What Is White Box Test­ing? 5 Popu­lar White Box Test­ing Tech­ni­ques


The test­ing team need not have in-depth know­ledge of pro­gramming to exe­cu­te this test­ing metho­do­lo­gy, nor does it need exper­ti­se in imple­men­ta­ti­on. It is lever­a­ged to ensu­re that every appli­ca­ti­on path is uti­li­zed at least once. In this tech­ni­que, the test­ing team ana­ly­zes all the con­di­tio­nal expres­si­ons in an appli­ca­ti­on for every pos­si­ble out­co­me. All the con­di­ti­ons are tes­ted inde­pendent­ly, and all the pos­si­ble results of every con­di­ti­on are tes­ted at least once.

What are the white box audit techniques

White box test­ing refers to the line by line test­ing of the code, while black box test­ing refers to giving the input to the code and vali­da­ting the out­put. The trans­pa­ren­cy of this type of test­ing allows the test­ing to be exten­si­ve, as the tes­ter can do com­pre­hen­si­ve tests cove­ring all the paths and test­ing the enti­re struc­tu­re and code base. It also asses­ses inter­nal and exter­nal vul­nerabi­li­ties that could help avo­id future secu­ri­ty thre­ats and attacks.

White Box Test­ing – Pros and Cons

Black box test­ing focu­ses on under­stan­ding user expe­ri­ence, which means tes­ters do not requi­re in-depth tech­ni­cal know­ledge to car­ry it out. It’s a valuable way to pro­vi­de exten­si­ve test­ing covera­ge, espe­ci­al­ly com­pared to white box test­ing, which is some­ti­mes so pre­cise that tes­ters miss the big­ger pic­tu­re. Black box soft­ware test­ing ana­ly­zes func­tion­a­li­ty but excludes inter­nal design test­ing, while white box test­ing covers inter­nal workings too.

What are the white box audit techniques

State­ment covera­ge is a white box test­ing tech­ni­que that ensu­res all exe­cu­ta­ble state­ments in the code are run and tes­ted at least once. In black box test­ing, the test­ing team ana­ly­zes the workings of an appli­ca­ti­on wit­hout first having an exten­si­ve under­stan­ding of its inter­nal struc­tu­re and design. During test­ing, the input value is sim­ply com­pared with the out­put value. Due to its natu­re, black box test­ing is some­ti­mes cal­led spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on-based test­ing, clo­sed box test­ing, or opaque box test­ing. Requi­res resour­ces and pro­fes­sio­nal skills as tes­ters with in-depth pro­gramming skills are neces­sa­ry, unli­ke in black box test­ing.

The advan­ta­ges of white box test­ing:

It is important to have an acti­vi­ty of test­ing the tes­ter becau­se it helps in dou­ble-che­cking the pro­cess from time to time. Path test­ing helps focus on pro­gram logic as you can check vital parts of code through cyclo­ma­tic com­ple­xi­ty and https://www.globalcloudteam.com/glossary/white-box-test-design-technique/ unit tests. At Astra, we con­ti­nuous­ly update our skills, abili­ties, and know­ledge of the latest thre­ats, attacks, and vul­nerabi­li­ties. We use various indus­try-lea­ding tools, inclu­ding our pro­prie­ta­ry tools, to per­form pene­tra­ti­on tests.

White­box test­ing is one of the popu­lar kind, which has attrac­ted a lot of users becau­se of the func­tion­a­li­ty. The­re are Dif­fe­rent Types of White Box test­ing tech­ni­ques available to use. Hence, fin­ding the right kind of acti­vi­ty helps you in saving a who­le lot of time every day. While cer­tain secu­ri­ty tests are a must-have depen­ding on your indus­try, cyber­se­cu­ri­ty can no lon­ger be view­ed as a box to check.

What are the steps to per­form black box test­ing?

It is important for every tes­ter to know and under­stand the pro­cess befo­re start­ing to enjoy qua­li­ty results. Hence, test­ing is gene­ral­ly prac­ti­ced depen­ding on the neces­si­ty. It is neces­sa­ry to have a set of inde­pen­dent paths while test­ing becau­se it helps in orga­ni­zing the pro­cess. In the abo­ve code, the tes­ter will first crea­te a flow dia­gram by brea­king the code into sepa­ra­te state­ments. Final­ly, the tes­ter will cal­cu­la­te cyclo­ma­tic com­ple­xi­ty and run a unit test to vali­da­te codes.

  • Pre­vent any type of DDoS attack, of any size, from pre­ven­ting access to your web­site and net­work infra­struc­tu­re.
  • Once the flow graph is pre­pared, all the paths the jour­ney might take must be map­ped for test­ing and framed as test cases.
  • In this tech­ni­que, the con­trol flow graph is used to detect logi­cal incon­sis­ten­ci­es that dis­rupt data flow.
  • In pene­tra­ti­on test­ing, white-box test­ing refers to a method whe­re a white hat hacker has full know­ledge of the sys­tem being atta­cked.
  • This is done to make sure that each of the­se bran­ches is cover­ed by the unit tests.

Every soft­ware pro­du­cer pre­fers to have a glitch or error-free soft­ware becau­se of obvious reasons. The best part of white-box test­ing is that the tes­ter will have https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ access to view the code in the soft­ware. When the­re is enough access to see the raw script, it is easier for the tes­ter to find out errors in a quick time.

Test­ing Tech­ni­ques and Code Covera­ge

Func­tion­a­li­ties include design, secu­ri­ty, and usa­bi­li­ty from time to time. White box test­ing tech­ni­que veri­fies the inter­nal struc­tu­re of the soft­ware pro­duct . White box test­ing tech­ni­ques include State­ment Covera­ge, Branch Covera­ge, Path Covera­ge, Decis­i­on Covera­ge, Time and Sta­te Covera­ge, etc.

What are the white box audit techniques

White box test­ing in soft­ware test­ing should be done on a soft­ware appli­ca­ti­on as it is being deve­lo­ped after it is writ­ten and again after each modi­fi­ca­ti­on. White-box test­ing is time-con­sum­ing, big­ger pro­gramming appli­ca­ti­ons take the time to test ful­ly. Path covera­ge is con­cer­ned with line­ar­ly inde­pen­dent paths through the code. Tes­ters draw a con­trol flow dia­gram of the code, such as the exam­p­le below. Audit soft­ware may include the use of tools to ana­ly­ze pat­terns or iden­ti­fy dis­crepan­ci­es.

Black Box vs. White Box Test­ing: Under­stan­ding 3 Key Dif­fe­ren­ces

It ensu­res whe­ther each and every line of the code is exe­cu­ted at least once during test­ing. With a detail­ed under­stan­ding of the code, and tho­rough net­work info, IP addres­ses, and all ser­ver info. The main aim of this test­ing is to expo­se the code to find its vul­nerabi­li­ty to secu­ri­ty thre­ats. As a tes­ter, you will requi­re to crea­te­test cases to cover the pro­gram logic com­ple­te­ly. Loop test­ing ensu­res the covera­ge of sin­gle loops, con­ca­te­n­a­ted loops, and nes­ted loops in the code.

It helps to find issues and opti­mi­ze code to adopt dif­fe­rent tech­ni­ques to test a deve­lo­ped appli­ca­ti­on or web­site. Crea­te a flow graph and iden­ti­fy /plot all pos­si­ble paths in the flow graph. The step is car­ri­ed out to ensu­re using the right stra­tegy becau­se of various reasons.

What Is White Box Test­ing?

In his role as CIO at RealVNC, Andrew com­bi­nes com­mer­cial sav­vy with tech­ni­cal know­ledge. Get in touch with an Astra-naut and keep your data and assets secu­re from hackers. One of the best ways to avo­id a cyber attack is to hire a spe­cia­li­zed secu­ri­ty firm to assess your business’s vul­nerabi­li­ties and pro­vi­de a detail­ed report with recom­men­ded solu­ti­ons. Lorem Ipsum is sim­ply dum­my text of the prin­ting and type­set­ting indus­try. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s stan­dard dum­my text ever sin­ce the 1500s, when an unknown prin­ter took a gal­ley of type and scram­bled it to make a type spe­ci­men book.

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