Sys­tem Deve­lo­p­ment Life­cy­cle SDLC Infor­ma­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gy Michi­gan Tech


Initi­al­ly, a flow­chart is crea­ted to ensu­re the orga­niza­ti­on of the pro­cess of the sys­tem. This is the pha­se whe­re the end users will dis­cuss and deter­mi­ne the essen­ti­al hard­ware and soft­ware struc­tu­re, the net­wor­king capa­bi­li­ties, pro­ces­sing and pro­ce­du­res for the sys­tem. The second pha­se of the sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle is also the point whe­re sys­tem ana­ly­sis takes place and the func­tion­al requi­re­ments of the pro­ject are also con­side­red.

Simi­lar to the Pro­ject Life­cy­cle (PLC), Soft­ware Deve­lo­p­ment Life Cycle uses a sys­te­ma­tic approach to descri­be the pro­cess. Ide­al­ly, Sys­tem Ana­lysts are high­ly skil­led and know­led­geable in mul­ti­ple ope­ra­ting sys­tems, hard­ware con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons, pro­gramming lan­guages, and soft­ware and hard­ware plat­forms. They are usual­ly invol­ved from the begin­ning stages of a pro­ject and up until the post-eva­lua­ti­on review of the solu­ti­on.

The SDLC Pha­ses

The prac­ti­ce speeds up decis­i­on-making during pro­duct crea­ti­on and mini­mi­zes risks while kee­ping all teams (and stake­hol­ders) on the same page. A big bang starts with litt­le plan­ning and quick­ly moves to the coding stage. In many cases, deve­lo­pers are the only ones respon­si­ble for figu­ring out requi­re­ments, wri­ting code, and che­cking the vali­di­ty of a finis­hed pro­duct. The agi­le model requi­res the team to work in sprints that last for 2 to 4 weeks, each with uni­que requi­re­ments and goals.

  • This pha­se iden­ti­fies whe­ther the sys­tem meets the initi­al requi­re­ments and objec­ti­ves.
  • The final pha­se of the SDLC is to mea­su­re the effec­ti­ve­ness of the sys­tem and eva­lua­te poten­ti­al enhance­ments.
  • Simi­lar to the Pro­ject Life­cy­cle (PLC), Soft­ware Deve­lo­p­ment Life Cycle uses a sys­te­ma­tic approach to descri­be the pro­cess.
  • In addi­ti­on to this, new fea­tures can also be added to the sys­tem to meet the addi­tio­nal user requi­re­ments if neces­sa­ry.
  • SDLC metho­do­lo­gies fit within a fle­xi­bi­li­ty spec­trum ran­ging from agi­le to ite­ra­ti­ve to sequen­ti­al.
  • Deve­lo­pers will choo­se the right pro­gramming code to use based on the pro­ject spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and requi­re­ments.

Again, sin­ce SDLCs uti­li­ze exten­si­ve paper­work and gui­de­line docu­ments, it’s a team effort and losing one even major mem­ber will not jeo­par­di­ze the pro­ject time­line. SDLC pro­vi­des a num­ber sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment pha­se of advan­ta­ges to deve­lo­p­ment teams that imple­ment it cor­rect­ly. The agi­le metho­do­lo­gy prio­ri­ti­zes fast and ongo­ing release cycles, uti­li­zing small but incre­men­tal chan­ges bet­ween releases.

What is sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle?

The agi­le metho­do­lo­gy reli­es on ongo­ing release cycles that make small, incre­men­tal chan­ges to the pre­vious release. Builds evol­ve as teams add new fea­tures and impro­ve­ments with each deploy­ment. Com­pa­nies opt for this model to get valuable ear­ly feed­back from cus­to­mers.

system development phase

Design docu­ments typi­cal­ly include func­tion­al hier­ar­chy dia­grams, screen lay­outs, busi­ness rules, pro­cess dia­grams, pseu­do-code, and a com­ple­te data model with a data dic­tion­a­ry. The­se ele­ments descri­be the sys­tem in suf­fi­ci­ent detail that deve­lo­pers and engi­neers can deve­lop and deli­ver the sys­tem with mini­mal addi­tio­nal input. Ano­ther signi­fi­cant bene­fit of using a sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle is the abili­ty to plan ahead of time and assess the orga­ni­zed pha­ses and goals of a soft­ware sys­tem pro­ject. Bes­i­des SDLC, the­re is ano­ther con­cept that is a cor­ner­stone for the enti­re life­cy­cle of pro­duct and sys­tem plan­ning. Sys­tems Ana­ly­sis & Design (SAD) is a pro­cess during which spe­ci­fic infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems are deve­lo­ped that effec­tively sup­port hard­ware, soft­ware, or peo­p­le.


A key metho­do­lo­gy in the crea­ti­on of soft­ware and appli­ca­ti­ons is the sys­tems deve­lo­p­ment life cycle (SDLC). The sys­tems deve­lo­p­ment life cycle is a term used in sys­tems engi­nee­ring, infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems, and soft­ware engi­nee­ring to descri­be a pro­cess for plan­ning, crea­ting, test­ing, and deploy­ing an infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem. But pro­ject mana­gers and sys­tem ana­lysts can levera­ge soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment life cycles to out­line, design, deve­lop, test, and even­tual­ly deploy infor­ma­ti­on sys­tems or soft­ware pro­ducts with grea­ter regu­la­ri­ty, effi­ci­en­cy, and over­all qua­li­ty. The Agi­le metho­do­lo­gy can work in harm­o­ny with the SDLC pro­cess by pai­ring pha­ses with ite­ra­ti­on frame­works. A soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment project’s suc­cess depends on the suc­cess of the test­ing pha­se. It ensu­res that the final pro­duct is of high qua­li­ty, meets stake­hol­ders’ requi­re­ments, and is defect-free.

system development phase

The hig­her manage­ment eit­her signs off on the pro­ject or asks the team to go back a step in the SDLC and come up with a new sug­ges­ti­on. If you are con­side­ring a tran­si­ti­on to DevOps, ensu­re the team has a firm grasp of SDLC stra­te­gies befo­re you intro­du­ce radi­cal work­flow chan­ges. Their out­put may be clo­ser or far­ther from what the cli­ent even­tual­ly rea­li­zes they desi­re. It’s most­ly used for smal­ler pro­jects and expe­ri­men­tal life cycles desi­gned to inform other pro­jects in the same com­pa­ny. Fur­ther­mo­re, deve­lo­pers are respon­si­ble for imple­men­ting any chan­ges that the soft­ware might need after deploy­ment. The infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem will be inte­gra­ted into its envi­ron­ment and even­tual­ly instal­led.

Deve­lo­p­ment Pha­se

It’s line­ar and straight­for­ward and requi­res deve­lo­p­ment teams to finish one pha­se of the pro­ject com­ple­te­ly befo­re moving on to the next. Now both sys­tem ana­lysts and end-users should be able to see the rea­liza­ti­on of the pro­ject that imple­ments the chan­ges. Various modu­les or designs are inte­gra­ted into the pri­ma­ry source code through deve­lo­per efforts and typi­cal­ly use a trai­ning envi­ron­ment to detect fur­ther errors and defects. In this step, you move your pro­ject to pro­duc­tion by moving data and com­pon­ents from the old sys­tem and pla­cing them direct­ly on the new sys­tem via a cuto­ver.

system development phase

This is the pha­se whe­re the com­pa­ny will work on the need for the chan­ge or the source of the pro­blem. If the­re is a pro­blem, pos­si­ble solu­ti­ons are gathe­red and ana­ly­zed to find the best-fit for the pro­ject. One thing to note about the v‑model is that no pha­se can start until the pre­vious one is com­ple­ted inclu­ding a cor­re­spon­ding test­ing exer­cise. Well, for any sys­tem to work as inten­ded, it needs to be tho­rough­ly tes­ted and tes­ted again until the results match the expec­ted out­co­me. If all goes well, full pro­duc­tion of the IVAS head­sets could begin in 2025.

Manage­ment Notes

This can be a ris­ky (and com­plex) move, but swit­ching is usual­ly off-peak and mini­mi­zes risk in sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle pha­ses. Time and again, it’s been pro­ven that pro­jects not only bene­fit but thri­ve by fol­lo­wing a stan­dar­di­zed set of steps to achie­ve a final result. Cue the Soft­ware Deve­lo­p­ment Life Cycle which allows the team to work on mana­geable pha­ses until the pro­ject is released. By doing so, teams estab­lish a sys­te­ma­tic fashion to go about crea­ting new solu­ti­ons to exis­ting pro­blems in a con­trol­led and stan­dar­di­zed man­ner. Pro­gres­sing down the SDLC, the next pha­se that typi­cal­ly fol­lows ana­ly­sis is the design pha­se. In this pha­se, all the docu­men­ta­ti­on that the team crea­ted in the ana­ly­sis pha­se is used to deve­lop the actu­al tech­ni­cal docu­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject.

After kno­wing the seven steps in the plan­ning pha­se of the sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle, we’ll also look at two of the most com­mon SDLC models, as well as one sub-model – Water­fall, Agi­le, and data sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment life cycle, to name a few. Each has advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges that must be con­side­red in order to make an infor­med sel­ec­tion. A soft­ware requi­re­ment spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on, or SRS docu­ment, is fre­quent­ly crea­ted by deve­lo­pers. This docu­ment con­ta­ins all of the soft­ware, hard­ware, and net­work spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons for the sys­tem they intend to crea­te.


Baselines[clarification nee­ded] are estab­lished after four of the five pha­ses of the SDLC, and are cri­ti­cal to the ite­ra­ti­ve natu­re of the model.[21] Base­lines beco­me mile­sto­nes. Regres­si­on Test­ing – veri­fies that soft­ware that was pre­vious­ly deve­lo­ped and tes­ted still per­forms cor­rect­ly after it was chan­ged or inter­faced with other soft­ware. Unit Test­ing – takes indi­vi­du­al units of soft­ware source code and tests them to deter­mi­ne whe­ther they are fit for use. Deve­lo­pers must now enter main­ten­an­ce mode and begin prac­ti­cing any pro­ce­du­res neces­sa­ry to address issues iden­ti­fied by end users. Tools­he­ro sup­ports peo­p­le world­wi­de (10+ mil­li­on visi­tors from 100+ count­ries) to empower them­sel­ves through an easi­ly acces­si­ble and high-qua­li­ty lear­ning plat­form for per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment. This pro­cess is repea­ted again and again, with each ite­ra­ti­on yiel­ding a new ver­si­on of, for ins­tance, the soft­ware.

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