Sel­ec­ting the Right Colo­ca­ti­on Ser­vices Cor­po­ra­ti­on


Colo­ca­ti­on offe­rings offer busi­nesses a secu­re and trus­ted alter­na­ti­ve to real estate their par­ti­cu­lar IT faci­li­ties in-house. Busi­nesses that want to colo­ca­te get access to a data center’s power and coo­ling faci­li­ties, as well as direct con­nec­ti­vi­ty opti­ons that keep cos­ts down and boost per­for­mance. Firms also can rely on a colo­ca­ti­on staff to mana­ge the faci­li­ty that help them meet up with com­pli­ance regu­la­ti­ons like PCI DSS, AIC­PA SOC 2® Type 2 and HIP­AA.

In a colo­ca­ti­on set­ting, busi­nesses will house their web ser­vers and THAT hard­ware within a moun­ting struc­tu­re cal­led a hol­der. The­se racks are com­mon­ly arran­ged tog­e­ther in lar­ger enclo­sures cal­led cabi­ne­try or cages for addi­tio­nal secu­ri­ty and cus­to­miza­ti­on. The­se cabi­nets can be found within the colo­ca­ti­on provider’s data cen­ters. Some colo­ca­ti­on pro­vi­ders offer mana­ged ser­vices to aid cli­ents using their IT and engi­nee­ring needs, inclu­ding net­work look at here moni­to­ring, ser­ver reboots and tele­coms sup­port.

Think about a colo­ca­ti­on com­pa­ny, cli­ents should look for ser­vices with red­un­dant elec­tri­ci­ty and coo­ling that are con­nec­ted to mul­ti-sub­sta­ti­on elec­tric power grids. They have to also assess­ment ser­vice level agree­ments (SLAs), as the­se docs spell out the provider’s uptime com­mit­ments, sup­port respon­se times and addi­tio­nal ser­vices which may be offe­red for your fee.

Final­ly, cli­ents should think about their sca­la­bi­li­ty requi­re­ments, as the­se indi­ca­te the capa­bi­li­ty to increase or per­haps decrease hard­ware and exper­ti­se usa­ge over time. The car­ri­er should choo­se this fle­xi­bi­li­ty easy, and in addi­ti­on they should be able to offer cus­to­mers with fle­xi­ble plans that allow them to extend or per­haps renew all their colo­ca­ti­on solu­ti­ons agree­ment wit­hout taking on any fees and pen­al­ties or cos­ts.

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