PDF Sys­tems deve­lo­p­ment life cycle abhash jha


To bet­ter meet the client’s requi­re­ments, a deve­lo­p­ment team can also use a hybrid approach
and com­bi­ne seve­ral models in the enti­re pro­ject. The model can be view­ed as a blue­print for suc­cess; fol­lo­wing it blind­ly doesn’t neces­s­a­ri­ly gua­ran­tee suc­cess, but it increa­ses the likeli­hood that the cus­to­mer will be hap­py with the results. Soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment is a broad topic, and it can cover ever­y­thing from web design tools and online forms to more robust machi­ne lear­ning or back-end sys­tems. Whe­ther your team is invol­ved in wri­ting code in the brow­ser or doing more robust deve­lo­p­ment, they need a road­map. The sys­tem is moni­to­red for con­tin­ued per­for­mance in accordance with user requi­re­ments, and nee­ded sys­tem modi­fi­ca­ti­ons are incor­po­ra­ted.

phases of the systems development life cycle

The SDLC whe­re secu­ri­ty is given prime importance and dealt with from the get-go is cal­led a ‘Secu­re SDLC’ or secu­ri­ty sys­tems deve­lo­p­ment life­cy­cle. Inte­gra­ting secu­ri­ty with SDLC in a ground-up approach has been easier with the modern appli­ca­ti­on secu­ri­ty test­ing tools. On a prac­ti­cal level, SDLC is a gene­ral metho­do­lo­gy that covers dif­fe­rent step-by-step pro­ces­ses nee­ded to crea­te a high-qua­li­ty soft­ware pro­duct. Once the requi­re­ment ana­ly­sis pha­se is com­ple­ted the next sdlc step is to defi­ne and docu­ment soft­ware needs. This pro­cess con­duc­ted with the help of ‘Soft­ware Requi­re­ment Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on’ docu­ment also known as ‘SRS’ docu­ment. It includes ever­y­thing which should be desi­gned and deve­lo­ped during the pro­ject life cycle.

What You Need to Know About Sys­tem Deve­lo­p­ment Life Cycle

The team will also crea­te a main­ten­an­ce plan to ensu­re that any chan­ges or updates to the soft­ware are pro­per­ly imple­men­ted. The team should also crea­te a post-imple­men­ta­ti­on review to eva­lua­te pha­ses of the sys­tems deve­lo­p­ment life cycle the suc­cess of the pro­ject and iden­ti­fy are­as of impro­ve­ment. This pha­se is key to the suc­cess of the pro­ject, as it ensu­res that the soft­ware is main­tai­ned pro­per­ly and can evol­ve as nee­ded.

phases of the systems development life cycle

Trai­ning usual­ly covers ope­ra­tio­nal trai­ning for sup­port staff as well as end-user trai­ning. With web appli­ca­ti­on secu­ri­ty add an extra lay­er of pro­tec­tion to your appli­ca­ti­on and stop DDoS attacks and data brea­ches befo­re they even occur. SDLCs can also be more spe­ci­fi­cal­ly used by sys­tems ana­lysts as they deve­lop and later imple­ment a new infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem.


A fea­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy deter­mi­nes whe­ther crea­ting a new or impro­ved sys­tem is appro­pria­te. This helps to esti­ma­te cos­ts, bene­fits, resour­ce requi­re­ments, and spe­ci­fic user needs. The agi­le model is rela­tively well-known, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment indus­try. One of the upsi­des to this model is that deve­lo­pers can crea­te a working ver­si­on of the pro­ject rela­tively ear­ly in their deve­lo­p­ment life cycle, so imple­ment the chan­ges are often less expen­si­ve. Deve­lo­pers must now move into a main­ten­an­ce mode and begin prac­ti­cing any acti­vi­ties requi­red to hand­le issues repor­ted by end-users. Befo­re we even begin with the plan­ning stage, the best tip we can give you is to take time and acqui­re pro­per under­stan­ding of app deve­lo­p­ment life cycle.

Veri­fi­ca­ti­on and vali­da­ti­on metho­do­lo­gy requi­res a rigo­rous time­line and lar­ge amounts of resour­ces. It is simi­lar to the Water­fall model with the addi­ti­on of com­pre­hen­si­ve par­al­lel test­ing during the ear­ly stages of the SDLC pro­cess. This approach impli­es a line­ar type of pro­ject pha­se com­ple­ti­on, whe­re each stage has its sepa­ra­te pro­ject plan and is strict­ly rela­ted to the pre­vious and next steps of sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment. Now that you know the basic SDLC pha­ses and why each of them is important, it’s time to dive into the core metho­do­lo­gies of the sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle. Simi­lar­ly, auto­ma­ted and cloud-based plat­forms, which simu­la­te test­ing envi­ron­ments, take a signi­fi­cant amount of manu­al time out of this stage of the sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle. The­re are various approa­ches to test­ing, and you will likely adopt a mix of methods during this pha­se.

Core Com­pe­ten­ci­es and Gene­ral Skills :Busi­ness Ana­lyst

SDLC is a sys­te­ma­tic pro­cess for buil­ding soft­ware that ensu­res the qua­li­ty and cor­rect­ness of the soft­ware built. SDLC pro­cess aims to pro­du­ce high-qua­li­ty soft­ware that meets cus­to­mer expec­ta­ti­ons. The sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment should be com­ple­te in the pre-defi­ned time frame and cost. SDLC con­sists of a detail­ed plan which explains how to plan, build, and main­tain spe­ci­fic soft­ware. Every pha­se of the SDLC life Cycle has its own pro­cess and deli­ver­a­bles that feed into the next pha­se.

  • The team will also crea­te a sys­tem secu­ri­ty plan to ensu­re that the soft­ware is secu­re from out­side thre­ats.
  • Per­haps, on the other hand, what if you alre­a­dy get the software’s code base but don’t know what to do with it?
  • Final­ly, the team should crea­te a user feed­back sys­tem to ensu­re that any issues are iden­ti­fied and addres­sed quick­ly.
  • This is the part when a net­work engi­neer, soft­ware deve­lo­per, and/or pro­gramm­er are brought on to con­duct major work on the sys­tem.
  • The pro­ject is put into pro­duc­tion by moving all com­pon­ents and data from the old sys­tem and put­ting them in a new one through a direct cuto­ver.

An out­put arti­fact does not need to be com­ple­te­ly defi­ned to ser­ve as input of object-ori­en­ted design; ana­ly­sis and design may occur in par­al­lel. In prac­ti­ce the results of one acti­vi­ty can feed the other in an ite­ra­ti­ve pro­cess. Theo­re­ti­cal­ly, this model helps teams to address small issues as they ari­se rather than miss­ing them until later, more com­plex stages of a pro­ject. This can include hand­ling resi­du­al bugs that were not able to be patched befo­re launch or resol­ving new issues that crop up due to user reports.


This is the part when a net­work engi­neer, soft­ware deve­lo­per, and/or pro­gramm­er are brought on to con­duct major work on the sys­tem. This includes ensu­ring the sys­tem pro­cess is orga­ni­zed pro­per­ly through a flow chart. Many con­sider this the most robust SDLC stage as all the labor-inten­si­ve tasks are accom­plished here.

As men­tio­ned, the pro­cess of a sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle includes seve­ral SDLC pha­ses. The exact num­ber of pha­ses varies from five to seven, depen­ding on the spe­ci­fics of a sys­tem
deve­lo­p­ment pro­ject and a par­ti­cu­lar metho­do­lo­gy that a team appli­es. We’ll descri­be the
seven-stage ver­si­on of a sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle sin­ce it will allow you to see the
big­ger pic­tu­re. Each stage is a set of acti­vi­ties that help teams crea­te a final soft­ware pro­duct. Depen­ding on the sel­ec­ted soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment model, they can chan­ge, go through cycles, or be fle­xi­ble. Pha­se 4 of the sys­tems deve­lo­p­ment life cycle is when code is writ­ten for the desi­red fea­tures and ope­ra­ti­ons.

The De-Fac­to Method of Crea­ting Modern Soft­ware

It is important to ensu­re that the main­ten­an­ce pha­se is pro­per­ly mana­ged to ensu­re the suc­cess of the pro­ject. An SDLC (soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment life cycle) is a big-pic­tu­re break­down of all the steps invol­ved in soft­ware crea­ti­on (plan­ning, coding, test­ing, deploy­ing, etc.). Com­pa­nies defi­ne cus­tom SDLCs to crea­te a pre­dic­ta­ble, ite­ra­ti­ve frame­work https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ that gui­des the team through all major stages of deve­lo­p­ment. It usual­ly requi­res a signi­fi­cant amount of
time as com­pared to the pre­vious three system’s deve­lo­p­ment life cycle stages. As a rule, the
coding team includes front-end pro­gramm­ers and back-end pro­gramm­ers who are respon­si­ble for dif­fe­rent
deve­lo­p­ment tasks.

phases of the systems development life cycle

Here, are prime reasons why SDLC is important for deve­lo­ping a soft­ware sys­tem. Ide­al­ly, the deploy­ment pha­se hap­pens auto­ma­ti­cal­ly (typi­cal­ly as a part of CI/CD). Com­pa­nies with lower matu­ri­ty or in some high­ly regu­la­ted indus­tries may requi­re manu­al appr­ovals during this SDLC stage. Too much time spent atten­ding mee­tings, see­king appr­oval, etc. which lead to addi­tio­nal cost and time to the sche­du­le. Take time to record ever­y­thing, which leads to addi­tio­nal cost and time to the sche­du­le.

SDLC vs. DevOps

As soon as the soft­ware is in the test­ing stage, it is almost impos­si­ble to go back and chan­ge some fea­tures that were not initi­al­ly thought over. The con­cept is fur­ther deve­lo­ped to descri­be how the busi­ness will ope­ra­te once the appro­ved sys­tem is imple­men­ted, and to assess how the sys­tem will impact employee and cus­to­mer pri­va­cy. To ensu­re the pro­ducts and / or ser­vices pro­vi­de the requi­red capa­bi­li­ty on-time and within bud­get, pro­ject resour­ces, acti­vi­ties, sche­du­les, tools, and reviews are defi­ned. Addi­tio­nal­ly, secu­ri­ty cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and accre­di­ta­ti­on acti­vi­ties begin with the iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of sys­tem secu­ri­ty requi­re­ments and the com­ple­ti­on of a high level vul­nerabi­li­ty assess­ment.

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