Wordl­wi­de Mar­ria­ge Tra­di­ti­on


We’­ve most seen this: the white gowns, com­pli­ca­ted cakes, https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/aesthetics tuxe­dos, blooms and gre­at food. Alt­hough will be cer­tain­ly more to a wed­ding than sim­ply exchan­ging pro­mi­ses befo­re an aut­ho­ri­zed offi­ci­ant. Wordl­wi­de mar­ria­ge cus­tom is fil­led with many of unu­su­al and enter­tai­ning events that line around the weird.

The Groom’s Mother Breaks It (Gua­te­ma­la)

At a Gua­te­mal­an wed­ding recep­ti­on, the groom’s https://seitendating.de/osterreichische-frauen-heiraten/ mom smas­hes a white cera­mic bell fil­led with embryon like rice and flour to sym­bo­li­ze pro­spe­ri­ty desi­gned for the few. This is also ways to pre­vent any kind of jea­lou­sy the bri­de may feel toward her mom-in-law.

Spit­ting on the Woman (Kenya)

In Kenya’s Maa­sai life­style, the father of the star of the wed­ding spits on her head and chest befo­re your swee­the­art lea­ves her home to join her new hus­band. This is ways to bless the new­ly­weds and help them grow.


Kid­nap­ping the Star of the event (Roma Cul­tu­re)

In Roma tra­di­ti­ons, a groom-to-be often abducts his future wife by making use of good fri­ends. He gre­at clan elders then nego­tia­te the bri­de pri­ce with her fami­ly.

Kis­sing Cus­tom (Swe­den)

At Swe­dish wed­ding events, when­ever the bri­de lea­ves her seat, you guests are allo­wed to ste­al a kiss from her. The bri­de may return the favor by sim­ply kis­sing every guest whom comes around her. A Welsh star of the event will include myrt­le, an herb that sym­bo­li­zes like, in her bou­quet. In addi­ti­on, she gives a lower of the plant to her bri­des­maids fore­ver luck. Solo women in Arme­nia eat a chunk of tra­di­tio­nal­ly baked salt loaf of bread that’s pre­su­med to inspi­re a pro­phe­tic eye­sight of the guy they will get mar­ried to.

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