How to Crea­te Mul­ti­ple Streams of Inco­me Acti­ve & Pas­si­ve!


how to create multiple streams of income

I can rest in peace kno­wing that wha­te­ver might hap­pen, I’m rea­dy to pro­vi­de for my fami­ly and mys­elf with my mul­ti­ple streams of inco­me. The reason I’ve set up so many streams of inco­me is to hedge mys­elf against reces­si­ons and any finan­cial set­backs that might hap­pen. The­se are just a few of the ways you could start ear­ning extra inco­me in the next twel­ve months. Obvious­ly, a ton of other oppor­tu­ni­ties are available depen­ding on whe­re you live, your level of skill, and your inco­me goals. I alre­a­dy love doing You­Tube vide­os and inter­views and put­ting mys­elf out the­re. With media deals, I can use my video skills and per­so­na­li­ty to repre­sent big finan­cial brands and help them mar­ket their pro­ducts.

how to create multiple streams of income

Spend your free time crea­ting the per­fect crafts, then turn around and sell them with your own Etsy store. Con­sider wat­ching dogs out of your own home and mar­ke­ting your ser­vices on a web­site like Alt­hough I didn’t earn any money with Good Finan­cial Cents for the first 18 months, the time I inves­ted was total­ly worth it.

What Are Mul­ti­ple Inco­me Streams?

I lear­ned I wan­ted to help peo­p­le, and that I wan­ted my pro­fits to be the bypro­duct of my suc­cess. On the flip side, howe­ver, the expe­ri­ence hel­ped me quite a bit. Even though I knew I wasn’t cut out for mul­ti-level mar­ke­ting, I did begin to reco­gni­ze that I wan­ted more out of life than just sel­ling stuff to make a buck. By having money coming in from mul­ti­ple sources, entre­pre­neurs can make sure the money never stops rol­ling in.

  • With Fund­ri­se, you’re buy­ing notes with real estate as the under­ly­ing invest­ment.
  • It’s recom­men­ded that you also speak with a finan­cial advi­ser to help plan and hit your pas­si­ve inco­me stra­tegy goals.
  • Having mul­ti­ple inco­me streams helps build wealth and achie­ve your finan­cial goals.
  • It has the perks of run­ning your own busi­ness — but all you have to do is dri­ve traf­fic to other people’s web­sites.
  • It’s a fan­ta­stic way to get direct access to me as I ans­wer every sin­gle DM and com­ment.
  • You’ll want to weigh the­se risks and have con­tin­gen­cy plans in place to pro­tect yours­elf.

And our part­ners can never pay us to gua­ran­tee favorable reviews (or even pay for a review of their pro­duct to begin with). Com­mer­cial pro­per­ty invest­ment is attrac­ti­ve for tho­se loo­king for a long-term, ste­ady return. You invest law firm book­kee­ping in con­tracts with ten­ants giving you finan­cial sta­bi­li­ty. Bene­fits include redu­ced main­ten­an­ce, hig­her app­re­cia­ti­on and more ren­tal inco­me. Real Estate is a fabu­lous opti­on for gene­ra­ting mul­ti­ple inco­me sources in India.

Divi­dend Inco­me – Inco­me from stocks, mutu­al funds, and ETFs that are held in a bro­kera­ge account

“Today, the­re is so much com­ple­xi­ty and com­pe­ti­ti­on when it comes to laun­ching a busi­ness,” says Milos Safr­a­nek, foun­der of Auto­ma­ted Wealth Manage­ment Hol­dings. The idea of start­ing mul­ti­ple busi­nesses might sound appe­al­ing to a visio­na­ry entre­pre­neur. Howe­ver, when rea­li­ty strikes, busi­ness owners often dis­co­ver that ope­ra­ting a sin­gle busi­ness can be chal­len­ging enough. For­t­u­na­te­ly, the­re are ways to build mul­ti­ple com­pa­nies and keep your head abo­ve water.

As long as it’s some­thing I belie­ve in and sup­port, it’s a win-win. Com­pa­nies I’ve been approa­ched by in the last two years include John Han­cock, Cre­dit Kar­ma, Dis­co­ver, Capi­tal One, Mas­ter­Card, and GM, just to name a few. It’s been so fun hel­ping the­se awe­so­me com­pa­nies crea­te their own mar­ke­ting plans, whe­ther through video or other online media.

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