Pink­Cu­pid Assess­ment 2023: Grea­test Les­bi­an Dating Inter­net Site? Cha­rac­te­ristics


In case you are a les­bi­an loo­king real­ly love, next this review is going to pro­vi­de you with what that you might want about among earth’s pre­fer­red les­bi­an online dating sites, Pink­Cu­pid.

Pink­Cu­pid isn’t any stran­ger with the dating sce­ne and not a fly-by-night.

A distinct seg­ment site that pro­vi­des les­bi­ans, this across-the-board ana­ly­sis pro­vi­des you with all the details you should crea­te a know­led­geable decis­i­on about whe­ther Pink­Cu­pid may be worth your time within search for real­ly love.

By rea­ding through it, you will dis­co­ver:

The demo­gra­phics behind your web­site

Tips sign-up for a Pink­Cu­pid pro­fi­le

One of the keys attri­bu­tes offe­red to peo­p­le

OFL uni­que pro­vi­des — exami­ne ever­yo­ne

“Seve­re Rela­ti­onships”

“Dis­creet Hoo­kups”

“Most Rea­di­ly Useful Trai­ning Cour­se”

“Fast Flings”

“Regu­lar Hoo­kups”

“All Of Our Quiz”

Very let us get star­ted.

Will be your online dating app pro­vi­ding the num­ber one win­dow of oppor­tu­ni­ty for achie­ve­ments?

Always take all of our online dating sites site/app quiz to learn.

Peo­p­le that stick to the dating inter­net site recom­men­da­ti­ons have actual­ly nor­mal­ly 2 even more times month­ly.

Pink Cupid Review In Movie Form

Audio (pod­cast) form for tho­se of you away from home

Ease of Use – 5/5

Effi­ci­en­cy – 3/5

Key Attri­bu­tes – 4/5

Rates – 4/5

  • Straight­for­ward sub­scri­be pro­vi­des you on the web in clo­se to almost no time after all
  • Powerful user base
  • Excel­lent look choices
  • Lots of essen­ti­al attri­bu­tes for users
  • You are going to have to take down a mem­ber­ship to com­mu­ni­ca­te pro­per­ly
  • Alt­hough the­re is a Pink­Cu­pid soft­ware, it’s not howe­ver desi­gned for Apple mobi­le pho­nes, just Android ones

Who Is It For/Demographics?

Pink­Cu­pid is actual­ly a dating web­site that began back in 2006.

Mana­ge by Cupid Media – who owns around 35 addi­tio­nal dating sites – Pink­Cu­pid is a distinct seg­ment web site direc­ted espe­ci­al­ly at les­bi­ans wan­ting love.

This isn’t a hook-up web site (
like BeNaugh­ty
Ash­ley Madi­son
) but one in which indi­vi­du­als join to acqui­re some one that they may ide­al­ly share their uni­que exis­tence with (
simi­lar to eHarm­o­ny

Howe­ver, some peo­p­le might-be out mere­ly to time for fun or may­be to get tog­e­ther but, typi­cal­ly, it is more about sear­ching for long-term love.

Befo­re we beco­me into just how Pink­Cu­pid func­tions, let’s look at some of the figu­res that Cupid­Me­dia sta­te regar­ding web­site with respect to indi­vi­du­al figu­res along with other inte­res­t­ing figu­res.

  • Over 1 mil­li­on indi­vi­du­als have signed up for users on Pink­Cu­pid sin­ce 2006
  • Around 315 000 of the cus­to­mers come from the usa
  • 350 000 con­su­mers pre­sent­ly check out the site every month
  • Curr­ent­ly, around 28 000 new users sign up for Pink­Cu­pid month­ly.
  • That’s over 300 000 new regis­tered users every sin­gle year

Now what tho­se num­bers recom­mend if you ask me is Pink­Cu­pid is a flou­ris­hing les­bi­an area with a ton of users, most of them who will be excee­din­gly ener­ge­tic on the web­page.

Not only that, nevert­hel­ess web­site is con­ti­nuing to grow and con­ti­nues to enti­ce new users month­ly.

Alt­hough it undoub­ted­ly is quite gua­ran­te­e­ing with regards to a user base, think about this sel­ec­tions of tho­se that use Pink­Cu­pid.

Real­ly, the mal­func­tion for this is actual­ly:

  • 25–34 years old
  • 18–24 years of age
  • 35–44 yrs old
  • 45–54 yrs . old
  • 55+

From the age bra­ckets, you can note that a num­ber of the users on Pink­Cu­pid are elder­ly bet­ween 18 to 34.

Inde­ed, its around 50percent of all of the users on the site that hap­pen to be in this gene­ra­ti­on.

That does­n’t mean that if you keep an eye out for lots more adult matchups you won’t loca­te them here.

This is becau­se Pink­Cu­pid has pages across all of the age bra­ckets, they may sim­ply not end up being as num­e­rous becau­se the 18–34-year-old group.

If you have ever used among 35 inter­net sites that come under the adver­ti­sing of Cupid news, you’ll know not sim­ply will they be incre­di­bly well-desi­gned and athe­i­sti­cal­ly plea­se, nevert­hel­ess could not end up being much easier to begin a pro­fi­le and brow­se this site.

And that’s cor­rect for Pink­Cu­pid too.

Get­ting up and run­ning on Pink­Cu­pid tru­ly can­not end up being any much easier.

The­re are two ways you can sign up for the site:

  • For tho­se who have an android pho­ne, down load the offi­ci­al Pink­Cu­pid app into the Bing Gam­ble Store and sign up making use of that.
  • Or you can pro­ceed with the more tra­di­tio­nal way and direct­ly into Pink­Cu­pid
    web site
    to begin your own pro­fi­le.

On the web­site, you are able to impro­ve the pro­ce­du­re a lot more by using your Twit­ter mem­ber­ship to set­up the Pink­Cu­pid log­in.

When doing it the nor­mal way, you’ll have to offer the fol­lo­wing:

  • The name
  • The email address
  • A pass­word
  • This vary you would like your matchups beco­me

Once you’­ve so long as, you are taken up to the web­site whe­re you could today upload your own pic­tu­re, which will be recom­men­ded get­ting yours­elf obser­ved, in addi­ti­on to fill in your who­le pro­fi­le.

Or if you’d like, you could begin brow­sing through a host of users that Pink­Cu­pid struck first of all.

Nor­mal­ly folks near your local area and in age ran­ge you spe­ci­fied for matches.

Whilst it’s gre­at to have brow­sing, in my opi­ni­on get­ting the pro­fi­le accom­plished is requi­red becau­se a pro­s­pec­ti­ve matchup may be put-off the fact you may have litt­le or no infor­ma­ti­on about yours­elf once you try to cont­act them.

And doing your own pro­fi­le will take about ten full minu­tes of ener­gy max.

It’s real­ly no distinc­ti­ve from dif­fe­rent online dating sites
you have made use of befo­re the­r­e­fo­re expect you’ll ans­wer a ran­ge of con­cerns lin­ked to:

  • Your appearance
  • Your eth­ni­ci­ty
  • Your life­style
  • Your rela­ti­onship posi­ti­on

Tho­se would be the major groups you will have to com­ple­te.

Fin­ding your path around Pink­Cu­pid

Cer­tain­ly, it is a well-desi­gned dating web­site in which you can find ever­y­thing you need whe­re­ver you had expect that it is.

How to navi­ga­te the site is through the menus pro­vi­ded at the top of the dis­play.

They are:

  • Fits: Here you have got a list of fits that Pink­Cu­pid pro­vi­des built for you per­so­nal­ly
  • Search: This is whe­re pos­si­ble release a fresh look from
  • Mes­sa­ges: most of the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons you sent and recei­ved can look here
  • Acti­vi­ty: This sel­ec­tion has actual­ly a ton of info that is hel­pful, spe­ci­al­ly who’s seen the pro­fi­le, app­re­cia­ted the pro­fi­le or added you as a pre­fer­red. Addi­tio­nal­ly, it moni­tors whom you have actual­ly favo­ri­ted, lik­ed and seen as real­ly as the per­son you have blo­cked.

Addi­tio­nal­ly see lots from the left-hand sec­tion of the “matches” sel­ec­tion bar.

This is basi­cal­ly the num­ber of peo­p­le using the inter­net at the time.

Sel­ect it and you may see almost all their pages bes­i­des.

Yet, we have foun­ded that Pink­Cu­pid pro­vi­des all you need to help you in your jour­ney dis­co­ver that per­fect matchup for wha­te­ver your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments could be.

But how would you begin dis­co­ve­ring them?

Loca­te that gre­at matchup, you can expect to have to per­form some queries.

The­re are many ways in which can be done that on Pink­Cu­pid.

Inde­ed, the­re are six approa­ches to bing search.

  • Advan­ced queries
  • Key­word queries
  • Cupid Tag sear­ches
  • First-name loo­kups
  • Mem­ber num­ber online sear­ches
  • Popu­lar online sear­ches

A lot of tho­se are pret­ty self-expl­ana­to­ry in this review, i wish to high­light two par­ti­cu­lar­ly and that is advan­ced level online sear­ches and Cupid Tag sear­ches.

The advan­ced level look is fil­led with varia­bles you could set to assist you in your search for this spe­cial someone, or may­be some one only to car­ry on a casu­al day with.

You hap­pen to be able to set as much of the details as you want, or you could mere­ly keep all of them alo­ne to check out some one within pre­fer­red age ran­ge and place.

The decis­i­on is all your choice.

Just what exact­ly extra details exist for you real­ly to include in your sear­ches if you wish to con­duct a very pro­ces­sed look?

Well, you can include:

  • When final­ly the­se peo­p­le were online so that you can only reve­al pro­duc­ti­ve peo­p­le
  • Whe­ther they have a pro­fi­le pic or not
  • Their own place
  • Appearance details (tres­ses and visi­on sha­de, top, frame and more)
  • Life style varia­bles (Do they smo­ke ciga­ret­tes or drink, will they move if need-be, marital sta­tus and if they’­ve got young ones)
  • Cul­tu­ral values

You may also save yours­elf num­e­rous queries which you pro­du­ce which I belie­ve is actual­ly a good fea­ture.

This is the main opti­on to search as well as the any you would use usual­ly.

But do not exclude Cupid Tags as a sub­sti­tu­te.

Cupid Tags are obser­ved on every Cupid news web site and are also ways to car­ry out a brow­se labels that peo­p­le asso­cia­te with by them­sel­ves.

For ins­tance, they could inte­gra­te “kind­ness” as a Cupid label or “pas­sio­na­te”.

The­re are ple­nty of various Cupid Tags to choo­se from while could even make use of them to descri­be your self on your pro­fi­le.

Thus when you have laun­ched many loo­kups and dis­co­ver­ed users men and women you’d like to cont­act, it’s time to send off a mes­sa­ge.

And dis­co­ver whe­re you stand brow­sing hit a snag.

That’s becau­se if they’­re a regu­lar indi­vi­du­al as if you, you can not mes­sa­ge them.

The sole folks you can easi­ly con­tent are tho­se con­su­mers with taken out account on Pink­Cu­pid.

And the­r­e­fo­re helps make com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with a lot of peo­p­le some­what chal­len­ging.

Once you would get a hold of a typi­cal user, in place of mes­sa­ging all of them, you’ll “like” their uni­que pro­fi­le.

They are noti­fied which you per­for­med and though it isn’t real­ly actual­ly that effi­ci­ent, at least it can show some inte­rest out of your part.

As long as they sub­se­quent­ly as if you right back, well you might give con­side­ra­ti­on to taking out ful­ly an account to com­mu­ni­ca­te with the­se peo­p­le.

Mem­ber­ship on a web­site like Pink­Cu­pid has also other strengths.

Let us look into tho­se now.

Befo­re we take a look at most of the advan­ta­ges mem­ber­ship brings you, let’s recap on which expect from Pink­Cu­pid as a rou­ti­ne indi­vi­du­al.

  • You’ll deli­ver mes­sa­ges to users just
  • You’­ve got the choice to “like” other users and that is a good stra­tegy to show that you intend to get into expe­ri­ence of them
  • You could add any pro­fi­le to your “favo­ri­te” list
  • You can uti­li­ze con­sidera­ble search details to fine-tune the fits you get
  • You can see who may have view­ed, favo­ri­ted or app­re­cia­ted your own pro­fi­le

A num­ber of other web sites con­sist of some func­tions behind a pay­wall, the­r­e­fo­re it is nice to make use of them for free on Pink­Cu­pid.

But the­re are more attri­bu­tes on-site which need account.

And here you will find the ones that i belie­ve are wort­hwhile.

OFL exclu­si­ve pro­vi­des — always check all of them

“Real­ly Serious Rela­ti­onships”

“Dis­creet Hoo­kups”

“Grea­test Cour­se”

“Fast Flings”

“Nor­mal Hoo­kups”

“Our Very Own Quiz”

Pos­si­bly the most useful perk about account is the power to deli­ver emails to any per­son, not sim­ply users.

The­re are no cons­traints here at all.

It is pos­si­ble to fire down as many emails whils­t’d like to as many indi­vi­du­als as you’d like.

But that is per­haps not the only way to mes­sa­ge a pro­s­pec­ti­ve matchup.

Account enables you to send quick emails to other users.

This is exact­ly acces­si­ble to both Gold and Pla­ti­num peo­p­le.

If you choo­se Pla­ti­num account on Pink­Cu­pid, your own pro­fi­le is straight away upgraded to VIP sta­tus.

That means that in case you meet with the needs of dif­fe­rent users’ look with regards to cer­tain varia­bles, yours may be the 1st pro­fi­le they will cer­tain­ly see within matchups.

Oahu is the best way to put you the lea­der in addi­tio­nal indi­vi­du­al queries and give you best pos­si­bi­li­ty of all of them actual­ly cont­ac­ting you.

When con­side­ring users, both Pla­ti­num and Gold peo­p­le have increased pro­fi­le room that they’ll used to assist them to excel fur­ther.

Both Gold and Pla­ti­num mem­bers have the choice of using their par­ti­cu­lar pro­fi­le off­line the­r­e­fo­re it would not come in various other loo­kups.

Also, this allows that scan other peo­p­le wit­hout lea­ving a trace you have done so.

Sim­ply put, they can not see that you’­ve loo­ked over their uni­que pro­fi­le within the “acti­vi­ty” sel­ec­tion.

Other than the capa­ci­ty to send mes­sa­ges, this in my situa­ti­on could be the big­gest perk regar­ding account, even though you need to be a Pla­ti­num mem­ber to open it.

Pink­Cu­pid sup­pli­es two extra matchup types.

The­se are com­mon fits and rever­se matches and will be found under­neath the “matches” eating plan.

So what will they be?

First of all, a com­mon match is actual­ly some body that matches your cri­te­ria along with you coor­di­na­ting their own requi­re­ments.

The­se fits should real­ly be well-worth dis­co­ve­ring that is why alo­ne.

Second­ly, a rever­se match sees you offe­red indi­vi­du­al users for which you accom­mo­da­te what the indi­vi­du­al wants nevert­hel­ess they don’t neces­s­a­ri­ly meet your requi­re­ments.

Again, they are well worth loo­king at becau­se they might just turn-up a gem or two that’s worth che­cking out more.

So what’s account at Pink­Cu­pid plan­ning to run you?

Well, we have curr­ent­ly seen the­re are two account solu­ti­ons on the site:

  • Gold mem­ber­ship
  • Pla­ti­num mem­ber­ship (that pro­vi­des the means to access all essen­ti­al func­tions)

Each of the­se pos­si­bi­li­ties pro­vi­des three various packa­ges: one-month, three months and twel­ve-month mem­ber­ship.

Here is a break­down of just what Gold mem­ber­ship will cost.

  • 1‑month mem­ber­ship – $24.99
  • 3‑month mem­ber­ship – $49.99 ($16.66 every month)
  • 12-month account – $99.99 ($8.33 each month)

And lis­ted here is the cost of Pla­ti­num mem­ber­ship.

  • 1‑month mem­ber­ship – $29.98
  • 3‑month mem­ber­ship – $59.99 ($20.00 each month)
  • 12-month account – $119.99 ($10.00 each month)

Over­all, the­se pri­cing is lots che­a­per than a gre­at many other niche sites you’ll find using the inter­net.

In rea­li­ty, they have been che­a­per than a few of the web­sites run by Cupid Media.

And what is actual­ly available with regards to the key cha­rac­te­ristics you will get as a pay­ing mem­ber, i do belie­ve the­se include very cost-effec­ti­ve.

That’s espe­ci­al­ly true if you are going to make use of the web­site for an exces­si­ve peri­od of the time and purcha­se into one of the much lon­ger account opti­ons that pro­vi­de as much as 50percent down and more.

Con­clu­si­on and In Gene­ral Rating

Gene­ral­ly, Pink­Cu­pid is actual­ly a must-visit dating site when it comes to les­bi­an area.

Just are the­re a solid user base to find what you are fin­ding, whe­ther a laid-back big date or long-term real­ly love, but it’s well-desi­gned and the­r­e­fo­re simp­le to use.

Plus it con­ti­nues to grow at an impres­si­ve pri­ce.

The­re is abso­lut­e­ly no doubt that the is actual­ly popu­lar dating inter­net site for les­bi­ans across the world.

On the who­le, you will need to get into an account to use it suc­cessful­ly but that is the same as 99percent for the online dating sites on line.

Tho­se account packa­ges, howe­ver, are valued espe­ci­al­ly in regards to the important thing fea­tures that Pink­Cu­pid offers, espe­ci­al­ly rever­se and mutu­al matches.

They’­re a ter­ri­fic way to get a hold of pro­s­pec­ti­ve matches over and abo­ve the tra­di­tio­nal look methods.

Regar­ding a gene­ral rating, I will pro­vi­de Pink­Cu­pid 4 out-of 5.

Per­haps you have uti­li­zed Pink­Cu­pid befo­re?

Are you wil­ling to con­tem­p­la­te it after rea­ding this artic­le over­view?

Inform us when you look at the reviews below.


Is actual­ly Pink­Cu­pid secu­re?

Pink­Cu­pid requi­res safe­ty real­ly real­ly.

Actual­ly, actual­ly on the site, pro­tec­tion tips are pos­ted regu­lar­ly in terms of the method that you is going about estab­li­shing a con­fe­rence with some body, the place you should satis­fy, and much more.

Regar­ding the non-public details of their cus­to­mers as well as their mas­ter­card details, every tech­ni­ques are loca­ted in spot to {ensu­re that|make sure|make sure t
