Nor­ton Safe Search Assess­ment


Nor­ton safe search is a net pro­tec­tion device desi­gned to pro­tect you while sear­ching the net. Its goal should be to ensu­re that you loca­te sites that are free of viru­s­es, viru­s­es, and other thre­ats. It can be available for the majo­ri­ty of major web brow­sers inclu­ding Goog­le Chro­me. It is included with some Nor­ton pro­tec­tion pro­grams offe­red inter­net or at retail. It is addi­tio­nal­ly available for a no cost down­load in the Nor­ton Safe Search web­site.

It uses the Bing search engi­ne and adds a lay­er of secu­ri­ty to look results. It offers users inter­net site dif­fe­ren­tia­te bet­ween safe and mali­cious web­sites by sim­ply dis­play­ing web page anno­ta­ti­ons in the tool­bar or next to each search end result. It is a useful giz­mo to have for any indi­vi­du­al who all surfs the world wide web on a regu­lar basis.

Nor­ton Safe Search also allows users to sub­mit feed­back for just about any web­page they would like to review. Various other mem­bers of your com­mu­ni­ty may then rate and com­ment on this kind of feed­back. This enables other users to gain an impro­ved under­stan­ding of how the­se sites func­tion and whe­ther they pose a thre­at online com­mu­ni­ty.

While it is nor­mal­ly impos­si­ble to under­stand every web page that is actual­ly and every dan­ger in today’s acti­ve digi­tal time, Nor­ton Safe Search can give Net con­su­mers a far grea­ter under­stan­ding of what the dan­gers are out the­re and exact­ly whe­re they should go online for com­mer­cial or per­so­nal con­ver­sa­ti­on. It is a valuable resour­ce to acqui­re as more and more peo­p­le come online to con­duct their very own dai­ly lives and their spe­cia­list duties.

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