ZoZo Chat. My Expe­ri­ence and Out­co­mes Of My Expe­ri­men­tal Chats

Mem­bers n/a
Appeal 30,000 site visi­tors per day
Gen­der per­cen­ta­ge 80% male, 20% fema­le
Geo­gra­phy India, Ger­ma­ny, the UK, the USA
Account con­fir­ma­ti­on no con­fir­ma­ti­on
Cell­pho­ne app no
Cost free
Free varia­ti­on yes
Fraud dan­ger redu­ced
Hook­up pos­si­bi­li­ty

(gene­ral­ly ZoZo cam) was laun­ched in 2012. That is a free of char­ge cam and web­cam site for tal­ka­ti­ve per­son visi­tors from all around the pla­net that are loo­king for hoo­kups and rela­xed gen­der times. They offer num­e­rous opti­ons: sex­cam sex, GIFs, boards, the web­site, the com­mu­ni­ty forum. And also this web­site is reco­gni­zed as pro­ba­b­ly the most women-fri­end­ly loca­ti­on. Can it be real­ly thus? Why don’t we try it out.



Any indi­vi­du­al over 18 can join ZoZo gen­der cam 100% free. And even more so, the ser­vices pro­vi­ded by your web­site are char­gel­ess whatsoe­ver. Yes, you heard that cor­rect: you don’t have to shell out almost any­thing to uti­li­ze this sys­tem to the ful­lest. 100 % Free
per­son dating sites
occur, tru­ly pro­ven by free of char­ge ZoZo talk.

Obtai­ned seve­ral account plans, but all are com­pli­men­ta­ry:

  • Guest Cus­to­mers
  • Users
  • Pro Users
  • VIP Users

Most of the con­su­mers have actual­ly end­less text/voice/video cam and will send end­less images, no mat­ter if they might be fri­ends, regis­tered users, PRO, or VIP. The essen­ti­al dif­fe­rence bet­ween mem­ber­ship kinds is not important. You could add ava­tars for your requi­re­ments if you should be signed up, and addi­tio­nal­ly make use of any font sha­de and have now uni­que bad­ges when­ever sen­ding your own mes­sa­ges if you should be PRO. To be a PRO user you should be a fre­quent chat­ter for 1 / 2 annu­al­ly, do not have issues with manage­ment, and 5–6 peo­p­le should vouch for you.

All peo­p­le can­not start per­so­nal chats with VIP users. VIP peo­p­le are tho­se who is able to send emails to vir­tual­ly any some other user — and VIP peo­p­le are fema­les mere­ly. Actual­ly, all the­se mem­ber­ships you should not sup­p­ly sub­stan­ti­al advan­ta­ges.

Supe­ri­or users are men­tio­ned during the web site poli­ci­es and this also account is actual­ly com­pen­sa­ted, howe­ver it is men­tio­ned that pre­sent­ly this account is cer­tain­ly not allo­wed.

In fact, in case you are likely to be a regu­lar per­son in the chat socie­ty, it isn’t so hard to beco­me expert or VIP (for fema­les). It does­n’t just take enough time and effort but demons­tra­tes that one can be trust­wor­t­hy.

Rea­ders Top Qua­li­ty


Not sur­pri­sing that site visi­tors seek gen­der asso­cia­tes and ever­y­day sex wit­hout devo­ti­on. The main ele­ment of con­su­mers
tend to be belie­ved to arri­ve
from India (24percent), 17per cent are from Ger­ma­ny, 12percent are from the UK, and 11% are from ame­ri­ca. It isn’t bad if you are sear­ching for world­wi­de com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, howe­ver, if you should get a hold of someone clo­se by, this cam is not for you. Attempt ano­ther pro­gram, like,
, which can be my per­so­nal favo­ri­te one. Inde­ed the­re, you will see other’s adverts in which they sta­te what they are into at this time. The feed you see is actual­ly loca­ti­on-based, so you will not drop some­bo­dy due to the ran­ge bet­ween you.

The talk peo­p­le are most­ly male, this is why this web site desi­res to get fema­les to chat. Avera­ge fema­le chat­ters can be that they are genui­ne by having video talk with a mana­ger and they will be VIP mem­bers, and nobo­dy should be able to dis­rupt them with unfa­vorable pri­va­te com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons. It is some sort of defen­se against spam­mers, abu­s­ers, and hackers. And do not take it incor­rect, such chats are ins­tead decent, no one will request you to say or to make a move incor­rect.

Guys are actual­ly acti­ve the­re, when we joi­n­ed the chat as women, we right away star­ted initi­al­ly to recei­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons. The chat win­dow­pa­nes jum­ped up one after ano­ther, as I’m may­be not VIP and any mem­ber can wri­te in my expe­ri­ence.

One with a descrip­ti­ve nick­na­me Toi­let Slave com­plai­ned the fema­le cus­to­mers are most­ly expert Snap­chat, Kik, and Sky­pe ver­si­ons. I’m not sure if he could be appro­pria­te, but as women guest, We wat­ched rather enough cocks of various sizes and types pro­vi­ded for me per­so­nal­ly. Thus I’m may­be not sur­pri­sed that pro
Snap­chat gen­der
is pro­vi­ded more often here as a result solu­ti­ons are requi­red by neigh­bor­hood audi­ence.

Sexu­al inde­pen­dence is a good thing, but let me have a indi­vi­du­al atti­tu­de and a bit of regard for my per­so­nal desi­res.

While doing so, males were real­ly inte­res­t­ing and poli­te, and I had a very good time with the­se peo­p­le. We inves­ted time flir­ting wit­hout crossing boun­da­ries.

Era Cir­cu­la­ti­on

Per­son chat ZoZo is actual­ly well-known to break this rest­ric­tions. But we negle­c­ted to find any sources towards get older rest­ric­tions regar­ding the main page. We brow­sed your web­site pages at last, i came across this note.

So if you tend to be under 18, you are­n’t plea­sant. Howe­ver in rea­li­ty, tru­ly impos­si­ble to know the ages of the view­ers even around. No one asks your actu­al age once you join the talk.

Fakes and Scam­mers

The­re is abso­lut­e­ly no veri­fi­ca­ti­on at all, so you’­re able to expect you’ll ful­fill fakes and frauds­ters. As I have men­tio­ned abo­ve, a lot of ladies tend to be pro­fes­sio­nal ver­si­ons and they are try­ing to find con­su­mers, though the web­site lies as a resi­den­ti­al dis­trict of enthu­si­asts and ama­teurs. But no per­son can make you spend, it’s your own decis­i­on. Males who pre­tend is women in book chats can be ano­ther issue. Total­ly free VIP account for women helps to resol­ve this issue – if a guy is actual­ly spea­king with a VIP woman, he or she is yes she is actu­al. In other cases, it’s imprac­ti­cal to know pre­cis­e­ly the sex of your own spou­se.

Users can read
Chat Area Safe­ty Tips
to avo­id pos­si­ble blun­ders in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. The­se include stan­dard, none­thel­ess they con­ti­nue to work. In a nuts­hell, they fea­ture you not to share your indi­vi­du­al info, never to abu­se dif­fe­rent users, and keep and care about that indi­vi­du­als tra­di­tio­nal never react the same as the thing is that on line.



Chatzozo.com looks very easy along with its white histo­ry. No images, no pho­tos, no vibrant colors. Dis­co­ver ade­qua­te adver­ti­se­ments on the web­page, howe­ver they are unno­ti­ceable and don’t aggrava­te. Do you ever see the­re white and red­dish keys near the top of a dis­play below? They look like an all-natu­ral part of the web­site, howe­ver the­se tend to be adver­ti­se­ments. I did­n’t reco­gni­ze them as adver­ti­se­ments initi­al­ly.

Your web­site is user-fri­end­ly. It is real­ly not so hard in order to com­pre­hend what key to mou­se click.



Signup is cer­tain­ly not requi­red, you are able to this incre­di­ble web­site as a guest, and the majo­ri­ty of the opti­ons would be open to you. At first, I tried the ZoZo sex talk area as a guest, but I deci­ded to join up and be a Regis­tered con­su­mer. It is extre­me­ly easy and requi­res about two moments.

You will need to com­ple­te the name (user­na­me and real title, though nobo­dy will check it and you might put down wha­te­ver you desi­re), your email, and a pass­word. Sub­se­quent­ly spe­ci­fy your own sex and veri­fy you’­re not a robot. That is all. You are a Regis­tered repre­sen­ta­ti­ve today. No email veri­fi­ca­ti­on is, pos­si­ble put down any email need, even non­e­xis­tent.


Pro­files are not over­loa­ded with advice. You will see your own log­in name and com­ple­te name within pro­fi­le, and addi­tio­nal­ly just how long you hap­pen to be their mem­ber. You can include a user­pic, but few peo­p­le get it done. Actual­ly, they appear very litt­le when­ever you chat, that it does not sound right to make use of them.

You can also con­trol your account.

You can not see dif­fe­rent con­su­mers’ pro­files, but you can stop all of them. Reg­rett­ab­ly, we did­n’t find how-to unblock, it would appear that tru­ly dif­fi­cult.

Truthful­ly, the pro­files seem bare. As well clean. Though I pre­fer beco­ming as pri­va­te as pos­si­ble, this is cer­tain­ly way too much actual­ly per­so­nal­ly.


There’s two methods to dis­co­ver someone on the web­page. You need among ZoZo boards or play rou­lette.

Chat­rooms are dedi­ca­ted to cer­tain inte­rests and cam topics. In the pri­ma­ry page, you can see

  • Ali­ve Inter­cour­se Chat
  • Indi­an Gen­der Chat
  • Sex Chat Area
  • Video Chat Room
  • Gay Chat Area
  • Les­bi­an Chat Area
  • Role­play Chat Place
  • Cou­ples Chat Place
  • SADO­MA­SO­CHISM Chat Room
  • Ger­man Cam Room
  • Various Other Boards

“various other boards” indi­ca­tes regio­nal chats your resi­dents various nati­ons. They pro­vi­de 24 regio­nal chats, which embrace the enti­re world’s lar­gest nati­ons.

It appears very fasci­na­ting, but in rea­li­ty, all the local chats tend to be lifel­ess. Real­ly the only exclu­si­ons are ZoZo Indi­an chat and Ger­man talk. Gene­ral­ly, no mat­ter what regio­nal place you just be sure to enter, you will defi­na­te­ly get with the same web page whe­re you can be acces­si­ble to join the­se are­as:

ZoZo grown chat and all of the ZoZo inter­cour­se chats (Les­bi­an, Gay, BDSM rooms) may vacant. The­re had been no spi­ders, the­re see­med to be no junk e‑mail, the­re had been no visi­tors. The actu­al only real acti­ve spots are Inter­cour­se, Ger­man, and Indi­an spaces. Ger­man space is con­side­red the most effec­ti­ve, and I don’t know why. In this area, you see simi­lar mate­ri­al as with gen­der cam: porn pho­to­graphs, even more guys than ladies, though they gene­ral­ly speak Ger­man.

Pay atten­ti­on that Eng­lish may be the only per­mit­ted lan­guage when you look at the non-regio­nal chats. I belie­ve it is becau­se of talk mode­ra­tors who don’t know other lan­guages.

The­se chats tend to be text-based, but you can also send voice com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and images. If you should be sick of
sex­ting forums
, dis­co­ver ano­ther opti­on offe­red by the plat­form. Here is the ZoZo cam chat rou­lette. It’s simi­lar to dif­fe­rent ran­dom movie chats.

I tried to play rou­lette, but it is not popu­lar among the cus­to­mers. I joi­n­ed it, but nobo­dy wan­ted to talk. The­re had been just 4 peo­p­le inter­net based, as well as hap­pen­ed to be inac­ti­ve.

Cell­pho­ne Soft­ware

Chat ZoZo pro­vi­des no cel­lu­lar soft­ware, but this incre­di­ble web­site is actual­ly iOS and Android sui­ta­ble, the­r­e­fo­re won’t need to install any addi­tio­nal pro­grams. I tried to open up it back at my tele­pho­ne, while the result is gre­at.

Safe­ty and con­fi­den­tia­li­ty


ZoZo-chat looks secu­re enough. They don’t pose a ques­ti­on to your per­so­nal data, so they can­not dis­cuss it with third par­ties. No leaks, no pos­si­ble dilem­mas. We saw mode­ra­tors into the chat­rooms, and they real­ly main­tai­ned purcha­se. But simul­ta­neous­ly, the absence of any pri­va­te veri­fi­ca­ti­on pro­vi­des simp­le usa­ge of fakes.

Hook­up pos­si­bi­li­ty


If you’­re a woman, you will find someone in a moment in time. If you’­re a per­son, it will requi­re you more time, but it is pos­si­ble. Wit­hout a doubt, if you should be pre­pared to pay money for video gen­der, it will be far easier for you yours­elf to get a hold of what you want. But most web­site visi­tors are sear­ching for free gen­der. Chat ZoZo is a site built to assist you to, plus they would their best to attract as num­e­rous curious women pos­si­ble.

Matching for­mu­la

You can easi­ly com­po­se to almost any indi­vi­du­al during the cam. You are awa­re not­hing about him or her, just a user­na­me and gen­der. No matching algo­rith­ms truth be told the­re, you’ll be able to crea­te pri­va­te emails to your ener­ge­tic user except VIP. In addi­ti­on can chat in a public chat.

Cus­to­mers’ Know­ledge

Usual­ly, i pre­fer this talk with the simp­le­ness and quite often haun­ting males. I real­ly like that I can enter it at any time i’d like as well as have inter­cour­se talk anony­mously and free. And how about addi­tio­nal users?

Some con­su­mers
make odd state­ments
and bla­me the sex cam if you are the gen­der cam. They cla­im that the site is not sui­ta­ble young ones just as if the­re are ever befo­re any doubt.

At the same time, num­e­rous users trust mys­elf that this loca­ti­on is real­ly worth atten­ti­on for the reason that a spe­cial mind­set towards women which pulls them to this site. Not enough ladies is a type of issue on such chats, but ZoZo ear­nest­ly grapp­les using this pro­blem.


ZoZo is not ter­ri­ble, yet somehow as well quick. You can find unin­te­res­ted in it, the­r­e­fo­re view the­se alter­na­ti­ves.

11 hundreds of thou­sands


300k per months


& Fema­le


& femi­ni­ne


hook­up chan­ce

High Sex Poten­ti­al


United Sta­tes Of Ame­ri­ca, Euro­pean Count­ries, Inter­na­tio­nal


fraud dan­ger


e‑mail, pho­ne, pho­to

Cel­lu­lar Pho­ne Appli­ca­ti­on

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$0.95 – $45.95

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Spon­so­red ads

If you want ZoZo for com­ple­te pri­va­cy, you are going to like natu­ral as well. Natu­ral is an anony­mous match­ma­king appli­ca­ti­on in which ever­y­bo­dy is able to upload pri­va­te ads dis­co­ver someone. You don’t have to give much pri­va­te infor­ma­ti­on, as well as your chats will dis­ap­pear in 24 hours. The user base is lar­ge and ener­ge­tic, this is why it isn’t dif­fi­cult to get some­bo­dy for a sex talk, audio, and nudes exch­an­ge. I like this appli­ca­ti­on becau­se sex­ting is anony­mous and enti­re­ly pro­tec­ted here: self-des­truc­ting chats, defen­se against screen­shot having.



15,000/daily log­ins

35per cent

& Fema­le

65per cent
35per cent

& Fema­le


hook­up oppor­tu­ni­ty

Tall Gen­der Chan­ce


USA, For­eign


fraud dan­ger



Cel­lu­lar Pho­ne Appli­ca­ti­on

iOS, Android

$4.99 — $15

regis­tra­ti­on pri­ce

Total­ly free adapt­a­ti­on


100 % free varia­ti­on


USA, Inter­na­tio­nal

Spon­so­red ads

is actual­ly a screen­shot-pro­of mes­sen­ger for many major sys­tems. This sys­tem is renow­ned for the safe­ty. Your own con­ver­sa­ti­ons are pro­tec­ted against drip­ping out-by self-des­truc­ting com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and screen­shot-pro­of sys­tem. Alt­hough amount of ever­y­day attach­ments is rest­ric­ted free of char­ge users.

3,000,000 users


100,000 peo­p­le each day


& Fema­le


& femi­ni­ne


hook­up pos­si­bi­li­ty

Low Inter­cour­se Chan­ce


237,000 from the United Sta­tes Of Ame­ri­ca


fraud thre­at



Smart­phone Appli­ca­ti­on


$6.99 each week — $ 19.99 each month

mem­ber­ship pri­ce

Free ver­si­on

enroll­ment and video/text com­mu­ni­ca­ting with stan­dard search fil­ters

100 % free adapt­a­ti­on

enroll­ment and video/text emai­ling stan­dard look fil­ter sys­tems

237,000 through the USA

Spon­so­red ads

is an ama­teur inter­cour­se talk rou­lette. You can make use of both texting or movie talk. It is pos­si­ble to sub­scri­be or stay a guest, regard­less, the­re is someone here.

With That Said

ZoZo is straight­for­ward and simp­le. It may be both an advan­ta­ge or a dis­ad­van­ta­ge. Abso­lut­e­ly not­hing extra­or­di­na­ry, of cour­se, you could con­ti­nu­al­ly be cer­tain what to expect. I ins­tead love this par­ti­cu­lar sys­tem, real­ly. I real­ly like that I am able to enter the talk so fast and then lea­ve it when­ever you want i’d like. I real­ly like that the­re exists con­stant­ly actu­al folks truth be told the­re, but not just spi­ders and spam­mers. Exact­ly what i must say i dis­li­ke about ZoZo along­side chats of this kind, this real­ly is that we never ful­fill my per­so­nal chat lovers IRL. For this reason i favor
to your various other sex­ting web­site. I like that natu­ral pro­vi­des me to be able to ful­fill my per­so­nal favo­ri­te part­ners off­line and also have actu­al datings tog­e­ther. Or remain online, if I need car­ry on sex­ting. Pure gives me the free­dom to sel­ect tog­e­ther with safe­ty, safe­ty, and move­ment.


{What is|What’s|
