Drin­king Alco­hol in Pregnan­cy Fetal Alco­hol Effects


Your child can be eva­lua­ted for effects of pre­na­tal alco­hol expo­sure. Issues such as lear­ning and beha­vi­oral pro­blems are more likely to be iden­ti­fied as your child gets older. Your child’s health­ca­re pro­vi­der can con­ti­nue to moni­tor your child over time.

We found no evi­dence that women con­tem­pla­ted abor­ti­on due to anxie­ty over alco­hol con­sump­ti­on and also no evi­dence that obste­tri­ci­ans play­ed any role in ampli­fy­ing anxie­ty about women’s alco­hol con­sump­ti­on [15–17, 19]. The women’s accounts cle­ar­ly con­vey­ed that they view­ed their obste­tri­ci­ans’ advice as aut­ho­ri­ta­ti­ve, and were moti­va­ted to com­ply with their recom­men­da­ti­ons. The accounts show that obste­tri­ci­ans are high­ly influ­en­ti­al in hel­ping women to mana­ge guilt and anxie­ty in rela­ti­on to their alco­hol con­sump­ti­on during pregnan­cy. This stu­dy aims to inform deba­tes about stra­te­gies for dis­cus­sing alco­hol con­sump­ti­on with pregnant women in ways that are effec­ti­ve but sen­si­ti­ve to pre­ser­ving women’s emo­tio­nal well­be­ing.

Are cer­tain fruits healt­hi­er than others?

Dif­fe­ren­ces in gene­tics and meta­bo­lism of alco­hol by both the per­son who is pregnant and the deve­lo­ping baby can lead to a wide ran­ge of risks. The risks may be dif­fe­rent for the same per­son in dif­fe­rent pregnan­ci­es. Hea­vy alco­hol use can affect a baby even after a woman has given birth.

alcohol during pregnancy

Alco­hol use in the first three months of pregnan­cy can cau­se the baby to have abnor­mal facial fea­tures. Growth and cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem pro­blems (e.g., low bir­thweight, beha­vi­oral pro­blems) can occur from alco­hol use any­ti­me during pregnan­cy. The baby’s brain is deve­lo­ping throug­hout pregnan­cy and can be affec­ted by expo­sure to alco­hol at any time. One stu­dy sug­gested pro­blems with motor deve­lo­p­ment fol­lo­wing expo­sure to alco­hol in breast­milk, but other stu­dies did not show the same results. Sin­ce breast­fee­ding has bene­fits for the baby, speak with your baby’s pedia­tri­ci­an about how much and how often you drink befo­re avo­i­ding breast­fee­ding. Con­sum­ing more than one drink per day is not recom­men­ded while breast­fee­ding.

Is It OK to Have an Occa­sio­nal Drink During Pregnan­cy?

Regu­lar pedia­tric visits will keep track of a child’s health to make sure their deve­lo­p­ment and motor skills stay on track for their age group. Get pro­fes­sio­nal help from an addic­tion and men­tal health coun­se­lor from Bet­ter­Help. The mye­li­na­ti­on pro­cess is cri­ti­cal to brain and ner­vous sys­tem func­tion. Mye­lin pro­tects ner­ve cells, allo­wing them to trans­mit infor­ma­ti­on fas­ter. Important deve­lo­p­men­tal mile­sto­nes in infants, such as rol­ling over, craw­ling, and lan­guage pro­ces­sing are direct­ly lin­ked to mye­li­na­ti­on. Accor­ding to the rese­ar­chers, delay­ed foe­tal brain deve­lo­p­ment could be spe­ci­fi­cal­ly rela­ted to a delay­ed stage of mye­li­na­ti­on and less distinct gyri­fi­ca­ti­on in the fron­tal and occi­pi­tal lobes.

Does alco­hol dama­ge fetus?

Alco­hol pre­sent in a deve­lo­ping baby’s blood­stream can inter­fe­re with the deve­lo­p­ment of the brain and other cri­ti­cal organs, struc­tures, and phy­sio­lo­gi­cal sys­tems. Pre­na­tal alco­hol expo­sure is a lea­ding pre­ven­ta­ble cau­se of birth defects and neu­ro­de­ve­lo­p­men­tal abnor­ma­li­ties in the United Sta­tes.

If you can­not con­trol your drin­king, avo­id being around other peo­p­le who are using alco­hol. If you or the doc­tor thinks the­re could be a pro­blem, ask the doc­tor for a refer­ral to a spe­cia­list (someone who knows about FAS­Ds), such as a deve­lo­p­men­tal pedia­tri­ci­an, child psy­cho­lo­gist, or cli­ni­cal gene­ti­cist. In some cities, the­re are cli­nics who­se staffs have spe­cial trai­ning in dia­gno­sing and trea­ting child­ren with FAS­Ds. To find doc­tors and cli­nics in your area, cont­act FASD United’s (form­er­ly NOFAS) Fami­ly Navi­ga­tor pro­gram which pro­vi­des indi­vi­du­als living with FAS­Ds and their fami­ly mem­bers and care­gi­vers with expert, con­fi­den­ti­al sup­port and refer­rals.

What if I Drank Befo­re I Knew I Was Pregnant?

The amount of time it takes for alco­hol to lea­ve a woman’s breast milk varies by how much was con­su­med, as well as body weight. A com­mon mis­con­cep­ti­on is that pum­ping and dum­ping breast milk will help speed up the pro­cess of remo­ving alco­hol from a woman’s body. In fact, it can take seve­ral hours for just one drink to be enti­re­ly eli­mi­na­ted from the body. It is wide­ly advi­sed by health experts and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons for pregnant women to avo­id alco­hol, due to the well-known risk of har­ming the foe­tus. Sci­en­tists ana­ly­sed MRI scans of foe­t­u­ses who­se mothers had repor­ted drin­king alco­hol during their pregnan­ci­es, com­pa­ring them with the scans of babies who­se mothers hadn’t.

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Can You Drink Alco­hol While Pregnant? Offi­ci­al gui­de­lines say no amount of alco­hol is con­side­red safe to drink during pregnan­cy.

The use of alco­hol during pregnan­cy can cau­se tem­po­ra­ry sym­ptoms in new­borns soon after birth. Babies have an increased chan­ce of going through with­dra­wal if they have been expo­sed to alco­hol clo­se to deli­very. Sym­ptoms of with­dra­wal can include invol­un­t­a­ry shaking move­ments (tre­mors), increased mus­cle tone, rest­less­ness, and exces­si­ve crying. Having a sin­gle ser­ving of alco­hol one time is much less con­cer­ning than hea­vy or bin­ge drin­king, and con­side­red less likely to cau­se alco­hol-rela­ted pro­blems. The best thing you can do for your baby is to avo­id fur­ther use of alco­hol during your pregnan­cy.

‘Signi­fi­cant brain chan­ges’

And a woman who expe­ri­en­ced some kind of shock or extre­me fright while pregnant and touch­ed her own face in respon­se would have a baby with a birth­mark in that same spot. The effect could be men­tal as well—a grie­ving woman would give birth to a melan­cho­lic child, for exam­p­le. Women’s emo­ti­ons during pregnan­cy were trans­la­ted into phy­si­cal marks or mani­fes­ta­ti­ons on their child­ren. Women themselves—through their thoughts, fee­lings, and deeds, espe­ci­al­ly their unta­med appetites—were belie­ved to influence direct­ly the deve­lo­ping fetus in the womb. The doc­tri­ne of mate­r­nal impres­si­ons was a way to make sen­se of unex­pec­ted and unto­ward out­co­mes. For ins­tance, a bright red birthmark—what we today would reco­gni­ze as a hemangioma—was attri­bu­ted to the mother’s con­sump­ti­on of ber­ries or even just her unres­trai­ned cra­ving for that fruit.

F.A.S. is a con­stel­la­ti­on of fin­dings that includes chan­ges in growth, distinc­ti­ve facial fea­tures and a nega­ti­ve impact on the deve­lo­ping brain. We now know that alco­hol is a tera­to­gen, mea­ning it can cau­se birth defects. Rese­ar­chers who knew not­hing about the mate­r­nal con­sump­ti­on of alco­hol during the pregnan­cy exami­ned the 5‑year-old child­ren of tho­se pregnan­ci­es. They per­for­med tests on IQ, atten­ti­on span, and exe­cu­ti­ve func­tions such as plan­ning, orga­niza­ti­on, and self-con­trol. They were unable to tell any dif­fe­rence bet­ween child­ren who­se mothers drank low to mode­ra­te amounts of alco­hol and tho­se who abs­tained com­ple­te­ly during pregnan­cy. While we’ve long known that hea­vy alco­hol con­sump­ti­on during pregnan­cy can cau­se the­se pro­blems, the effects of an occa­sio­nal glass of wine is less unders­tood.

Sin­ce fetal alco­hol syn­dro­me (FAS) was first descri­bed in the medi­cal lite­ra­tu­re in 1973, public health agen­ci­es and doc­tors in the United Sta­tes have war­ned women not to drink alco­hol at all during pregnan­cy. We pre­sent the­se qua­li­ta­ti­ve fin­dings to shed light on the reasons why Aus­tra­li­an women con­su­me alco­hol or not during pregnan­cy and the impact abs­ti­nence mes­sa­ges may have on their drin­king acti­vi­ties and broa­der sen­se of well­be­ing during pregnan­cy. Few women descri­bed expe­ri­en­cing anxie­ty around their drin­king prac­ti­ces. Women’s doc­tors, who were not gene­ral­ly descri­bed as advo­ca­ting abs­ti­nence, were important media­tors of women’s drin­king prac­ti­ces and the emo­tio­nal dimen­si­ons of this.

In foe­t­u­ses with alco­hol expo­sure, the foe­tal total matu­ra­ti­on score (fTMS) was signi­fi­cant­ly lower than in the age-matched con­trols, and the right supe­ri­or tem­po­ral sul­cus (STS) was shal­lower. The STS is invol­ved in social cogni­ti­on, audio­vi­su­al inte­gra­ti­on and lan­guage per­cep­ti­on. Alco­hol use appears to be the most harmful during the first 3 months of pregnan­cy; howe­ver, drin­king alco­hol any­ti­me during pregnan­cy can be harmful. Pregnant women are stron­gly urged not to drink alco­hol during pregnan­cy. The­re is no known safe amount of alco­hol use during pregnan­cy or while try­ing to get pregnant. All types of alco­hol are equal­ly harmful, inclu­ding all wines and beer.

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Some of the­se effects may not be known until your child is in school. SAMHSA Tre­at­ment Loca­tor — FindTreatment.gov
The Sub­s­tance Abu­se and Men­tal Health Ser­vices Admi­nis­tra­ti­on (SAMHSA) has a tre­at­ment faci­li­ty loca­tor. This loca­tor helps peo­p­le find drug and alco­hol tre­at­ment pro­grams in their area. Ulti­m­ate­ly, it’s up to each mom-to-be to con­sult with their doc­tor and deci­de if they’ll have the occa­sio­nal small drink. Tho­se who opt to give up alco­hol may miss unwin­ding with a cock­tail, but Archie thinks they won’t reg­ret being cau­tious. One might con­fi­de that they enjoy­ed the occa­sio­nal beer during their pregnan­cy and feels their child tur­ned out fine, while ano­ther sees this as taking an unneces­sa­ry risk.

No woman said that she, kno­wing­ly, drank more than one glass on any day while pregnant. (A war­ning about drin­king and dri­ving was also added.) Many peo­p­le unfort­u­na­te­ly took this as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to poli­ce pregnant women in public. https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/is-it-safe-to-drink-alcohol-during-pregnancy/ It may seem harm­less to have a glass of wine or beer, but alco­hol pas­ses easi­ly from mother to baby. The baby’s body is less able to get rid of it, so it stays in the baby’s sys­tem for a lon­ger time than in the mother’s.

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