Tra­di­tio­nal Asi­an Court­ship Prac­ti­ces


Tra­di­tio­nal Cook­wa­re court­ship prac­ti­ces include evol­ved with time, with modern impacts. Howe­ver , in spi­te of the­se types of chan­ges, spe­ci­fied dating eti­quet­te has not gone out of style.

Befo­re a man can look for a moms hand in marital rela­ti­onship, he must initi­al get her family’s gua­ran­tee. The pro­cess of Qing Qi is a long and cal­cu­la­ted dis­cus­sion bet­ween two fami­lies whe­re man’s mone­ta­ry posi­ti­on, repu­ta­ti­on, and social rela­ti­onship to the girl’s is con­side­red.

Once the girl’s fami­ly appro­ves the enga­ge­ment, boys must car­ry her a gift to his home. This kind of gift, refer­red to as “bri­de sel­ling pri­ce, ” is defi­ni­te­ly a kind of com­pen­sa­ti­on with her fami­ly desi­gned for rai­sing the girl and a sign that the lady is now area of the groom’s fami­ly unit.

Befo­re the wed­ding, the modern cou­ple and the clo­se fri­ends accu­mu­la­te tog­e­ther hot­test kore­an girls for a par­ty and sup­per. This cele­bra­ti­on shows the good desi­res of the citi­zens of Dou­men for the brand new couple’s con­tent mar­ried life, their very own respect and fili­al pie­ty towards the older gene­ra­ti­on, and tran­qui­li­ty among fri­ends and neigh­bors.

When nee­ded of the mar­ria­ge, the new bri­de wakes up ear­ly on to exclu­si­ve chan­ce her foref­a­thers at day­break. Then, she is offi­ci­al­ly intro­du­ced to her new husband’s rela­ti­ves see­ing that she kne­els down and recei­ves pres­ents from each of them. She also pro­vi­des gift to her fresh husband’s father and mother in return for their hos­pi­ta­li­ty. The cou­ple the­r­e­fo­re goes to the bridal cham­ber whe­re they will sit down and sips wine. In respect to a supers­ti­ti­on, the more a bri­de drinks, a lot more child­ren she could have in her poten­ti­al.

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