The Fashion Exe­cu­ti­ve Who Does­n’t Wear Under­wear on Sche­du­les


Pic: Get­ty Images/Getty Images

Gen­der Dia­ries series
asks unknown town dwel­lers to tape per week in their sex resi­des — with comic, tra­gic, fre­quent­ly gor­ge­ous, and always reve­al­ing out­co­mes. Recent­ly, a 37-year trend staf­fer with a busy SADO MASO night­li­fe: direct­ly, sin­gle, Brook­lyn Heights.

time ONE

5:15 a.m.

Waking up for my per­so­nal 6:30 a.m. hot-yoga class. Pri­va­te­ly i hope that my per­so­nal crush could the­re be this mor­ning. We com­ple­te­ly like once I can stra­te­gi­cal­ly spot my per­so­nal pad behind his.

8:30 a.m.

Incre­di­ble cour­se done! No crush the­se days, waah. Per­form the angry dash in the too-small locker room to orga­ni­ze, an acti­vi­ty which I see a lot more breasts and girl ele­ments than I would ever befo­re want to.

9 a.m.

Work, blah! We des­pi­se my per­so­nal job plus the exe­cu­ti­ve staff that We allow the same speech to around and over as well as once more. Will they ever hold any tips?

1 p.m.

During my bore­dom, my per­so­nal head cer­tain­ly turns to gen­der. I get a text from Bos­ton — he could be around tonight and desi­res to have a three­so­me. Score!

5 p.m.

Sin­ce I have pre­fer MMF three­so­mes, i will invi­te ano­ther guy which has been a FWB for a year. (We in fact found at a kink par­ty, the­r­e­fo­re, you are sure that, we unders­tood one ano­ther for 15 minu­tes and then we were fuck­ing.) Bos­ton is video game, so we accept to ful­fill at their resort. We tell FWB in the future more than later, at 10:30 p.m., so Bos­ton and that I have some only time.

8:30 p.m.

While i will be finis­hing get­ting rea­dy I have a book from tech­ni­cal chap … hmmmm. Can I be extra slut­ty and satis­fy him fol­lo­wing the three­so­me? My per­so­nal vagi­na assists mys­elf vote no. We table that con­nec­tion for a later time.

9:30 p.m

. Bos­ton starts the door nude and dif­fi­cult. Jeez, he does not was­te when. (Alt­hough, i assu­me I beca­me fun­da­men­tal­ly naked under a dress?) We instanta­neous­ly begin making around. I am extre­me­ly into SADO­MA­SO­CHISM, from the sub­mis­si­ve part. I brought a crop, flog­ger, and some some other toys. He places mys­elf over their knee and crops mys­elf while sli­ding in three hands, my per­so­nal favo­ri­te action. After beco­ming plea­sed with the good welts on my butt, the guy aggres­si­ve­ly will take off my per­so­nal gown, ins­truc­tions us to the bed, and gene­ral­ly starts to screw my per­so­nal face — may­be not my fave step, but he real­ly likes it, the­r­e­fo­re I per­form along. Soo­ner or later, he pins me down and rams hims­elf insi­de me, with each of my legs over his should­er. I real­ly like harsh and inten­se sex; its among my per­so­nal top kinks. After deep pene­tra­ti­on, some spo­ken degra­da­ti­on, and two place chan­ges, he offers me per­so­nal­ly a rather slop­py facial.

10:15 p.m.

FWB deli­vers a book say­ing he’s ope­ra­ting later.

11 p.m.

I show­er, and FWB shows up. He and Bos­ton have a “bro” second over man-things to break the ice. Often the­re is that embar­ras­sing moment at the out­set of a three­so­me in which you ask yours­elf who helps to make the very first step … gene­ral­ly, I will, and so I grab FWB’s penis. I slow­ly strike him while Bos­ton falls on mys­elf. This seems gre­at, which is why i enjoy MMF. FWB wants to bang mys­elf and looks for a con­dom. Mean­while, Bos­ton has been doing a fan­ta­stic job using my clit, and that I reve­al my per­so­nal under­stan­ding by squir­ting around his face. (Yes, I am able to squirt!) After that FWB and that I enjoy dog­gy-style while we blow Bos­ton (sor­ta unsuc­cessful­ly). I begin mas­sa­ging my per­so­nal cli­to­ris and squirt a tad bit more. FWB real­ly does a gre­at flip-me-over move, takes off the con­dom, and eja­cu­la­tes back at my breasts. Bos­ton is rock-hard and wants rec­tal. I’m not insi­de the sta­te of mind for the, and so I say no. (Which I felt poor about — unclear pre­cis­e­ly why?) He felt annoy­ed, most likely becau­se we never say no to him on ever­y­thing, but he had got­ten over it and appeared fine with geni­tal. He fucked me per­so­nal­ly while I rim­med FWB. I hate rim­ming. Bos­ton plan­ned to finish during my mouth, so the guy per­for­med and that I ado­red it. Ever­yo­ne fold­ed regar­ding sleep in a quick post-coitus three-way snugg­le.

12:30 a.m.

Fun­da­men­tal­ly, the 3 folks show­e­red coll­ec­tively, that has been part sen­suous, com­po­nent shameful angling for any show­er mind

1 a.m.

Good-bye to FWB, slee­po­ver with Bos­ton.

time pair

8 a.m.

Overs­lept! No time for ear­ly mor­ning han­ky-pan­ky.

8:45 a.m.

Good-bye kis­ses for Bos­ton. I do belie­ve i will be needs to deve­lop some fee­lings for him … but he resi­des in Bos­ton. Per­haps i am only having a moment in time.

10 a.m.

Yay! No bos­ses around today. It means I can “pre­tend” to func­tion. I am hung-over and tired.

12:30 p.m.

Deter­mi­ned the­se days will be a boy-free day, this means I will per­haps not sext or inspect my per­so­nal num­e­rous opti­ons for inter­cour­se: Fet­Li­fe, Kik, Tin­der, Whats­App.

4:30 p.m.

I have a book from Ger­man … ugh, noooo, thank you. We now have ban­ged 3 x, and each time my body is actual­ly ten­der. In which he is appar­ent­ly some in to the race-play thing: the guy typi­cal­ly says, while fuck­ing, “Ever­yo­ne loves wat­ching my per­so­nal huge white cock going insi­de your tight black colo­red cunt” — which for my situa­ti­on is a no-no. I opt to block him.

6 p.m.

Bye, office. Yay, week-end.

7 p.m.

Drinks uti­li­zing the gals. I like this woman team — even the trust-fun­d‑y bud­dy has been a lot more beara­ble tonight. Quite a few laughs, a lot of drinks.

10:30 p.m.

Uber house, sin­ce my per­so­nal idle bones can’t can get on a train nowa­days.

11:15 p.m.

PJs on, hap­py I did­n’t get tog­e­ther this evening.


8 a.m.

Up and at ‘em! It real­ly is an excel­lent Satur­day with a detail­ed gf, the­r­e­fo­re two exer­cise ses­si­ons, shop­ping, meal, and laughs.

2 p.m.

Im expe­ri­en­cing anxious about having to secu­re plans tonight. I WOULD LOVE TO OBTAIN A NEGO­TIA­TED NON-MONO­GA­MOUS UNI­ON. I’d a signi­fi­cant boy­fri­end for just two . 5 deca­des. We split up years ago, and car­ri­ed on to own a FWB-type com­mit­ment for the next three years (we ended that not too long ago). Pri­ma­ri­ly, I have been casual­ly match­ma­king and achie­ving sex.

5:30 p.m.

Ultra Satur­day is finis­hed, plus it had been dazz­ling: 45 moments of spin, 75 minu­tes of hot yoga, and three . 5 miles of wal­king! Love.

7 p.m.

Soot­hing and sex­ting. Appar­ent­ly I can just get a day wit­hout male get in touch with.

8 p.m.

After having cell­pho­ne gen­der (which will be just one more inti­ma­te thing that I often feel just like I was­te time under­ta­king) with tech­ni­cal Guy, we deter­mi­ne we wish to see each other today. Opti­mal!

9:30 p.m.

I satis­fy TG during my hood for pro­ducts and a make-out pro­gram becau­se of the liquid. We opt to head back to mine the­r­e­fo­re we may have gen­der on the top (he or she is enthu­si­a­stic about out­door inter­cour­se).

10 p.m.

We go up to the roofing of my per­so­nal walk-up. The per­for­mers are gor­ge­ous. We smo­ke some grass, and he imme­dia­te­ly sticks his hand under my dress. We gene­ral­ly never put on lin­ge­rie on a date as I anti­ci­pa­te start­ing up. My per­so­nal desti­na­ti­on is actual­ly in the midd­le of high-rises — we won­der if anyo­ne is actual­ly enjoy­ing? I real­ly don’t actual­ly care and atten­ti­on. Tech­ni­cal chap loves rigo­rous eye cont­act. And fis­ting me per­so­nal­ly. I need to con­fess, the fis­ting is actual­ly extre­me, alt­hough it does feel ama­zing.

10:20 p.m.

After having a rigo­rous cli­max through the fis­ting, I am basi­cal­ly asking for him to get insi­de mys­elf. In the begin­ning it abso­lut­e­ly was real­ly awk­ward to screw on the roof, posi­ti­on-wise. But we thought it out: me per­so­nal­ly back at my sto­mach, him at the top, achie­ving this superb push-up step. OMG. Every Litt­le Thing.

10:50 p.m.

TG pro­vi­des a huge, attrac­ti­ve penis and mes­me­ri­zing sea-blue visi­on. To my roofing sys­tem, becau­se of the movie stars and clouds behind him and me per­so­nal­ly back at my back, naked, as he jerks off into my per­so­nal open lips, I reco­gni­ze how utter­ly arou­sed i will be in this moment. This might be one of seve­ral hot­test gen­der minu­tes I have had in an extre­me­ly life­time.

11 p.m.

The guy finis­hes in my own lips. I reve­al him, sub­se­quent­ly swal­low (for wha­te­ver reason, the show-me kink com­ple­te­ly trans­forms mys­elf in). I have dres­sed, we smo­ke ciga­ret­tes much more chat on the roof. He real­ly wants to go once more, the­r­e­fo­re we go down serious­ly to my per­so­nal apart­ment.

11:15 p.m.

He’s actual­ly into span­king and lea­ving mys­elf cover­ed in welts. My ass is basi­cal­ly bur­ning, and that I sta­te my per­so­nal safe word. Enough of that; time for pene­tra­ti­on. TG has actual­ly one per­for­mance: quick­ly, very inten­se. They are also effec­ti­ve in cho­king with extre­me eye cont­act while having sex — he could be such a domi­nant. All top-notch cir­cum­s­tances for my situa­ti­on. We switch to dog­gy, my per­so­nal favo­ri­te place, and then the guy stops and sta­tes,

I am going to screw you insi­de butt

. We sta­te no, but it indi­ca­tes cer­tain­ly. (Im insi­de con­sent-non-con­sent play.) He gra­du­al­ly per­me­a­tes mys­elf and even­tual­ly we obtain a rhythm … it hurt too much, so we end. The guy usual­ly likes to finish on my face or in my mouth area, thus I go into situa­ti­on back at my straight back on to the ground. In an odd move, he places their foot to my face. At first, I panic, nevert­hel­ess the sub­mis­si­ve in me loves it. While jer­king down over me, the guy choo­ses to fall a toe in my mouth area. HAHA­HA. He cums to my tits. We both laugh.

12:30 a.m.

Yeah, I am enthu­si­a­stic about his penis. Lights out.


8:30 a.m.

Awa­ken! TG wants a cli­to­ris scrub to wake me upwards. Despi­te beco­ming slight­ly aching and dis­ten­ded, we long get­ting him insi­de me. We’­ve got a nice, mel­low ear­ly mor­ning bang.

10 a.m.

Good-bye kis­ses to TG. To sleep in my situa­ti­on.

12:30 p.m.

Brunch with my repor­ter pal, whom informs me I should take to celi­ba­cy. My fri­ends are like my fami­ly. I’m an only youngs­ter: My per­so­nal exten­si­ve fami­ly is actual­ly probs about 300 folks, howe­ver; my grand­ma had in regards to 11 child­ren.

3 p.m.

I choo­se to stroll the 2 kilo­me­ters home and pon­der exis­tence. Ought I attempt celi­ba­cy??


5:00 p.m.

It is too ear­ly when it comes down to Sun­day sca­ries, but never ever pre­ma­turi­ly . for rose.

7 p.m.

Much more rosé, seve­ral work emails

9 p.m.

Wan­ting to calm the Mon­day stress and anxie­ty. We vow to invest less time cha­sing after gen­der and much more time dis­co­ve­ring a task.

10:30 p.m.

I have a text from the Bond Trader that prac­ti­cal­ly says, “I need to bang at this point you.” I haven’t heard from him in three months. I’m tipsy and begin to ask yours­elf:

Hmmm, can I crea­te to CPW

? My per­so­nal vagi­na sta­tes no. We dis­re­gard him.

11 p.m.

Abrupt­ly, I’m expe­ri­en­cing real­ly, actual­ly stres­sed, and that I’m unclear the reason why. Are I just alo­ne? We revi­sit the Bond Inves­tor. In a snap choice, I name him. Poor action. He was enti­re­ly coked out — per­haps not attrac­ti­ve. We deci­de that I need to go to bed alter­na­tively. Most rea­di­ly useful choice ever befo­re.


5:30 a.m.

Up for pila­tes! We gua­ran­tee my self that this week are going to be signi­fi­cant­ly less about cell­pho­ne inter­cour­se, penis pics, hoo­kups, and sex­ting. Howe­ver, sin­ce I have actual­ly an abo­ve-avera­ge libi­do, we’ll see how i real­ly do.

10 a.m.

The day starts off mel­low: My per­so­nal demons­tra­ti­on went well. A lot fewer foo­lish con­cerns. Yip­pee.

12:30 p.m.

Meal with a good bud­dy who is smit­ten tog­e­ther with her brand new boy­fri­end. I want a boy­fri­end, In my opi­ni­on.

2 p.m.

Bond Trader texts me per­so­nal­ly. (He known as four­fold yes­ter­day evening.) He apo­lo­gi­zes for being thus shag­ged up. We say, “let us sign in for later on”

3 p.m.

Gre­at, I’m offe­red a task that’s becau­se of by 10 a.m. Ugh, night time at the office.

8 p.m.

Bond Trader is real­ly attemp­ting to lock it straight down. I will be weak. We allow work and Uber to their loca­ti­on.

8:30 p.m.

BT is real­ly moving the actu­al red car­pet. The guy gives mys­elf a naked the­ra­peu­tic mas­sa­ge, and that’s nice, and then we pro­ceed to have a nice sen­suous sex ses­si­on — and that’s slight­ly various per­so­nal­ly, becau­se we lar­ge­ly have dom/sub inter­cour­se. He licked mys­elf until I had a tru­ly earth-shat­te­ring, full-body orgasm. It actual­ly was very won­derful and made me per­so­nal­ly think of him in a dif­fe­rent way, in an effec­ti­ve way. While cuddling, he sta­tes the­re will be some­thing he con­stant­ly wis­hed to try.


10 p.m.

BT wants to offer mys­elf a gol­den show­er. Sen­su­al evening O‑V-E‑R. We decrease time and again and once again.

10:30 p.m.

In Uber went resi­dence. We begin sob­bing, while pre­ven­ting and remo­ving him. FUCK MON­DAYS.

11:15 p.m.

PJs/cozy bed/forget fan­ta­stic show­er convo/lights out.


5:30 a.m.

Up for hot pila­tes. We you will need to check-out yoga 5 days weekly — it sim­ply cau­ses my exis­tence much bet­ter. I’m in a funk this mor­ning, cle­ar­ly. It helps make me feel poor about mys­elf when men are per­sis­tent and attempt to force us to car­ry out acts Real­ly don’t might like to do.

10 a.m.

Now is each and every day of mee­tings. It’s hard per­so­nal­ly to pay for atten­ti­on. Yes­ter­day still is to my mind.

1 p.m.

I resol­ve my per­so­nal funk by sex­ting tog­e­ther with the Brit. I real­ly like the Brit. They are a good man that lives in my per­so­nal area and is very domi­na­ting. He or she is in a poly uni­on. You will find came across their gf; it had been at a play par­ty, and she saw him screw mys­elf. Unsu­re why she don’t par­ti­ci­pa­te in.

5 p.m.

I choo­se to keep work and walk the 3 kilo­me­ters home. Im needs to feel a lot bet­ter. The Brit real­ly wants to play; I of cour­se sta­te yes.

7:30 p.m.

I get pre­pared to walk over obser­ve the Brit. Some­ti­mes I feel like I lead a two fold exis­tence: almost all of my bud­dies never actual­ly know that i’m into kink and have the level of hoo­kups that I do. Real­ly don’t real­ly want the judgment, and so I keep your resour­ces reve­al­ing to a mini­mum.

8:15 p.m.

The Brit is actual­ly tra­di­tio­nal domi­na­ting, extre­me­ly con­cen­tra­ted on gui­de­lines, and rigid. When I come right into the apart­ment, we strip into the foy­er, fold my per­so­nal garm­ents per­fect­ly, and go direct­ly to the bed­room. He could be wai­ting nude, and beg­ins by pla­cing a col­lar on my throat, then get­ting mys­elf in res­traints. We always uti­li­ze safe words, becau­se he is able to be forceful occa­sio­nal­ly. I actual­ly do enjoy pain, but You will find limi­ta­ti­ons. After res­trai­ning me, the guy lea­ves on exu­da­te gloves and beg­ins fis­ting mys­elf — it feels much much bet­ter with gloves. He is into the dad­dy/­ba­by-girl powerful, and I haven’t cho­sen whe­ther or not it’s stran­ge or hot. After I cum, the guy beg­ins to padd­le mys­elf, he then chan­ged on the flog­ger. We say the safe term. My ass was radia­ting tem­pe­ra­tu­re and sting­ing tru­ly bad­ly. We made out and I also deep-throa­ted him a litt­le, but the guy just wis­hed anal. He or she is gre­at at rec­tal, and it also belie­ved remar­kab­le … I actual­ly orgas­med.

10:30 p.m.

The­re is this small vicious video game we per­form whe­re he occurs my face or breasts and I also lea­ve wit­hout wiping it well. It’s humi­lia­ting yet … free­ing.

10:45 p.m.

We kissed him good-bye with his sperm to my upper body. Cer­tain­ly an awk­ward lift jour­ney for my situa­ti­on plus the two dif­fe­rent pas­sen­gers. I che­ris­hed it.

11 p.m.

Strol­ling resi­dence, fee­ling com­for­ta­ble, recal­ling that I chan­ged my sheets this mor­ning. I love my per­so­nal bed.

11:45 p.m.

Show­er, PJs, nice text chan­ge with Tech man, and lights out.

time SEVEN

6:30 a.m.

No yoga now — we’ll fol­low work. I will approach this very day with gre­at vibes.

10 a.m.

The­se bit­ches kil­led my vibe. HATE our work.

2 p.m.

I pri­va­te­ly wish to poi­son ever­yo­ne. Real­ly, except the peo­p­le i love. HA!

3 p.m.

We start to fan­ta­size about working out. Then cook texts me per­so­nal­ly, and I legit get but­ter­flies.

3:30 p.m.

I was asleep making use of cook for a year . 5. I real­ly have actual­ly any­thing for him, but he is an indi­vi­du­al chef to a bil­lionaire and essen­ti­al­ly a jet-set­ting slave. Sooo, he or she is per­haps not inte­res­ted in a rela­ti­onship of any sort. He wis­hes us to come more than after finis­hing up work. Like a fool, I con­sent.

5 p.m.

We head to hot pila­tes, I am also extre­me­ly exci­ted to see him.

8 p.m.

I get to his home. It smells ama­zing. YAY, the guy hel­ped me din­ner and has now seve­ral selt­zer and drink solu­ti­ons wis­hing. He Or She Is sober today becau­se he’d a litt­le bit of a coke issue and cra­s­hed their pre­vious employ­ers’ Lam­bo … BAD.

9 p.m.

We finish off while making our very own opti­on to the sack. The guy und­res­ses me per­so­nal­ly and quick­ly decrea­ses on mys­elf. AMA­ZING. He’s into hosti­le face-fuck­ing, only a litt­le aggravating, but we obli­ge. The guy brings out and pins mys­elf down and forces them­sel­ves insi­de mys­elf. SHIT! No con­dom; a bad appearance. May­be he was too thril­led, but he came insi­de me per­so­nal­ly after 15 minu­tes. That was a dis­ap­point­ment.

9:30 p.m.

After he clim­bs off me per­so­nal­ly, I prac­ti­cal­ly felt like I hap­pen­ed to be plan­ning to bust into rips but fai­led to, obvs.

9:45 p.m.

Alter­na­tively, I res­cue that quiet cry your bath­room.

10:15 p.m.

We show­er, have a qui­ckie when you look at the bath, explo­re just how he is con­side­ring employ­ment with ano­ther A‑list cou­ple (that we think is actual­ly a stu­pid con­cept sin­ce the guy curr­ent­ly has no life), then incom­pa­ra­ble bed.

11 p.m.

Lights-out. He is curr­ent­ly sno­ring clo­se to me per­so­nal­ly. I sta­re at him and con­sider,

Pos­si­bly i will end up being celi­ba­te for a while


Want to sub­mit a sex jour­nal? E‑mail

and inform us some­what about yours­elf.
