Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on Stock Pri­ce Today NASDAQ: PRDO Quo­te, Mar­ket Cap, Chart


prdo stock price today

The con­sen­sus among Wall Street rese­arch ana­lysts is that inves­tors should “buy” PRDO shares. Your invest­ment can fluc­tua­te, so you may get back less than you inves­ted. Bara­ka does not war­rant that the infor­ma­ti­on is accu­ra­te, relia­ble or com­ple­te or that the sup­p­ly will be wit­hout inter­rup­ti­ons. Any third par­ty infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded through does not reflect the views of Bara­ka..

The Bar­chart Tech­ni­cal Opi­ni­on wid­get shows you today’s ove­r­al­ly Bar­chart Opi­ni­on with gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on on how to inter­pret the short and lon­ger term signals. Uni­que to, Opi­ni­ons ana­ly­zes a stock or com­mo­di­ty using 13 popu­lar ana­ly­tics in short‑, medi­um- and long-term peri­ods. Results are inter­pre­ted as buy, sell or hold signals, each with nume­ric ratings and sum­ma­ri­zed with an over­all per­cen­ta­ge buy or sell rating. After each cal­cu­la­ti­on the pro­gram assigns a Buy, Sell, or Hold value with the stu­dy, depen­ding on whe­re the pri­ce lies in refe­rence to the com­mon inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the stu­dy.

In fact, when com­bi­ning a Zacks Rank #3 or bet­ter and a posi­ti­ve Ear­nings ESP, stocks pro­du­ced a posi­ti­ve sur­pri­se 70% of the time, while they also saw 28.3% annu­al returns on avera­ge, accor­ding to our 10 year back­test. With inno­va­ti­on and govern­ment initia­ti­ves, the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor seems well-posi­tio­ned for sub­stan­ti­al growth. Given the industry’s solid long-term pro­s­pects, edu­ca­ti­on stocks Gra­ham Hol­dings (GHC),… Bara­ka pro­vi­des tra­di­tio­nal secu­ri­ties and does not intend to
enga­ge a Sha­riah advi­sor or obtain a fat­wa regar­ding Sha­riah scree­ned secu­ri­ties.

Sin­ce then, PRDO stock has decreased by 11.5% and is now tra­ding at $12.30. The mana­ger of two most­ly-online col­leges crus­hed Wall Street’s expec­ta­ti­ons in the fourth quar­ter. With con­stant deve­lo­p­ment and inno­va­ti­on in edu­ca­ti­on and lear­ning, the sec­tor looks poi­sed to grow. With the poten­ti­al to rake in signi­fi­cant pro­fits, inves­tors could look to buy fun­da­men­tal­ly strong… Bara­ka Finan­cial Limi­t­ed (“Bara­ka”) is regis­tered in the Dubai Inter­na­tio­nal Finan­cial Cent­re (“DIFC”) and is regu­la­ted by the Dubai Finan­cial Ser­vices Aut­ho­ri­ty (“DFSA”). It holds a Cate­go­ry 4 licen­se with the per­mis­si­on of Arran­ging Deals in Invest­ments, with a Retail endor­se­ment.

Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on Cor­po­ra­ti­on Sche­du­les First Quar­ter Ear­nings Con­fe­rence Call for May 5th

It ope­ra­tes through Colo­ra­do Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty (CTU) and Ame­ri­can Inter­Con­ti­nen­tal Uni­ver­si­ty (AIU) seg­ments. The CTU seg­ment offers aca­de­mic pro­grams in the disci­pli­nes of busi­ness stu­dies, nur­sing, com­pu­ter sci­ence, engi­nee­ring, infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems and tech­no­lo­gy, cyber­se­cu­ri­ty, and health­ca­re manage­ment. The AIU seg­ment pro­vi­des aca­de­mic pro­grams in the disci­pli­nes of busi­ness stu­dies, infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies, edu­ca­ti­on, and cri­mi­nal jus­ti­ce. The com­pa­ny was foun­ded by John M. Lar­son on Janu­ary 5, 1994 and is head­quar­te­red in Schaum­burg, IL.

prdo stock price today

No repre­sen­ta­ti­on is made as to the time­line­ss, relia­bi­li­ty, accu­ra­cy or com­ple­ten­ess of the mar­ket data pro­vi­ded. Any opi­ni­ons, news, rese­arch, ana­ly­sis, pri­ces, or other
infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned on our Web­site Ser­vices, or emai­led to you, are pro­vi­ded as gene­ral mar­ket
com­men­ta­ry, and do not con­sti­tu­te invest­ment advice. Bara­ka will not accept lia­bi­li­ty for any
loss or dama­ge, inclu­ding, wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, for any loss of pro­fit which may ari­se direct­ly
or indi­rect­ly from use of or reli­ance on such infor­ma­ti­on. Each decis­i­on as to whe­ther an
invest­ment is appro­pria­te or pro­per is an inde­pen­dent decis­i­on by you. Bara­ka makes no repre­sen­ta­ti­ons as to whe­ther a par­ti­cu­lar invest­ment is
appro­pria­te or sui­ta­ble for you. Access to easy in-depth stock ana­ly­sis and reports from Refi­ni­tiv with ana­lyst esti­ma­tes on share pri­ce move­ments.

Zacks Rese­arch is Repor­ted On:

Histo­ry shows that small-cap value stocks have been one of the best-per­forming asset clas­ses. Upgrade to Mar­ket­Beat All Access to add more stocks to your watch­list. One share of PRDO stock can curr­ent­ly be purcha­sed for appro­xi­m­ate­ly $12.30.

prdo stock price today

Zacks Ranks stocks can, and often do, chan­ge throug­hout the month. Cer­tain Zacks Rank stocks for which no month-end pri­ce was available, pri­cing infor­ma­ti­on was not coll­ec­ted, or for cer­tain other reasons have been excluded from the­se return cal­cu­la­ti­ons. Any com­men­ta­ries, artic­les, dai­ly news items, public and/or pri­va­te chat publi­ca­ti­ons,
stock ana­ly­sis and/or other infor­ma­ti­on con­tai­ned in the Web­site Ser­vices should not be
con­side­red invest­ment advice. 1 Wall Street rese­arch ana­lysts have issued 1‑year pri­ce tar­gets for Per­do­ceo Education’s stock.

Live Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on Stock Pri­ce, His­to­ri­cal PRDO Stock Pri­ce Chart

There’s also a VGM Score (‘V’ for Value, ‘G’ for Growth and ‘M’ for Momen­tum), which com­bi­nes the weigh­ted avera­ge of the indi­vi­du­al style scores into one score. The Style Scores are a com­ple­men­ta­ry set of indi­ca­tors to use along­side the Zacks Rank. It allows the user to bet­ter focus on the stocks that are the best fit for his or her per­so­nal tra­ding style. Per­do­ceo Education’s stock is owned by a varie­ty of retail and insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors. Top insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors include Pacer Advi­sors Inc. (1.40%) and Lake­wood Asset Manage­ment LLC (0.02%). Per­do­ceo Education’s stock was tra­ding at $13.90 at the begin­ning of the year.

Zacks Rank stock-rating sys­tem returns are com­pu­ted month­ly based on the begin­ning of the month and end of the month Zacks Rank stock pri­ces plus any divi­dends recei­ved during that par­ti­cu­lar month. A simp­le, equal­ly-weigh­ted avera­ge return of all Zacks Rank stocks is cal­cu­la­ted to deter­mi­ne the month­ly return. The month­ly returns are then com­poun­ded to arri­ve at the annu­al return. Only Zacks Rank stocks included in Zacks hypo­the­ti­cal port­fo­li­os at the begin­ning of each month are included in the return cal­cu­la­ti­ons.

As of Decem­ber 31, 2021, it had a total stu­dent enroll­ment of appro­xi­m­ate­ly 40,400 stu­dents. The com­pa­ny was form­er­ly known as Care­er Edu­ca­ti­on Cor­po­ra­ti­on and chan­ged its name to Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on Cor­po­ra­ti­on in Janu­ary 2020. Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on Cor­po­ra­ti­on was incor­po­ra­ted in 1994 and is based in Schaum­burg, Illi­nois. The com­pa­ny ope­ra­tes in two seg­ments, Colo­ra­do Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty and The Ame­ri­can Inter­Con­ti­nen­tal Uni­ver­si­ty Sys­tem. The com­pa­ny was incor­po­ra­ted in 1994 and is based in Schaum­burg, Illi­nois. Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on Corp. enga­ges in the pro­vi­si­on of edu­ca­tio­nal ser­vices.

Cheap Stocks to Buy Now That Could Sky­ro­cket in Value

The indus­try with the best avera­ge Zacks Rank would be con­side­red the top indus­try (1 out of 265), which would place it in the top 1% of Zacks Ran­ked Indus­tries. The indus­try with the worst avera­ge Zacks Rank (265 out of 265) would place in the bot­tom 1%. An indus­try with a lar­ger per­cen­ta­ge of Zacks Rank #1’s and #2’s will have a bet­ter avera­ge Zacks Rank than one with a lar­ger per­cen­ta­ge of Zacks Rank #4’s and #5’s. Plus, PRDO info will be updated dai­ly in your Port­fo­lio Tra­cker — also free.

  • The Bar­chart Tech­ni­cal Opi­ni­on wid­get shows you today’s ove­r­al­ly Bar­chart Opi­ni­on with gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on on how to inter­pret the short and lon­ger term signals.
  • Foun­ded in 1993 by brot­hers Tom and David Gard­ner, The Mot­ley Fool helps mil­li­ons of peo­p­le attain finan­cial free­dom through our web­site, pod­casts, books, news­pa­per column, radio show, and pre­mi­um inves­t­ing ser­vices.
  • Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on updated its FY 2023 ear­nings gui­dance on Thurs­day, May, 4th.
  • That means you want to buy stocks with a Zacks Rank #1 or #2, Strong Buy or Buy, which also has a Score of an A or a B in your per­so­nal tra­ding style.

At the cen­ter of ever­y­thing we do is a strong com­mit­ment to inde­pen­dent rese­arch and sha­ring its pro­fi­ta­ble dis­co­veries with inves­tors. This dedi­ca­ti­on to giving inves­tors a tra­ding advan­ta­ge led to the crea­ti­on of our pro­ven Zacks Rank stock-rating sys­tem. Sin­ce 1988 it has more than dou­bled the S&P 500 with an avera­ge gain of +24.17% per year. The­se returns cover a peri­od from Janu­ary 1, 1988 through May 15, 2023.

After the sell-off in Febru­ary, the mar­kets have sprung back up. The broa­der S&P 500 Index is tra­ding at an all-time high and the blue-chip Dow Jones Indus­tri­al Index is just shy of its all-time peak. Foun­ded in 1993 by brot­hers Tom and David Gard­ner, The Mot­ley Fool helps mil­li­ons of peo­p­le attain finan­cial free­dom through our web­site, pod­casts, books, news­pa­per column, radio show, and pre­mi­um inves­t­ing ser­vices. This list tracks the stocks with the most upwards (top gai­ners) and down­wards (top losers) move­ment in pri­ce from the pre­vious day. The Zacks Indus­try Rank assigns a rating to each of the 265 X (Expan­ded) Indus­tries based on their avera­ge Zacks Rank.

Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on Cor­po­ra­ti­on Sche­du­les First Quar­ter Ear­nings Con­fe­rence Call for May 6

The com­pa­ny is sche­du­led to release its next quar­ter­ly ear­nings announce­ment on Thurs­day, August 3rd 2023. Sign-up to recei­ve the latest news and ratings for Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on and its com­pe­ti­tors with MarketBeat’s FREE dai­ly news­let­ter. Mar­ket­Rank is cal­cu­la­ted as an avera­ge of available cate­go­ry scores, with extra weight given to ana­ly­sis and valua­ti­on. Get stock recom­men­da­ti­ons, port­fo­lio gui­dance, and more from The Mot­ley Fool’s pre­mi­um ser­vices. High­lights important sum­ma­ry opti­ons sta­tis­tics to pro­vi­de a for­ward loo­king indi­ca­ti­on of inves­tors’ sen­ti­ment. The Bar­chart Tech­ni­cal Opi­ni­on rating is a 40% Sell with a Wea­k­est short term out­look on main­tai­ning the cur­rent direc­tion.

On avera­ge, they pre­dict the company’s stock pri­ce to reach $19.00 in the next twel­ve months. This sug­gests a pos­si­ble upsi­de of 54.5% from the stock’s cur­rent pri­ce. View ana­lysts pri­ce tar­gets for PRDO or view top-rated stocks among Wall Street ana­lysts. 1 Wall Street rese­arch ana­lysts have issued “buy,” “hold,” and “sell” ratings for Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on in the last year.

Ana­lysts Con­flic­ted on The­se Ser­vices Names: Per­do­ceo Edu­ca­ti­on (PRDO) and Hyatt Hotels (H)

Accor­ding to one ana­lyst, the rating for PRDO stock is “Buy” and the 12-month stock pri­ce fore­cast is $19.0. © 2023 Mar­ket data pro­vi­ded is at least 10-minu­tes delay­ed https://g‑ and hos­ted by Bar­chart Solu­ti­ons. Infor­ma­ti­on is pro­vi­ded ‘as-is’ and sole­ly for infor­ma­tio­nal pur­po­ses, not for tra­ding pur­po­ses or advice, and is delay­ed.

As an inves­tor, you want to buy stocks with the hig­hest pro­ba­bi­li­ty of suc­cess. That means you want to buy stocks with a Zacks Rank #1 or #2, Strong Buy or Buy, which also has a Score of an A or a B in your per­so­nal tra­ding style. The scores are based on the tra­ding styl­es of Value, Growth, and Momen­tum.

Cli­ents are remin­ded that views on
Sha­riah com­pli­ance dif­fer and that they should obtain their own inde­pen­dent advice as to the
per­mis­si­bi­li­ty of a secu­ri­ty. You are being direc­ted to ZacksTra­de, a divi­si­on of LBMZ Secu­ri­ties and licen­sed bro­ker-dea­ler. The web link bet­ween the two com­pa­nies is not a soli­ci­ta­ti­on or offer to invest in a par­ti­cu­lar secu­ri­ty or type of secu­ri­ty. ZacksTra­de does not endor­se or adopt any par­ti­cu­lar invest­ment stra­tegy, any ana­lyst opinion/rating/report or any approach to eva­lua­ting indiv idu­al secu­ri­ties.

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