Wordl­wi­de Mar­ria­ge Tra­di­ti­on


From get­ting the broom to the put­ting of liba­ti­on, wordl­wi­de mar­ria­ge tra­di­ti­on dis­plays both anci­ent and modern day tra­di­ti­ons. The­se cus­toms are not only a cele­bra­ti­on from the couple’s uni­on but also of the strength https://www.countrythangdaily.com/best-country-love-songs-of-all-time/ and per­se­ver­ance of their ances­tors.

In Ethio­pia, a mans pro­po­sal into a woman starts while using the man sen­ding a abord­nung of group elders with her home. The elders go over a dowry and veri­fy the fact that the bri­de and groom usual­ly are not rela­ti­ves sim­ply by che­cking their par­ti­cu­lar lineage no less than seven deca­des. Once the dowry is deci­ded and it has been serious that the two fami­lies usual­ly are not rela­ted the wed­ding is defi­ned.

As soon as the wed­ding is nor­mal­ly plan­ned, the groom’s rela­ti­ves invi­tes the bride’s father and mother to a mels(i) cerem­o­ny. In this com­me­mo­ra­ti­on the groom pro­ves his worth towards the bride’s fami­ly mem­bers sim­ply by eit­her pay­ing out a ran­som for his future bet­ter half or showe­ring her home with pri­cey gifts such as liqu­or bot­t­les, etc . After this the mar­ria­ge can be offi­ci­al­ly reco­gni­zed.

During the wed­ding cerem­o­ny, the groom and bri­de drink wine coming from https://seitendating.de/osterreichische-frauen-heiraten/ a simi­lar glass. It’s not taken as com­mu­ni­on in the tra­di­tio­nal reli­gious sen­se but sym­bo­li­zes sha­ring in the item of your life and enjoy­ment.


See­ing that the cou­ple lea­ves the cathe­dral they are show­e­red with grain and flower petals for viri­li­ty and best of luck. Then the fun real­ly starts on the recep­ti­on, which in many count­ries includes a dance flo­or and ple­nty of alco­hol.

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