Sober Living Homes Tran­si­tio­nal Living for Addicts in Reco­very


The­re is a lot of over­lap in the func­tion of the­se homes, as the main goal of both is to keep resi­dents abs­ti­nent from drugs and alco­hol. While the­se faci­li­ties main­tain much in com­mon, the­re are key dif­fe­ren­ces in the for­ma­ti­on, fun­ding, regu­la­ti­ons and logi­sti­cal aspects of sober living vs. half­way hou­ses. Today, sober living homes can be run by a busi­ness, a reli­gious group, or by pri­va­te indi­vi­du­als.

Sober living homes typi­cal­ly requi­re resi­dents to pay rent, which gene­ral­ly covers the cost of food, uti­li­ties, and other expen­ses. Some sober living homes may also requi­re resi­dents to con­tri­bu­te to a shared house­hold fund. Not all sober living homes accept insu­rance, so resi­dents may need to pay for their stay out-of-pocket. SLHs have their ori­g­ins in the sta­te of Cali­for­nia and most con­ti­nue to be loca­ted the­re (Pol­cin & Hen­der­son, 2008). It is dif­fi­cult to ascer­tain the exact num­ber becau­se they are not for­mal tre­at­ment pro­grams and are the­r­e­fo­re out­side the pur­view of sta­te licen­sing agen­ci­es. Over 24 agen­ci­es affi­lia­ted with CAARR offer clean and sober living ser­vices.

Bene­fits of Sober Living Homes

In Worces­ter, Mas­sa­chu­setts, our homes ran­ge from $140-$180 per week. Rent usual­ly covers all living expen­ses bes­i­des food and enter­tain­ment. Some sober hou­ses char­ge an initi­al depo­sit or fee, and the­se fees ran­ge from $25 to $300 or more.

What is the sober move­ment?

The sober curious move­ment is a new way to explo­re and chan­ge your rela­ti­onship with alco­hol. The goals of a sober curious life­style include beco­ming more awa­re of your drin­king pat­terns, going peri­ods of time wit­hout drin­king, and having posi­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ces in life wit­hout alco­hol.

Pri­ces for reco­very homes tend to fol­low the over­all real estate mar­ket. Have you or a loved one com­ple­ted a sub­s­tance abu­se tre­at­ment pro­gram or detox? For indi­vi­du­als strugg­ling with addic­tion to alco­hol and drugs, Har­ris House helps peo­p­le achie­ve sobrie­ty and beco­me healt­hy and pro­duc­ti­ve indi­vi­du­als. Sin­ce our foun­ding in 1961, Har­ris House has grown to beco­me a top-rated non-pro­fit tre­at­ment cen­ter.

What are Sober Living Homes?

In cases of serious or repeat vio­la­ti­ons, resi­dents may be asked to lea­ve the home. The­se living spaces also offer the new­ly sober indi­vi­du­al the bene­fit of time to ease their tran­si­ti­on back into inde­pen­dent living. It can be dif­fi­cult to move direct­ly from rehab back to the bust­le of work and fami­ly com­mit­ments. A sober home pro­vi­des a safe place to get a feel for what sober life will be like for them away from all of the pres­su­res of ever­y­day life. Many of us are pret­ty fami­li­ar with inpa­ti­ent rehab at this point, and out­pa­ti­ent pro­grams aren’t too hard to wrap your head around.

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