The Com­ple­te Gui­de for How to Start a Sober Living Home Suc­cessful­ly


Of cour­se, to keep a sober living pro­per­ty up and run­ning, you will requi­re a bit more invest­ment than a typi­cal ren­tal. Pay­ing for the staff and com­fort of your ten­ant is even more essen­ti­al than usu­al. Espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce this is one of the ways for peo­p­le to enroll in an out­pa­ti­ent pro­gram and live their lives while making sure addi­tio­nal assis­tance is available if nee­ded. Howe­ver, the­se expen­ses are still not as lar­ge as some other forms of pro­per­ty invest­ment might requi­re. You can com­for­ta­b­ly con­ti­nue run­ning your sober living pro­per­ty while assu­red that it will not cut into your pro­fits too much.

how much do sober living homes make

One stu­dy reports that an avera­ge stay lasts bet­ween 166 and 254 days. In addi­ti­on to pro­vi­ding a safe and sup­port­i­ve living envi­ron­ment, it’s important to offer resi­dents access to resour­ces and sup­port to help them in their reco­very. This may include access to coun­seling and the­ra­py, sup­port groups, and other reco­very resour­ces. Some homes pro­vi­de yoga, mor­ning medi­ta­ti­ons, on-cam­pus 12-step mee­tings, and a slew of other well­ness-based prac­ti­ces. Ano­ther chall­enge new sober living homes may face is logi­sti­cal con­cerns. After that, mana­ging vacan­ci­es will beco­me easier as you learn to effec­tively pro­mo­te and mar­ket your sober living home.

Iden­ti­fy War­ning Signs of Rel­ap­se

After rea­ding through this gui­de, you’ll find you have many fac­tors to weigh as you con­sider how to start a sober living home. The Drug Rehab Agen­cy is your part­ner here to help gui­de you through the pro­cess. But Jeff Chris­ten­sen says the idea of sober homes is sup­po­sed to be about hel­ping addicts get back on their feet.

how much do sober living homes make

In the United Sta­tes, 60.1% of indi­vi­du­als ages 12 and older use at least one sub­s­tance (like tob­ac­co, alco­hol, or an illi­cit drug), accor­ding to the latest Natio­nal Sur­vey on Drug Use and Health. At the end of the day, we want our pro­jec­ted month­ly reve­nue to exceed our avera­ge month­ly cos­ts, but it’s nor­mal for the first few months or year to be ope­ra­ting at a loss. You don’t need to have an MBA, a finan­ce, or real estate back­ground to run a pro­fi­ta­ble sober living home. As you’­ve lear­ned, ope­ning and mar­ke­ting a sober living home comes with many bene­fits and chal­lenges.

Big Demand, Poten­ti­al For Fast Money and No Regu­la­ti­ons Make Sober Homes a Wild West

It’s less important to compa­re yours­elf to the avera­ge and more important to speak to the pro­fes­sio­nals you’re working with about what’s working for you. If you and your medi­cal pro­fes­sio­nals agree that you’re still bene­fiting from the pro­gram, then you should be able to con­ti­nue on wit­hout issue. Mar­tin says she gave Miles mul­ti­ple chan­ces to return to the home after he rel­ap­sed and even­tual­ly asked him to lea­ve.

  • It is inten­ded to be a tran­si­tio­nal resi­dence for pati­ents com­ple­ting their addic­tion tre­at­ment pro­gram.
  • The­re is some light at the end of the tun­nel, though, just in the fact that you never have a com­ple­te vacan­cy.
  • In some cases, they can share their time navi­ga­ting bet­ween their homes and the sober living hou­ses.
  • Resi­dents take drug tests, attend 12-step mee­tings and have cur­fews to keep them on the straight and nar­row.

Tho­se include one-time admi­nis­tra­ti­on fees, secu­ri­ty depo­sits, and
first and last month’s rent. Also, if you move in on a date other than the
first of the month, you’ll likely also pay a pro-rated rent for the num­ber of
days left until a full month’s rent is due. Addi­tio­nal­ly, you should get to know the peo­p­le you’ll be living with.

What Are Com­mon Acti­vi­ties In Sober Living Com­mu­ni­ties?

Sta­tes that regu­la­te the­se faci­li­ties requi­re a maxi­mum num­ber of resi­dents, often fewer than 10. The­se faci­li­ties are hou­ses loca­ted in quiet neigh­bor­hoods, alt­hough they may some­ti­mes be in apart­ment buil­dings. Cost lar­ge­ly depends on the mor­tga­ge for the home and the avera­ge rent in the area. Ren­ting a room in a sober living home is simi­lar to ren­ting an apart­ment, but with more com­mu­ni­ty invol­vement. In both cases, the half­way house pro­vi­des a struc­tu­re for its resi­dents. Half­way house staff helps reco­ve­ring addicts and for­mer inma­tes reinte­gra­te back into socie­ty while living in a con­trol­led envi­ron­ment.

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