devices down the road hon­king and remem­be­ring with the few.

Fol­lo­wing the church wed­ding cerem­o­ny, the few is gree­ted with a type of fami­ly, often using a bar­jakt­ar (a man waving a Croa­ti­an flag) lea­ding the way. A band will play for the crowd becau­se they com­me­mo­ra­te and toas­ted bread with raki­ja.

Fri­ends will then eat a tra­di­tio­nal din­ner of goulash or sar­ma (rol­led cab­ba­ge full of min­ce and rice) and in some are­as, fish soups with caf­feine. During the cour­se of night time, guests will also offer their gift items to the few. Most­ly, this will main­tain the form of money and is a fan­ta­stic ges­tu­re per­tai­ning to the few to recei­ve fol­lo­wing they’­ve had a long evening and night of fun!

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